When did people start to notice??

I am officially down 17 pounds as of today!!!! I am very surprised that no one (except my hubby) has noticed any changes. Since I put on the weight pretty proportionately, I don't think when I gain it is as noticeable. Maybe it's the same as I lose the weight. My hubby even said he didn't realize I had gained 40 pounds since we met.

Anyway, I was just wondering how much weight people lost before others started to notice. I don't want to say "hey am I looking slimmer to you?" lol!!


  • leannerae40
    leannerae40 Posts: 200 Member
    I'm 5 ft 9" and it took about 40 lbs before anyone noticed (I was morbidly obese at the time). It's steadily coming off now, and I've been very open with everyone about this lifelong journey I'm on to become a healthy me. Those that see me every day have been amazing! Once I opened up and told them everything - they've been nothing but supportive! There are a few people that say something ALL THE TIME, which is wonderful and motivational, but I tell me that what I'm doing works You motivate you. Eventually naysayers that have seen me fat for years will start to say I'm looking too skinny, sabotage, blah blah blah. I love this healthy journey, and the best part - it will never end this journey. Feeling that euphoria when you work out, it never has to end!

    What keeps me going - my trainer (who I work out with 5 days a week) is a big fan of photos, and takes new photos every 8 weeks. Those 8 week goals, to see a difference in my photos, keeps me working hard EVERY DAY. I don't need the trainer to take the photos though, I also take some of myself and use a comparison app to check how I'm doing on my phone. It's not a number I'm going for, it's a look.

    I can tell you this - you've got the look (LOL - thank you Roxette for allowing me to borrow that!) 17 lbs is an amazing, fantastic job, and you deserve a medal. Seriously. That's hard work, and you deserve every little scrap of recognition you can get. Great job to you - and keep working - you've got this! I love that your hubby notices too, and soak up every little compliment if it helps you. Make sure to compliment yourself as well, in the mirror, in the car, anytime you can. You're awesome! :flowerforyou:

    Best support I receive - is right here in MFP!
  • Toria718
    Toria718 Posts: 396 Member
    people just started noticing on me, and im almost 30 lbs down. so itll happen sometimes people dont want to get embarrased for asking or embarrass you at the same time. at least thats been my experience, i recieved alot of omgoodness i didnt want to ask until i heard someone else ask but you are looking really good.
  • AprilMae1975
    I'm 5 ft 9" and it took about 40 lbs before anyone noticed (I was morbidly obese at the time). It's steadily coming off now, and I've been very open with everyone about this lifelong journey I'm on to become a healthy me. Those that see me every day have been amazing! Once I opened up and told them everything - they've been nothing but supportive! There are a few people that say something ALL THE TIME, which is wonderful and motivational, but I tell me that what I'm doing works You motivate you. Eventually naysayers that have seen me fat for years will start to say I'm looking too skinny, sabotage, blah blah blah. I love this healthy journey, and the best part - it will never end this journey. Feeling that euphoria when you work out, it never has to end!

    What keeps me going - my trainer (who I work out with 5 days a week) is a big fan of photos, and takes new photos every 8 weeks. Those 8 week goals, to see a difference in my photos, keeps me working hard EVERY DAY. I don't need the trainer to take the photos though, I also take some of myself and use a comparison app to check how I'm doing on my phone. It's not a number I'm going for, it's a look.

    I can tell you this - you've got the look (LOL - thank you Roxette for allowing me to borrow that!) 17 lbs is an amazing, fantastic job, and you deserve a medal. Seriously. That's hard work, and you deserve every little scrap of recognition you can get. Great job to you - and keep working - you've got this! I love that your hubby notices too, and soak up every little compliment if it helps you. Make sure to compliment yourself as well, in the mirror, in the car, anytime you can. You're awesome! :flowerforyou:

    Best support I receive - is right here in MFP!

    Your story is amazing!!! You have done so good!!! I still have a very long way to go and I am determined to get there. People like you keep me motivated and inspired.

    I have been taking pics and I see a difference. I am not doing this for anyone other than me but it would be nice to know if it is noticeable. I think when someone does say something I am going to be so happy!!
  • AprilMae1975
    people just started noticing on me, and im almost 30 lbs down. so itll happen sometimes people dont want to get embarrased for asking or embarrass you at the same time. at least thats been my experience, i recieved alot of omgoodness i didnt want to ask until i heard someone else ask but you are looking really good.

    Yeah, I think people feel awkward when it comes to saying something. I tend to gush over people when I notice they are losing weight lol :)
  • kayemmgee5
    kayemmgee5 Posts: 86 Member
    At about 25-30 lbs people started to notice. For me, the people I see everyday (my husband, my co-workers) didn't really notice as much. It was the people who I saw less frequently who said "dang girl your face really thinned out!!" or "your arms look smaller!"

    All of my clothing has just gotten to the point where it's too big and actually looks saggy and I'm at 34 lbs down.
  • AprilMae1975
    At about 25-30 lbs people started to notice. For me, the people I see everyday (my husband, my co-workers) didn't really notice as much. It was the people who I saw less frequently who said "dang girl your face really thinned out!!" or "your arms look smaller!"

    All of my clothing has just gotten to the point where it's too big and actually looks saggy and I'm at 34 lbs down.

    You are going great!! My clothes are starting to do that too. I just bought some new jeans (size 14) and they are falling down lol. I have never experienced losing weight so dramatically so it's surprising. The other day my hubby said I looked "smaller" I will take that!! The kids (all teenagers) haven't said anything and neither have my co-workers.
  • tworthen79
    tworthen79 Posts: 1,173 Member
    I'm 5'7" and people started to notice around 30lbs lost. I'm 194.2 now.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I used to hover around 260-270 for years and years, and I really think (perhaps naively) NO ONE in my life even noticed but me when I got up to 307.

    When I made it from 307 down to 262, still no comments. Although to be fair that took several years and was a slow process.

    Since March though, I've been using MFP and the weight loss has been a lot more rapid than in the past. My mom was the first to notice, almost immediately she was commenting that she could not believe how much slimmer my thighs and bum looked. My fiancé noticed the bum thing shortly after that. He said it was only a bit smaller (which was a plus because he likes wide hips and big bums haha) but so much rounder and nicer!

    By the time I lost 15-20 lb most people in my life were commenting on the loss.

    After 30 lb lost, everyone has commented including former coworkers, neighbors I barely know, and my dad and stepmom who didn't notice at first and then were suddenly amazed that I looked so different to them. My fiancé says I don't really look that different (he's always liked my figure even much heavier) but he recently told me he's amazed by how small I feel compared to this time last year, especially during intimate times hehe (sorry for TMI).
  • Gee_24
    Gee_24 Posts: 359 Member
    People noticed last 2 weeks ago after 21lbs. I was miffed as for 60+ days no-one had noticed but then BAM! - Most people I come across mention it.

    Feels GREAT.
  • crazorbaq
    crazorbaq Posts: 74 Member
    ha! I was just wondering this myself again this am. I am down almost 20 pounds and I hear it from my hubs but not anyone else yet. It is nice to finally get the recognition that it is a noticeable difference to someone :blushing:
  • NikiChicken
    NikiChicken Posts: 576 Member
    I lost about 50 pounds before people started commenting. I don't know if people didn't notice or if they just were afraid to say anything for fear they'd offend. I think it has to be *really* obvious before people comment, even if they are noticing.
  • I recently lost 28 pounds and the doctor whose weight loss clinic I go to didn't recognize me. People notice it in your face first. Also people maybe scared to mention it because they aren't always sure. Its like when someone is pregnant sometimes you don't know if they really are, so you say nothing.

    As long as you notice and your man, your good! :-)
  • Qinnih
    I gain and lose weight on my face a lot, so when I lost 10lbs and went down to 120 unintentionally, people around me noticed my face looked slimmer :).
  • KD0BIK
    KD0BIK Posts: 44 Member
    Keep in mind, in this politically correct world we live in. People may actually notice, but may not mention it to you in the fear the weight loss is due to something else.
  • AprilMae1975
    Maybe it's going to happen soon!!!! I know 17 pounds is a lot but I still have a long way to go.
  • gabbygirl78
    gabbygirl78 Posts: 936 Member
    People started noticing before my first weigh in but I carry a lot of fluid so automatically my swelling in my entire body went down and I had lost 11 lbs in the first week. Now I'm still losing but it's not showing as well.
  • AprilMae1975
    Keep in mind, in this politically correct world we live in. People may actually notice, but may not mention it to you in the fear the weight loss is due to something else.

    Very true! Also people probably don't want to say too much because that meant I was really fat before lol :)
  • AprilMae1975
    I gain and lose weight on my face a lot, so when I lost 10lbs and went down to 120 unintentionally, people around me noticed my face looked slimmer :).

    My face does look a lot slimmer compared to before.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Keep in mind, in this politically correct world we live in. People may actually notice, but may not mention it to you in the fear the weight loss is due to something else.

    I agree.

    I also think that some people are just so vocal about their dieting, weight loss efforts, exercise etc...that when they lose, people around them feel very comfortable or even obligated to comment. Meanwhile, some people (like me) are never ones to talk about their eating habits or complain about weight etc. I started a pretty ambitious walking program when I was at my all-time highest weight (many miles per night, strict routine) and when I mentioned it my family and friends seemed so awkward on what to say to me!
  • mjkanaan
    mjkanaan Posts: 78 Member
    I've lost 16 pounds and the only person that's mentioned anything is my honey. He can't believe that no one else has said anything, because not only have I lost pounds, but definitely inches as well! And I'm developing muscles, which he's started noticing in the last couple of weeks. I'm only 5'3", so 16 pounds definitely makes a difference on someone my height, but not a single person other than him has commented on the loss. But as long as he's noticing the differences, I'm happy! And the fact that my clothes are now loose rather than tight makes me happy! And I'm starting to eye some of the shirts in my 13 year old daughter's closet, so she'd better watch out!!! :laugh: