Searching for Motivation

I'm looking for a group of supporters on MFP who can help to hold me accountable. People who will help influence me to log daily and work hard. I will definitely do the same for you! So anyone please feel free to add me!


  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    We can't do it for you. You have to. We aren't gonna be there when you wake up randomly at 3AM, stagger into the kitchen and have a decision to make... whether to have something to snack on or not.

    Good luck, but this is up to you.
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member

    Find some people with similar goals and friend them. Use them as inspiration instead of motivation. You're the only one that can motivate you.
  • K_bugg90
    I'm not looking for someone to hold my hand, just someone to communicate with and check in with. Thanks for the tips!
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    We can't do it for you. You have to. We aren't gonna be there when you wake up randomly at 3AM, stagger into the kitchen and have a decision to make... whether to have something to snack on or not.

    Good luck, but this is up to you.

    Agree! When you are REALLY READY to lose the weight, it will be your priority. Motivation will come from inside you. You will have the strength to do what you need to do- every day. Until then? Asking for other people to keep you accountable is still just passing the buck of responsibility. I'm not trying to be mean - I was that person for many years. Best of luck.
  • ShannaAutry
    I will be honest and tell you that it does help to have other motivating you but, you have to push yourself. All I can do is write positive comments on your wall and tell you to keep up the good work. But, you have to log in to MFP to see that!

    I am famous for falling on and off the bandwagon. I've got about 130 pounds to lose.

    My new motto? Treat every day as if it's the first day of your life. Don't think "Oh God, I've been dieting for a week" tell yourself that today is a new day to be your personal best and take it day by day!
  • K_bugg90
    I think maybe my use of the word "accountable" sent the wrong message, I didn't mean to appear weak or unable to do this on my own. I don't expect to have someone do this for me, that's impossible. I've got myself here and I plan on getting myself to where I want to be. I just thought maybe having a weight loss partner or someone to chat about things with would be great, but again thanks for the feedback.
  • K_bugg90
    Thanks ShannaAutry! All I really want is some feedback from what I post every once in a while. Knowing that someone actually reads what I put on here just gives me a little more reason to stay involved.
  • LynzeNichole
    Thanks ShannaAutry! All I really want is some feedback from what I post every once in a while. Knowing that someone actually reads what I put on here just gives me a little more reason to stay involved.

    I'm looking for the same, I'lll add you :)
  • Vivian06703188
    Vivian06703188 Posts: 310 Member
    Wow, I can not believe how negative some of the people are on here. This girl is just asking for some support and you are slamming her. I certainly don't think that is very supportive. Shame on you all. Everyone of you needed some support at some time throughout this journey. There is an old saying. "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all". I for one will add her and give her as much support as I can without ever thinking I am responsible for holding her hand in the middle of the night when she wakes up and wants a snack. Which by the way I do quite often without blowing my diet.
  • K_bugg90
    Wow, I can not believe how negative some of the people are on here. This girl is just asking for some support and you are slamming her. I certainly don't think that is very supportive. Shame on you all. Everyone of you needed some support at some time throughout this journey. There is an old saying. "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all". I for one will add her and give her as much support as I can without ever thinking I am responsible for holding her hand in the middle of the night when she wakes up and wants a snack. Which by the way I do quite often without blowing my diet.

    Thank you. I wasn't trying to take anything personal but I was feeling a little ganged up on. I appreciate it!
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    Wow, I can not believe how negative some of the people are on here. This girl is just asking for some support and you are slamming her. I certainly don't think that is very supportive. Shame on you all. Everyone of you needed some support at some time throughout this journey. There is an old saying. "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all". I for one will add her and give her as much support as I can without ever thinking I am responsible for holding her hand in the middle of the night when she wakes up and wants a snack. Which by the way I do quite often without blowing my diet.

    It's not negative to be honest. Sometimes we have to hear what we DON'T want to acknowledge. Many years ago, a person told me that when I was ready to lose weight - I would. That person was right. I just didn't hear it until last year.

    OP has revised her original question. Advice sometimes is not nice or sugar coated. Sometimes it is what it is.

    ETA: OP - we are only sharing what we finally had to face in ourselves. No one meant to "gang up" on you at all. Stick around and see how many people write this same post. Probably too many to count today. It's all about sharing our experience in getting healthy. If we didn't care - we would have ignored your post. :flowerforyou:
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Wow, I can not believe how negative some of the people are on here. This girl is just asking for some support and you are slamming her. I certainly don't think that is very supportive. Shame on you all. Everyone of you needed some support at some time throughout this journey. There is an old saying. "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all". I for one will add her and give her as much support as I can without ever thinking I am responsible for holding her hand in the middle of the night when she wakes up and wants a snack. Which by the way I do quite often without blowing my diet.

    It's not negative to be honest. Sometimes we have to hear what we DON'T want to acknowledge. Many years ago, a person told me that when I was ready to lose weight - I would. That person was right. I just didn't hear it until last year.

    OP has revised her original question. Advice sometimes is not nice or sugar coated. Sometimes it is what it is.

    ETA: OP - we are only sharing what we finally had to face in ourselves. No one meant to "gang up" on you at all. Stick around and see how many people write this same post. Probably too many to count today. It's all about sharing our experience in getting healthy. If we didn't care - we would have ignored your post. :flowerforyou:

    Precisely. OP posted a topic where they said they needed motivation and wanted people to hold her accountable. Her first reply updated her request to something else. We responded to the first post as it we saw fit.

    No one was bullying or ganging up on the OP, just answering her original post as it was originally worded.

    Basically, it was asking for one thing on the menu... wording it specifically that way, then changing the original order after the kitchen had already cooked it. No harm, no foul.
  • TheBitSlinger
    TheBitSlinger Posts: 621 Member
    Wow, I can not believe how negative some of the people are on here. This girl is just asking for some support and you are slamming her. I certainly don't think that is very supportive. Shame on you all. Everyone of you needed some support at some time throughout this journey. There is an old saying. "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all". I for one will add her and give her as much support as I can without ever thinking I am responsible for holding her hand in the middle of the night when she wakes up and wants a snack. Which by the way I do quite often without blowing my diet.

    I think it's a problem of an inadequate form of communication. No physical presence or voice = misunderstanding, especially when combined with hurrying to respond and/or not really taking/having the time to think out a considered reply.

    I doubt that the previously replies were made with malice aforethought.

    And I think what they are trying to say that it all has to start within the OP's heart and mind, which is something they've learned from others and/or personal experience.

    To the OP: I think you've got the right attitude. You're here and acting, which is everything. If it helps (and that the spirit I offer this in), here's what I've learned though long experience:

    Motivations flag and fade, and failure is nothing. Will is everything. The will to act is supreme and perseverance overcomes all. Find others here with the same mind and follow. You may soon find yourself leading others.
  • Iron_Lotus
    Iron_Lotus Posts: 2,295 Member
    Wow, I can not believe how negative some of the people are on here. This girl is just asking for some support and you are slamming her. I certainly don't think that is very supportive. Shame on you all. Everyone of you needed some support at some time throughout this journey. There is an old saying. "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all". I for one will add her and give her as much support as I can without ever thinking I am responsible for holding her hand in the middle of the night when she wakes up and wants a snack. Which by the way I do quite often without blowing my diet.

    What exactly was negative? The truth? reality?
  • TheBitSlinger
    TheBitSlinger Posts: 621 Member
    Many years ago, a person told me that when I was ready to lose weight - I would. That person was right. I just didn't hear it until last year.

    Quote for truth! Well said. I had the same Damascus Road experience myself.
  • K_bugg90
    Thanks beachlover, I understand what you're saying. I just don't want to appear weak or like I can't do this. I'm determined to make changes.
  • TheBitSlinger
    TheBitSlinger Posts: 621 Member
    I'm determined to make changes.

    That, dear lady, is EVERYTHING. Once you determine to act and persevere in spite of all else, all else is nothing more than future history waiting to unfold.

  • TJWrites00
    TJWrites00 Posts: 27 Member
    I'll add you.

    I've joke for a couple of years now that I need a personal nag to remind me to make time for myself. I know that I am ultimately responsible for myself, but with kids, school, sports, work, etc., it can be hard to remember to take care of me.

    However the last couple of weeks have been drastically different because I found that motivation I needed. We plan to take the kids to Disney next year and I realized I don't want to be overweight and worn out. I want to be having all this fun with them, more than I can do where I am currently at. And I've done more than I've done before.

    So yes, I understand what you mean when you say "accountable" because it's very similar to what I mean. Good luck.
  • K_bugg90
    TheBitSlinger thanks for your feedback, definitely going to try to apply it to my way of thinking!
  • ProudMomNY
    Hey K-bugg I understand where you're coming from. I also clicked on the community for a buddy to go through this journey with. While the last poster was a bit harsh in saying it's up to you, it is the truth we won't be there for each other when we need a snack but we can help each other through the down times and give support. I'll gladly add you. I too would love a partner here when I post my daily successes and fall backs. So Add me chickey! Cause I don't know how to add you haha.