Wheat Belly



  • Gearjammer71
    Gearjammer71 Posts: 151 Member
    I get congested whenever I eat wheat so I only eat it occasionally. It's not a gluten thing, because I can eat Rye bread without a problem. I can't say it really harms me though, and I intend to eat a few slices of pizza tonight and blow my nose a lot tomorrow.
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    Wow, wish I would have known wheat was poison. I should have told my granny before she died at 97 years old she was going to die early cause she was poisoning herself.
    She had toast and sammiches every day.
    Went through the depression with bread and lard too.
    Grandma built up an immunity to the poison. Perhaps she passed that genetic ability on to you.

    And then she won a battle of wits against a Sicilian
    And you never want to that when death is on the line.

    I N C O N C E I V A B L E

    :laugh: :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    I have absolutely no intention of eliminating wheat or other grains or even sugar from my diet. Ever. And this is coming from a type I/Juvenile diabetic.

    I eat everything in moderation. Get lots of fruits and veggies, make my grains whole grains and have treats only once in a while.

    It seems to be working. Please refer to Profile picture.
  • owieprone
    owieprone Posts: 217 Member
    i read it and was quite impressed so tried cutting out wheat based anything (other than sauces as i'm not allergic). It sorted out quite a bit of the urticaria i get (skin allergies), and my belly reduced dramatically.

    however, i wasn't substituting with other grains at all. I cut out bread and it's ilk completely, pretty much stopped eating normal tatties and did a lot of research on what veg to use instead of pasta, bread, rice etc and therefore upped my veg intake considerably. i think this is the problem most people who go wheat free have, it's not the fact you're eating wheat for most people, its the amount they're eating.

    this didn't happen overnight and took alot of getting used to and a lot of experimentation to get it right for me.

    I think that it works for certian people but not all and it all depends on your genetics. for some it will make no difference at all, for others once they've figured out what does and doesn't work for them they'll see a massive difference in their appearance.

    i for instance can cut out most refined carbs and lose 5lbs in a week and not feel hungry! i have many 5lbs to lose so that's not a problem ;) eating carbs i put the belly straight back on without much effort. bloody annoying.

    however, i don't see it as a 'diet' in terms of losing weight, it's my diet as in how i eat day in day out. it works for me, and i was never a massive veg lover, cutting wheat out has completely changed my views on veg.
  • Showcase_Brodown
    Showcase_Brodown Posts: 919 Member
    Folks, if wheat was or even resembled poison, I'd be a dead son of a bee by now.

    In related news, I'm going to write a book called "Water Belly."
  • Lyerin
    Lyerin Posts: 818 Member
    Eating wheat is like eating a little bit of poison it will catch up with you.
    That includes so called healthy whole grains....


  • Lyerin
    Lyerin Posts: 818 Member
    Wow, wish I would have known wheat was poison. I should have told my granny before she died at 97 years old she was going to die early cause she was poisoning herself.
    She had toast and sammiches every day.
    Went through the depression with bread and lard too.
    Grandma built up an immunity to the poison. Perhaps she passed that genetic ability on to you.

    And then she won a battle of wits against a Sicilian
    And you never want to that when death is on the line.

    Or fight a land war in Asia.
  • Joehenny
    Joehenny Posts: 1,222 Member
    Amazing how people can read one book and base their entire nutrition ideology off that one source. Critical thinking? Not even once.
  • ash8184
    ash8184 Posts: 701 Member
    Haven't read the book, but I feel best when I'm gluten and sugar free. I'm a meat/veggies kind of girl and I physically feel different after a piece of bread or some pasta... literally. Tired, achey, moody, bloated... yuck. But I think each individual is different!
  • Joehenny
    Joehenny Posts: 1,222 Member
    Folks, if wheat was or even resembled poison, I'd be a dead son of a bee by now.

    In related news, I'm going to write a book called "Water Belly."

  • michellechawner
    I haven't read the book, but have done paleo and read robb wolf's stuff.

    Currently I am not on paleo, but a gluten free diet because i do have an intolerance. I still eat sugar no problem, but gluten has caused me to be sick on the 2 times I accidentally ate it after figuring out I had the intolerance.
  • whiteheaddg
    whiteheaddg Posts: 325 Member
    I've gone the opposite route and have ramped up the wheat consumption. Been working the bread machine quite a bit over the past month - cranking out some Challah, Honey Wheat, and (just last night) an epic pumpernickel. I'm in a bulk and can stand the extra calories, but I've noticed no ill effects or signs/symptoms of poisoning.

    Furthermore, I've increased reps in every exercise over the past month and added weight to a few. Using the corellation/causation theorem I can say with confidence:

    Wheat has made me stronger!
  • StrictlyPro
    Wow, wish I would have known wheat was poison. I should have told my granny before she died at 97 years old she was going to die early cause she was poisoning herself.
    She had toast and sammiches every day.
    Went through the depression with bread and lard too.
    Grandma built up an immunity to the poison. Perhaps she passed that genetic ability on to you.

    And then she won a battle of wits against a Sicilian
    And you never want to that when death is on the line.

    Or fight a land war in Asia.

    That is in fact #1
  • aling01
    aling01 Posts: 163
    Agreed, this isn't for those who eat them and dont' have problems but for those who eat more than they should cause they just can't stop or have issues with consuming them.

    I sound just like you. I can eat some sort of wheat and gain 5lbs but once removed I lose it like that. It's only day 4 of my elimination and just eating veggies, fruits and meat and I've lost 7lbs. It has helped my back as well.
    i read it and was quite impressed so tried cutting out wheat based anything (other than sauces as i'm not allergic). It sorted out quite a bit of the urticaria i get (skin allergies), and my belly reduced dramatically.

    however, i wasn't substituting with other grains at all. I cut out bread and it's ilk completely, pretty much stopped eating normal tatties and did a lot of research on what veg to use instead of pasta, bread, rice etc and therefore upped my veg intake considerably. i think this is the problem most people who go wheat free have, it's not the fact you're eating wheat for most people, its the amount they're eating.

    this didn't happen overnight and took alot of getting used to and a lot of experimentation to get it right for me.

    I think that it works for certian people but not all and it all depends on your genetics. for some it will make no difference at all, for others once they've figured out what does and doesn't work for them they'll see a massive difference in their appearance.

    i for instance can cut out most refined carbs and lose 5lbs in a week and not feel hungry! i have many 5lbs to lose so that's not a problem ;) eating carbs i put the belly straight back on without much effort. bloody annoying.

    however, i don't see it as a 'diet' in terms of losing weight, it's my diet as in how i eat day in day out. it works for me, and i was never a massive veg lover, cutting wheat out has completely changed my views on veg.
  • aling01
    aling01 Posts: 163
    And amazing how people reads a post and assumes that that person bases their "entire" nutrition ideology off that "one" source. Give me a break.
    Amazing how people can read one book and base their entire nutrition ideology off that one source. Critical thinking? Not even once.
  • aling01
    aling01 Posts: 163
    Yes indeed. Everyone has different tolerances to these food. Some have no problem, so have some problem, while others have lots of problem, lol.
    Haven't read the book, but I feel best when I'm gluten and sugar free. I'm a meat/veggies kind of girl and I physically feel different after a piece of bread or some pasta... literally. Tired, achey, moody, bloated... yuck. But I think each individual is different!
  • bacitracin
    bacitracin Posts: 921 Member
    Never read Wheat Belly, but follow a ketogenic diet anyway. I have lower cholesterol, better blood pressure, and increased stamina and strength at the gym after cutting out grains and sugars. Was finally able to lose weight after going to the gym for years and never losing.
  • aling01
    aling01 Posts: 163
    Thats great!
    Never read Wheat Belly, but follow a ketogenic diet anyway. I have lower cholesterol, better blood pressure, and increased stamina and strength at the gym after cutting out grains and sugars. Was finally able to lose weight after going to the gym for years and never losing.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Has anyone read the book Wheat Belly? If so, have you incorporated the elimination of grains & sugar in your diet? How has that been?



    Why? Because the book made my brain scream in agony.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Has anyone read the book Wheat Belly? If so, have you incorporated the elimination of grains & sugar in your diet? How has that been?



    Why? Because the book made my brain scream in agony.