stomach exercisers

nez574 Posts: 10 Member
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
hi all
i do fitnees all the time but on saturday i am just going to concerntrate on my stomach.
could anyone give me a list of things i can do for my stomach in the gym (sit ups) i know about.
thanks Neil


  • precioustypeoflove
    precioustypeoflove Posts: 197 Member
    maybe try to get one of those dvds just for abs they can show u the form so u can do them right target and walmart has them really cheap!!
  • chelekaz
    chelekaz Posts: 847 Member
    This is one of my favorites and in the last two weeks I've noticed a difference. I got this out of Redbook.

    Lie on the floor and cross your legs at the ankles, lock your hands behind your head and do ab crunches. Start w/ maybe 10 per and then switch legs and do another 10. You can start w/ higher counts depending on your fitness level. I currently do 30 per side and have a lot of extra skin that sort of hangs (gained 80 pounds w/ just one pregnancy).

    The results are so great that my pants fit completely different and they are not hard on the body. (of course this in in conjunction with my regular exercise routine that I have started).

    As for at the gym. I like the machine (don't know the name) but you sit facing the padding and starting at one side you twist to the other then switch the seat and do it the opposite direction. That one I can really feel working too!
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    Planks, Side Planks, Bicycle Kicks, Leg Lifts, Hello Darlin's (I don't know if they have another name but you lie on your back with your feet about 2 inches off the ground engage your abs and hold for a 15 count, spread your legs hold for a 15 count and return to center holding for another 15 count rest and repeat) Fitness ball Heal Digs... I recommend there are LOTS of great Ab exercises there and they have pictures so you can ensure that you're doing them properly.

    Happy Crunching!!
  • carl1738
    carl1738 Posts: 444 Member
    Crunches, reverse crunches, hanging leg raises, planks, side planks, McGill curlups, dumbbell chops, hip crossovers, barbell rollouts, jackknifes, mountain climbers, overhead dumbbell side bends, and side crunches. That's about all I can think of off the top of my head! Check out the Men's Health website, or any other fitness website and they should have plenty of workouts designed for your abs and core muscles. Yoga is also good for strenghtening your core muscles.
  • Great tips guys. I am currently working on my abs as well. These will take me in the right direction. Thanks.
  • This isn't a gym exercise, but something that I always do is fake hula hoop. Instead of just sitting down and watching TV I will do my fake hula hoops. Also, if you go into a light squat while doing it, it will work your legs =)
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