Runners...please enlighten me



  • farmgirlsuz
    farmgirlsuz Posts: 351 Member
    Thanks for your input. I must be very fortunate because the sidewalks in my area and very nice and the roads are concrete not asphalt, just like the sidewalks.

    It still baffles me though-why wear all black unless you are running from the cops? LOL!

    To all you runners out there- if you chose to run in the streets-be safe, wear something bright and reflective and turn down the earphones so you can hear the cars (and animals!) coming!
  • melham
    melham Posts: 233 Member
    Not only do I run in the streets, I run just to the left of the middle of the street going the wrong way. This is because the sidewalks are total hazards, with steep angles due to tree roots, huge cracks and uneven spots where the drop or rise can be three or four inches. I've actually fallen before because I got tripped on one of these sidewalks. And, worse than that, are the people backing out of driveways and crossing intersections in their vehicles. They NEVER seem to see me if I'm on the sidewalk, despite the fact that I run in neon shirts in broad daylight, but do see me when I'm in the street. And I'm not the only one. Everyone I see running in my area runs in the street, without exception. Some people walking their dogs won't even walk on the sidewalks because of the idiots not looking when they back out of their driveways.
  • Salt_Sand_Sun
    Salt_Sand_Sun Posts: 415 Member
    Asphalt is better than concrete sidewalk. It has a little give and doesn't hurt the knees and ankles as much.

    I'd much rather run in the street than a sidewalk.
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    Assuming the street is asphalt and not pour-in-place concrete, it's easier on the joints. Also, they tend to take better care of the streets so you're less likely to get random changes in elevation/ slope and trip hazards.

    This, exactly.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Not just runners do this. I see women pushing strollers down the middle of the street all the time when there's a sidewalk.

    It's dangerous and scary. And most of the time, they're walking or running with traffic instead of against and you're not supposed to do that.
  • NickeeCoco
    Pretty much everything everyone else has said, I agree with. As for people wearing black in the dark, well, then they are just stupid people. Takes all kinds.
  • lrobbins923
    The sidewalks in my neighborhood are old and uneven so when I'm pushing my son in the jogging stroller I run on the roads but when I'm just walking I use the sidewalks. Also would never run in the dark with all dark clothing, that's just dangerous.
  • jeffrodgers1
    jeffrodgers1 Posts: 991 Member
    If you have ever seen my daughter drive, you would stay off the sidewalks too. LOL! :laugh:

    That being said... Asphalt is easier to run on. Sidewalks in my city are dangerous period... cracked, crumbling and uneven. The only time I ever run on a sidewalk is when there are no better options.

    If you do run on the road, run facing oncoming traffic and make sure you give yourself lots of time to step off.

    Wearing bright colors or reflective materials is just a no brainer when it is darker outside. Add a headlamp at night... its not just to allow you to see, it is to allow traffic to see you!
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    My pre dawn runs are always in the street because the street lights don't illuminate the sidewalks well enough to see the uneven pavement. But, I have flashing lights affixed to my body in various places so I guarentee you people see me WAY in advance unless they're asleep behind the wheel.

    If I run during the day light hours, I use the sidewalks, where available.