Female from Aldershot Hampshire UK - New and Confused !

Hey I have just come across this site and am looking for some inspiration and motivation ! and guidance with recipes etc. i want to lose 100lbs and im trying not to think about that just take each loss as it comes !

I am also a novice runner have started this as a way to get me off my butt, so if anyone is local to me and fancies a running ( I use that term loosely ) buddy please let me know !

Looking forward to our journey


  • CarolineWatts71
    CarolineWatts71 Posts: 10 Member
    Hey I have just come across this site and am looking for some inspiration and motivation ! and guidance with recipes etc. i want to lose 100lbs and im trying not to think about that just take each loss as it comes !

    I am also a novice runner have started this as a way to get me off my butt, so if anyone is local to me and fancies a running ( I use that term loosely ) buddy please let me know !

    Looking forward to our journey

    So I see this and Im ashamed ... as its over a year later and I still have the same 100lbs to lose !!!... really could use some willpower tips ... how the heck do you just stay on board ????
    JADEPH0EN1X Posts: 162 Member
    Hi Ive logged on for 25 days now & up until today have been doing great . The motivation you get on here is really helpful . I've been down in the dumps today due to TOM & could easily have raided the fridge and undone all my hard work in one go !! I posted how I was feeling & got words of encouragement back which raised my mood a little !
    I'm not far away In southampton . I'm afraid I don't run - far too energetic but I do take the dog for walks on the beach . Feel free to add me as a friend & if you get to Southampton at your welcome to look me up .
  • juggernautsmummy
    hello, it's so hard to stay on track, I have just started and i'm all full of vim and vigour. but I doubt it will stay that way, but you never know.

    I used to live in Aldershot, right by the big tesco in the flats there, we don't live there anymore we were only there for a year but it's not the nicest town to be running in I guess but you do have nice countryside around, so good luck!
  • LindaEmrys
    LindaEmrys Posts: 73 Member
    Every journey through weight loss is personal. I could give you every piece of advise I've ever been given, tell you every little detail about what keeps me going and comment on your wall every day, telling you how well you're doing, but that won't be what pulls you through. It'll help though. The only one who can motivate you enough to get this done is, surprisingly, you. You can't expect others to believe in you if you don't believe in yourself first.