How often do you weigh yourself?



  • QD
  • janatarnhem
    janatarnhem Posts: 669 Member
    Once a day! Used to be once a week....need it to be once again!
  • grammagie
    grammagie Posts: 142 Member
    It used to be once a day until I got rid of my scales. I get discouraged easily. I haven't weighed myself in a couple of weeks. I try to go by how my clothes are fitting, etc.
  • Littlestandrews
    Littlestandrews Posts: 96 Member
    Once a month. The doctor said that women have the least amount of water weight a couple days after AF is over. Thats always when I weigh and I stay away from the scale the rest of the month. It's nice to see a 4-7lb loss instead of 0.8 every week...
  • p4ulmiller
    p4ulmiller Posts: 588 Member
    How often do you weigh yourself?

    Every day. But keep that to yourself. If my MFP friends find out, they'll shout at me. Again.
  • Leoln7
    Leoln7 Posts: 12
    Nothing wrong with weighing in daily, just remember not to panic if you're a pound or two higher.

    Digestion takes time and eating an hour later than you normally do the night before you weigh in can make those pounds suddenly appear.

    But as a rule of thumb its a good habit to get into, I normally wake up, use the toilet, weigh in and brush my teeth within about 15 minutes of waking up.

    But I only input my weight every week, on this day I ensure I eat before 7pm and then no snacking after to ensure I get an accurate weigh in the next day!
  • stephcbms
    stephcbms Posts: 142 Member
    Daily, BUT I don't freak out when It goes up ( because it will ). I always weight in at the same time , scale same place, no clothes, first thing in the morning. I also tape myself about every two weeks. And keep a pair of jeans ( goal size) and try them on couple times a week. The scale moving doesn't bother me but if you think it will you, DO NOT do it. lol Once a week should be fine. Good luck to you :) also I wont record a loss until Iv'e seen three days in a row.
  • kowajenn
    kowajenn Posts: 274 Member
    Every morning, but I only record what I weigh during my official Sunday weigh in. I used to freak out over the daily variations but don't anymore. My daily weight goes up and down by about a pound.
  • like twice a day
  • I can't understand how it is suggested to just weight 1x/week. Weight fluctuates a lot so I measure it a lot, but generally the same time of day, early am, after void, same clothing I always wear for it for consistency. I plot that on a graph and get a good sense of the average over the course of a week. I usually weigh right before bed too, and I get to know how much I usually lose over night, though surprisingly it fluctuates some too. But generally, with ~2 lbs, the #s are all similar. I find it HELPS to weigh often and see the fluctuation up and down.
    Actually, with frequent measurement, I can see about a .25-.33 lb/week decrease in my average weight (when I'm trying to maintain, not lose), despite it fluctuating + or - about 2 lbs from that #.
    So I say, weigh often, but don't make a big deal of small ups OR DOWNS!

    I weigh daily pretty much for this reason. I can bloat so badly, and then suddenly whoompf, five pounds is gone overnight. I try not to weigh too much, I get up, weigh myself simply for reference in the morning, and then don't touch the scales all day. Knowing your body's habits helps. Just because it's weigh in day it doesn't mean your body will spare you the water retention until tomorrow!
  • lauraspberry
    lauraspberry Posts: 655 Member
    Honestly, every single day and it's not good because when I gain a lb let's say from soreness, it affects my motivation totally so I wouldnt say what I'm doing is good :))
  • I weigh in daily because my scale does my BMI/LBM/HR/Enviromental CO2 as well as the weight.
  • grammagie
    grammagie Posts: 142 Member
    biweekly only
  • misschoppo
    misschoppo Posts: 463 Member
    I usually weigh in daily first thing in the morning. I don't obsess over fluctuations but do like to weigh in daily just as it keeps me on track.
  • I weigh myself every day. This is controversial as you have to be able to handle a 1-3 lb increase even if you have been eating correctly and doing exercise. I do this to stop myself from shoving things into my mouth. I have to face the scale in the morning.
  • MzzFaith
    MzzFaith Posts: 337 Member
    Once every 2 months or once @ month that scales makes me frustrated
  • 777Gemma888
    777Gemma888 Posts: 9,578 Member
    How often do you weigh yourself?

    I don't anymore.
  • WhisperAnne
    WhisperAnne Posts: 453 Member
    I weigh myself twice a month. Helps me stay on track.
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    twice a day
  • Melionfire
    Melionfire Posts: 343 Member
    I can't understand how it is suggested to just weight 1x/week. Weight fluctuates a lot so I measure it a lot, but generally the same time of day, early am, after void, same clothing I always wear for it for consistency. I plot that on a graph and get a good sense of the average over the course of a week. I usually weigh right before bed too, and I get to know how much I usually lose over night, though surprisingly it fluctuates some too. But generally, with ~2 lbs, the #s are all similar. I find it HELPS to weigh often and see the fluctuation up and down.
    Actually, with frequent measurement, I can see about a .25-.33 lb/week decrease in my average weight (when I'm trying to maintain, not lose), despite it fluctuating + or - about 2 lbs from that #.
    So I say, weigh often, but don't make a big deal of small ups OR DOWNS!

    I do this without the graph!!! I now have a good sense of why my weight sometimes fluctuates and I now feel better when it happens because I know that if I stick to it the number will go down eventually. Every time I have gained weight it was when I stopped doing this. I need the daily check it to help me stick to it. When I see a loss it encourages me to keep going and if it goes up it forces me to examine why!! But I understand how it can effect some so do what feels best for you.