Has anybody tried any Zumba DVDs?

I just started on MFP a couple of days ago and I really want to start incorporating some exercise.

I'm at uni and live away from home 5 days a week in term time in a very rural location which makes exercising (except for walking) difficult.

I was thinking of buying the Zumba Exhilarate DVD pack and giving that a go as I can do it both at home and in my room at uni. Has anybody tried these (or any other zumba DVDs) and if so are they worth the investment??



  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I think they are worth it. Zumba is so much fun that it doesn't feel like exercise, but you will be soaked with sweat by the end. Zumba is how I met my original weight loss goal (27 lbs and 2 sizes lost in 4.5 months).

    I'd definitely buy another set if they'd release it.
  • rachface1234
    rachface1234 Posts: 227 Member
    Hey friend! When I was in graduate school, I often left my house at 6 am and didn't return until 8 or 9. I made it a goal to NOT gain 10-20lbs as many people in my program did. So I scheduled Zumba time about 5 times a week.. I used the old fashioned videos from before the most recent set, and I loved it! I could thump around, giggling and sweating in my living room, get a great workout any time of day, and fit it into my crazy schedule. I was in probably best shape of my life when I combined those workouts with hiking and adding weights to some of the zumba tapes :). Good luck my friend! If you have a game console they also sell video game workouts, but I liked the videos better!
  • AmyL1987
    That's great, thanks for the advice. I've just reserved the DVD box set to collect tomorrow and at the moment it includes free zumba toning sticks so it seems like a good investment. Will start small 30 mins a couple of times a week as I'm currently super unfit but will try and build from there :)
  • KRB28
    KRB28 Posts: 248 Member
    I do Zumba on my Wii. The DVDs are deffinitely something you can do in your dorm room :)
  • AmyL1987
    I was going to get the wii game but we're currently in the process of moving house and I just found out today that the controller has been packed away!! Frustrating.
  • nena49659
    nena49659 Posts: 260 Member
    I watch and follow along with Zumba on youtube. Love it!
  • Sunnygirl949
    Sunnygirl949 Posts: 3 Member
    I've been alternating Zumba sculpt and tone and Zumba fitness 2, 6 days a week 1 hour a day + MFP = 22 lb loss in 2.5 months!
  • parabuds
    Zumba is great, me and my sister do the DVDs in the living room all the time. But motivation wise you may want to join a class as once you've done the DVDs a few times it gets quite boring and repetitive.
  • MamaMaryC
    MamaMaryC Posts: 142 Member
    I have a Zumba set I bought 3 years ago, Zumba for Xbox Kinect, and have been to a couple live classes at the gym. It is fun and a really great way to get active. I don't know about Exhilarate because I haven't done it. But the Zumba I have done has been fun and you almost forget you are exercising.