No gallbladder = harder time losing weight?



  • acruelscholar
    No weight loss problems here, I had mine out, the stones had blocked my liver so that started shutting down too, I was in hospital for three weeks and came home with an external drain for a month, it was not pleasant, but a very uncommon result to experience, for most people it's straightforward keyhole surgery.

    I was sill able to lose 50kg (110pd) and if anything it helped my clean up my diet because the worse I ate the worse the stones got too so I was already starting to change my dietary habits.

    I had pancreatitus from mine so I can totally relate to that.

    I have changed my diet too. it's SO much better than it was and I am really trying to be educated about what i'm putting in my body but I still can't seem to shift the weight at a decent rate. I'm grateful to be losing anything at all but honestly it's just super frustrating.
  • jimshine
    jimshine Posts: 199 Member
    Had mine out about 13 years ago. My side effect was bad acid reflux. For years it was triggered by unpredictable foods. But as time went on it happened almost everyday. By February this year I would go through a bottle of pills every two weeks or so. Once I started this diet 6 months ago, I had not one instance of acid reflux.
  • helenjon752
    helenjon752 Posts: 55 Member
    To the poster who needs an operation.
    Please dont delay your gall baldder surgery . My doctor at the time did not believe me when I described my symptoms and dreadful pain because I did not " fit the profile " for gall bladder trouble.
    I could hardly eat at all and weighed about 95 lbs at the time of my surgery. I could have died if I had not insisted on a scan.
    Because my gall bladder was in such a terrible state I could not have key hole surgery and had to have an incision from sternum to belly button with rib retraction.
    Now more than 20 years later I still have rib pain from time to time.
    You may be able to eat more fatty foods after the surgery but I dont think the removal of the gall bladder will in itself cause you to gain weight or make losing it harder IMO
  • Bluizflame
    Bluizflame Posts: 151 Member
    My fiance got his gallbladder removed about 2 years ago. He lost ALL the weight he needed to and them some WAY b4 I did, i'm only 3/4 of the way there :-/ I think it all comes down to how bad do you want it!
  • FixIngMe13
    FixIngMe13 Posts: 405 Member
    To the poster who needs an operation.
    Please dont delay your gall baldder surgery . My doctor at the time did not believe me when I described my symptoms and dreadful pain because I did not " fit the profile " for gall bladder trouble.
    I could hardly eat at all and weighed about 95 lbs at the time of my surgery. I could have died if I had not insisted on a scan.
    Because my gall bladder was in such a terrible state I could not have key hole surgery and had to have an incision from sternum to belly button with rib retraction.
    Now more than 20 years later I still have rib pain from time to time.
    You may be able to eat more fatty foods after the surgery but I dont think the removal of the gall bladder will in itself cause you to gain weight or make losing it harder IMO

    I know I'm gonna have to just suck it up and get it out. I'm on prilosec 40mg a day and I still get nauseated and horrible pain. Plus I've been taking zofran for nausea when it gets really intense. I'm not really eating much anymore, because everything upsets it. I'm just gonna call and get it done. :/ I'm just afraid It will hinder my weight loss, and that has been so important.
  • ironmaidenchick
    ironmaidenchick Posts: 213 Member
    It's been the opposite for me, the weight is just falling off, but I think it is different for everyone, I have had to change my diet drastically, I had mine removed 4 months ago and have had on going issues ever since, im not complaining about the weight loss but would rather do it in a healthier way, if you have any questions feel free to pm me
  • tmaree2
    tmaree2 Posts: 37 Member
    Had mine out about 13 years ago. My side effect was bad acid reflux. For years it was triggered by unpredictable foods. But as time went on it happened almost everyday. By February this year I would go through a bottle of pills every two weeks or so. Once I started this diet 6 months ago, I had not one instance of acid reflux.

    I had mine out almost 30 years ago at the age of 16. I don't remember having any trouble staying thin in my younger years. only really got fat about 10 years ago. I too suffered bad reflux for many years now but I have had very minimal since I changed my diet and lost this 20kg in 5 months.

    I think you just have to keep altering and experimenting with your calorie daily goal to find what works for you...a table or formula is not always right, only your body knows how it wants to work as their is so many variables as to how you store your cals and how you burn them.
  • ScarletShopaholic
    ScarletShopaholic Posts: 169 Member
    It sounds very much like everybody is different and your body will behave how it wants to behave no matter what you do. Some people lose faster than others even if they eat the same food and do the same exercise. As long as you are doing the right things it can only be a good thing, the weight will move, just unfortunately quite slowly. Good luck :smile:
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    My Mother got her gall bladder removed

    she weighs around 110 pounds

    Nice try
  • wsocie
    I had my gallbladder out in 2006. In 2012 I started my weight loss journey. I lost 60 lbs in 10 months. It did not affect my weight loss whatsoever! I stuck to 1200 calories a day and exercised almost everyday. I was informed that your gallbladder actually helps to break down fats in your system. So it should actually have a reverse affect. You cant break down the fat so it just runs right through you without being absorbed. I have definitely had issues since having mine removed. Mostly with the things "running right through me" part of what I said, but not with the weight loss!
  • RobinvdM
    RobinvdM Posts: 634 Member
    Had my gallbladder out in April 2012, lost an additional 80 lbs through the year thereafter. Wasn't hard at all, same rules applied. Watch cals in versus cals out, move more than I eat, however you wanna label it. I know there can be some fat related complications post surgery (some fats just never agree with you again) but that isn't all bad as most of those were bad for you anyway. I never had those complications. Just stick to what you are doing if you are doing it right. (portions, fewer cals in than out, etc.)

    Good luck :)
  • xampx
    xampx Posts: 323 Member
    I have no gall bladder and I am losing weight just fine. I haven't noticed any effect except my scars seem to poke out more where the skin around them is shrinking.

    I'm 31 and had the surgery 8 years ago
  • HollieDollieeeex
    HollieDollieeeex Posts: 116 Member
    I had my gall bladder removed 2 years ago and have suffered no such issues with losing weight.

    It's all about what you're eating and how active you are.

    Introduce more protein, drink more water & move more.

    Cals in vs Cals out.
  • xampx
    xampx Posts: 323 Member
    Agreeing with it helping. I can't eat anything high fat and overly processed without it coming straight back out again! Haha. I hope it forgets to leave any calories behind as it goes...
  • amylou198613
    Hey hun,

    I had mine out in april this year 6 months after having my baby. This is the 1st time i have really ever tried to loose weight and the 1st week i managed to loose 3lbs without exersise. i know it may seem like you maybe loosing slowly but it maybe how your motabolism works? loosing weight is loosing weight just keep at it. your winning by just keeping at it everybody is different and bodys react diffrent keep up the good work :)
  • redladywitch
    redladywitch Posts: 799 Member
    It has not hindered my weight loss. Go get the operation.
  • langurmonkey
    I had my gallbladder out and it's been fine losing weight. It was also explained to me that a diseased gallbladder is not doing what it should be anyway, so it may as well not be there from a digestion point of view.
  • jones092508
    jones092508 Posts: 75 Member
    I delivered my son this past June 13th, and had gal bladder surgery June 14th. At 32 weeks is was out in the hospital for gal stoke attacks and pancreatis as well! I was to far along for surgery, and the problem with my pancreatis was it could cause death during labor. :( so far I've had no problems though, just the small fact I can't eat out or eat a lot of things I ate before!
  • roxanethree
    roxanethree Posts: 78 Member
    Mine was out a few years ago and once I got started on my eating right/exercising program last October, I haven't had a problem losing weight. :) Good luck!
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    To the poster who needs an operation.
    Please dont delay your gall baldder surgery . My doctor at the time did not believe me when I described my symptoms and dreadful pain because I did not " fit the profile " for gall bladder trouble.
    I could hardly eat at all and weighed about 95 lbs at the time of my surgery. I could have died if I had not insisted on a scan.
    Because my gall bladder was in such a terrible state I could not have key hole surgery and had to have an incision from sternum to belly button with rib retraction.
    Now more than 20 years later I still have rib pain from time to time.
    You may be able to eat more fatty foods after the surgery but I dont think the removal of the gall bladder will in itself cause you to gain weight or make losing it harder IMO

    I know I'm gonna have to just suck it up and get it out. I'm on prilosec 40mg a day and I still get nauseated and horrible pain. Plus I've been taking zofran for nausea when it gets really intense. I'm not really eating much anymore, because everything upsets it. I'm just gonna call and get it done. :/ I'm just afraid It will hinder my weight loss, and that has been so important.

    Great decision! Don't put it off! I put mine off for a couple years until I had an attack that lasted 3 days and was in the worst pain I've ever had, even worse than 100% child birth, I would give natural birth again before I'd ever want to go through that pain. I had mine out almost 2 years and have had no problems with weight loss since. The only time I stall is when I'm not paying as close attention to my food intake as I should or start slacking on exercise!