A quick question about squats

I am not sure I am doing them right. I try to keep my back straight, keep my toes in front of my knees, etc., but I don't feel as much burn in my glutes as I do my thighs. In fact, my glutes feel very little burn compared to my thighs, but everyone I have talked to said squats are what I need to do to get the butt I want, which is a round one instead of the pancake one I have. Am I doing something wrong? Thanks!


  • vanillacoffee
    vanillacoffee Posts: 1,024 Member
    Dont have anything to add, but I have the same problem!
  • aljeca
    I had the opposite problem where I only felt them in my butt before and coudln't understand people feeling it in their thighs! lol. Try wiggling your toes when you're in your set position. That shifts your weight back. I had to do the opposite and balance my feet further forward to feel it in both my thighs & butt.. hope this helps
  • tkdgirlms
    Feet should be at least a shoulder length apart and make sure you don't let your knees bend inward but you want them more outward.Toes pointed straight forward and think of it as though you are sitting in a chair, maybe even hold that position for a certain number of seconds.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    You could try doing them with weights (after you make sure your technique is correct). Maybe body weight isn't enough of a challenge for you.

    ETA: Also, try regular squats (feet hip width apart) and ski squats (feet and knees together) and see if you feel one more than the other.
  • CherylP67
    CherylP67 Posts: 772 Member
    Lead with your butt on the way down but stay controlled, push through your heels on the way up. Is that helpful?

    All of the trainers at the gym are impressed with my sqyuat form, they said proper squat form is highly important and difficult.

    I learned how to squat doing the 30 day shred with Jillian Michaels.
  • Scotland_forever
    Scotland_forever Posts: 64 Member
    try focusing on your butt going back while keeping your chest high? I also learned squats doing JM 30 DS
  • traceyjolli
    I've been told to squeeze your glutes on the way up!!
  • dangerousdumpling
    dangerousdumpling Posts: 1,109 Member
    Try squatting slowly with a chair behind you. Lift your toes a little and then when your heiny barely touches the chair pause for a couple of seconds, squeeze your buns, and then stand slowly and slightly tilt your pelvis at the top. When that becomes easy add weights.
    You could also try the goblet squat and plie.
  • CracyTracy579
    Thank you all for your input! I just tried most of your advice. I am doing Chris Powell's Boot Camp, and I appear to be doing it correct from what he teaches, which is feet shoulder length apart, pointed out slightly, hands in front of you for balance. I tried wiggling my toes, which seemed to help some. I think I did the others, but I am not quite sure I know how to make my butt go back any further than normal, or how to lead with my butt on the way down, and push through with my heels. As for control, that is still iffy, because I feel very unsteady, especially when my thighs start burning. I squeeze my glutes all the time, and not on purpose, and not for exercise. I have always done it. I don't know if that has anything to do with it, but I hope not, because that would mean my glutes are permanently two giant pancakes! LOL Seriously though, I would love to have a butt that looks good in underwear, not a butt I have to hide, but right now squats are effecting my legs more, and I am lost as to what to do about it. Thanks again!
  • CracyTracy579
    CheveuxNoirs, I will definitely try the chair squat you mentioned, but I have no idea what the other two things are that you mentioned. Thanks!
  • ThisCanadian
    ThisCanadian Posts: 1,086 Member
    Bump for later
  • CherylP67
    CherylP67 Posts: 772 Member
    Try to go to youtube and see if there is a Jillian Michael squat video and try to do what she says, it really helped me.

    When I do squats, my butt is only a little bit of the burn, I really feel it in my inner thighs and quads.

    Thanks for this thread, I've done a lot of squats this morning trying to see what I do to try and help.
  • _happycats_
    _happycats_ Posts: 105 Member
    The lower into your squat you go, the more your bum and back of your legs has to work. You want to get your thighs parallel with the ground - this is where the other details of the squat come into importance like keeping your legs a little more than shoulder width apart, back straight, etc. Hope this helps, I used to have the same issue! :flowerforyou:

    ETA: Make sure you're carrying most of your weight on your heels and not on your toes!
  • dangerousdumpling
    dangerousdumpling Posts: 1,109 Member
    CheveuxNoirs, I will definitely try the chair squat you mentioned, but I have no idea what the other two things are that you mentioned. Thanks!

    Search for both of them on youtube.

    Could be that your thighs are just weaker than your glutes. It's OK to feel it in your thighs. Just continue to do them and add weights when you feel that you're able.
  • ItsJenney
    I started a squat challenge, and after the first day I was expecting that soreness in the back of my leg and glutes, what I got was incredible soreness in the front of my thigh. I looked it up and it seems I was not going deep enough into the squat. I have to have a chair behind me to give me a reality check. I had knee surgery a few years ago and I always feel like if I go any deeper I won't be able to come back up. It just takes concentration on form.
  • NeverCatchYourBreath
    One thing people forget about when weight training is the mind-muscle connection. You can't just go through the motion of the exercise and expect your body to work the right muscles. Your body only knows to use everything in it's power to not let that weight drop on you.

    Your brain has to tell your body which muscle groups to use. So if you want to work your glutes more (I say more because whether you feel it or not, it's working) you have to consciously THINK about your glutes and SQUEEZE them together as you push through your heels back up to the standing position.
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    are you going '*kitten* to the grass' - only way to go to work all the muscles. add weight if you're still not feeling it :)

    stick that butt, chest and those knees out and keep your heels on the floor.
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    I started a squat challenge, and after the first day I was expecting that soreness in the back of my leg and glutes, what I got was incredible soreness in the front of my thigh. I looked it up and it seems I was not going deep enough into the squat. I have to have a chair behind me to give me a reality check. I had knee surgery a few years ago and I always feel like if I go any deeper I won't be able to come back up. It just takes concentration on form.

    this is all in your mind - i was the very same. doing partial squats is actually worse for your knees as you are creating an imbalance. get someone to stand behind you (just incase) you'll surprise yourself :) its actually easier to do the full squat as you'll bounce back up (stretch reflex, apparently).
  • froeschli
    froeschli Posts: 1,292 Member
    i was just wondering if you may have muscle imbalances, and as you keep doing squats, your thighs will catch up and you can increase the load to work your entire legs and glutes more....

    as for me, i need a chair in front of my knees, to remind me not to go forward....
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    Just because you don't feel a burn in the area, doesn't mean your not working that area.. Just saying.