I stopped counting!



    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
  • sillygoosie
    sillygoosie Posts: 1,109 Member

    Yeah what?
  • 123losinforme
    123losinforme Posts: 73 Member
    I just wanted to say... I too stopped calorie counting.. It is the ONLY way that I lose weight... sounds stupid but as you can see I have been here awhile and counted and logged everything but haven't lost weight, why? I am a compulsive binge eater. If I count carbs, calories, weigh things I feel obsessed to the point of being depressed. I will eat my calories to the point of going over, again and again, day after day and I get fed up and binge, then start over the next day. HOWEVER when I don't think about calorie counting or obsessing and allow myself just to eat then I am more in-tuned with my body and I end up hardly eating anything... I have lost 5 pounds in the last 2 weeks by just not "dieting"... I'm so tired of "dieting" I decided to LIVE and just eat healthy and it's ok to eat that cookie, just not 10 and I won't punish myself if I do...because it's OK, it's my new LIFE.

    Sorry to rant... It's my birthday so I'm allowed too, lol and I wanted to share that ") Good LUCK and God bless to everyone.. and those who ask why are we still here? I enjoy reading and supporting anyone who is trying to change. So be nice...
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I stopped counting.

    I didn't count while I was losing, really.

    I decided to not count for a while now as well.

    I'm going to keep eating following the principles I believe in (eat (real) food, not too much, mostly plants).
    And I'm going to keep moving more.

    I'm not enjoying counting. I'm not enjoying all the discussions of "macros" and what not. So I'm going to stop for a while. If the weight creeps up, I'll revisit my decision.

    Checking in after 11 days. All's well.
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    I just wanted to say... I too stopped calorie counting.. It is the ONLY way that I lose weight... sounds stupid but as you can see I have been here awhile and counted and logged everything but haven't lost weight, why? I am a compulsive binge eater. If I count carbs, calories, weigh things I feel obsessed to the point of being depressed. I will eat my calories to the point of going over, again and again, day after day and I get fed up and binge, then start over the next day. HOWEVER when I don't think about calorie counting or obsessing and allow myself just to eat then I am more in-tuned with my body and I end up hardly eating anything... I have lost 5 pounds in the last 2 weeks by just not "dieting"... I'm so tired of "dieting" I decided to LIVE and just eat healthy and it's ok to eat that cookie, just not 10 and I won't punish myself if I do...because it's OK, it's my new LIFE.

    Sorry to rant... It's my birthday so I'm allowed too, lol and I wanted to share that ") Good LUCK and God bless to everyone.. and those who ask why are we still here? I enjoy reading and supporting anyone who is trying to change. So be nice...

    Love your attitude!!!
  • lindustum
    lindustum Posts: 212 Member
    I sometimes stop counting, but I don't stop weighing.

    That is a very important distinction. I have a very good idea of how many calories are in a portion as long as I know how heavy/big it was. I can look at my day, see what meals I had and whether or not I am still hungry to figure out whether I am within my boundaries. I stopped counting for two weeks recently and it didn't affect my weight loss or body composition at all.
  • Kathryn41057
    Kathryn41057 Posts: 181 Member
    This is a GREAT topic! I just started on August 16th and I am at this counting seems all day LONG and its driving not only myself nuts but its driving my husband nuts!
    I don't want to do that to anyone around me. What I'm finding out is that its not fun for them to be around me. I obsess over what is going in my mouth all day.
    is a complete change from before the 16th of August. Honestly I could care less. I am very driven this time but the counting calories might have to go out the door even this early in the game, I don't want to get stupid with myself or anyone around me.

    Love to hear all the stories from this post and how your all coping. It really is all about moving and portions and just being present with your self of what is going in your mouth.

    Heres the thing. Although I find this incredibly hard and incredibly sad I did this to My body, I CREATED this. I have to live it and I have to change it in which ever way I choose.
  • Kathryn41057
    Kathryn41057 Posts: 181 Member
    OMG!!!!! This is me..... I have become so obsessed with counting calories, that not only am I driving myself nuts, but my husband as well. I am 56, 5'9 , 198 lbs, and going into Menopause. My husband is always telling me that I Obsess with my weight, and the number on the scale. So about 2 mos ago, we were having a conversation about weight loss, and exercising, and I promised him that I would really try to not obsess with my weight/calorie counting. Guess what..... Last night he told me that I was obsessing again, and it was driving him crazy. He told me that he married me for me, and for the strong person that I am. For better or worse, no matter what.... I guess now I'm between a rock and a hard place. But I think that what I'm going to do, is, not log everyday. Maybe 1 or 2x a week, just to make sure that I am staying within my calories... and try not to obsess.... as much... Kat :/
  • husseycd
    husseycd Posts: 814 Member
    I log Monday-Thursday and skip the weekends. It's been working for me. I do eat a deficit during the week and probably eat over on the weekend.
  • reachingmygoal2012
    This was my issue a couple of years ago. I had great results, but I was obsessively weighing every bite I took and I could see that it could easily turn into an eating disorder. I've started logging again now, but I'm not logging 7 days a week. I'll log on days where I'm coming to work, going home, can control my meals, but if I know I'm going out for dinner or drinks, I skip logging that day, they become "cheat" days for me. I also don't kick myself if I want something that isn't healthy, I just eat it, and make up for it somewhere else. Deprivation will just anger you and you won't be able to stick with it.
  • kaykaylyn
    kaykaylyn Posts: 84 Member
  • FixIngMe13
    FixIngMe13 Posts: 405 Member
    I haven't and won't count again anytime soon. I was stressing out so much over it and obsessing over the scale that it was becoming VERY unhealthy! Since I've stopped counting, and just using MODERATION as my key, I've lost around 2 lbs a week! I was even binge eating...and I don't use that term lightly. I would actually sit, binge, cry, binge, cry, binge, cry.... It was horrible!!!! All because I had a bad day with my calories.

    All I did was use a small plate instead of a large one...and honestly that has been a huge factor for me. Oh, and drink a lot more water. Good luck... wishing you the very best.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I sometimes stop counting, but I don't stop weighing.

    That is a very important distinction. I have a very good idea of how many calories are in a portion as long as I know how heavy/big it was. I can look at my day, see what meals I had and whether or not I am still hungry to figure out whether I am within my boundaries. I stopped counting for two weeks recently and it didn't affect my weight loss or body composition at all.
    I get that.
    I've never weighed, and only rarely measured. But I understand that's important for some people.
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    There's no need to count, or even to log if you have a very accurate idea of food calorie content and of the amount you're eating. Most people log strictly at least at the beginning to educate themselves.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    There's no need to count, or even to log if you have a very accurate idea of food calorie content and of the amount you're eating. Most people log strictly at least at the beginning to educate themselves.
    Actually, if you look, many folks on the boards claim they will log forever.

    It's the one thing that worries my about the IIFYM mantra... what happens when you stop counting.

    We all need to learn how to eat to nourish our bodies and not gain weight. If we do that well, we should be able to eat well and not have a weight problem. MFP, imho is a tool that provides some of the information we need, and a structure for keeping track. Nothing more.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    It's been about 6 weeks now since I stopped logging and I've lost a pound. I am essentially at goal).

    I didn't count when I initially lost my weight, only really started when menopause hit. But now even without counting I'm maintaining....by following my own personal eating principles.

    Gonna keep not counting.
  • seniorbug2003
    seniorbug2003 Posts: 67 Member
    I stopped this weekend. I wrote down everything I ate and when I got to back to work I put it in. I found that I ate less then usual. I was listening to my body and not how many calories I have left.
    This was only my first time trying but I think I will try again this weekend.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I stopped this weekend. I wrote down everything I ate and when I got to back to work I put it in. I found that I ate less then usual. I was listening to my body and not how many calories I have left.
    This was only my first time trying but I think I will try again this weekend.
    Nice idea to try it in chunks of time first. Smart.