Runners...I need honest opinions.

I have a grade 1 (mild) calf strain. I popped it doing c25k on Sunday. It seems to be barely a grade 1 in that I actually finished the program after walking and stretching it post-pop (stupid, I know), walked all over the pumpkin farm that afternoon and it feels so much better just a few days later.

I saw the orthopedist yesterday and he didn't have very encouraging news for me. First of all, without actually saying it, he pretty much left me with the impression that my weight has a lot to do with this happening. I'm trying to take it in stride especially since he has no idea of how far I've come and only just met me.

But he also said that since it's happened already, I am more susceptible to it happening again and that the liklihood is that if it happens again, it will be a complete tear and much worse.

Of course losing another 50lbs will help too, I'm sure. I am that I won't be able to ever run. I dream of running. I was really getting very into it. But now I am terrified of injuring myself and not to mention that I have an ankle issue too on the other leg. UGH.

So, i'm off any lower body exercise for 2 weeks and then he said not to run until 1 week pain-free on the ellpitcal. So now I'm soooo scared to run again! Is this really true--it will happen again? He said it has less to do with lack of stretching or doing something wrong and more to do with my gait, and body (read: being fat).

Should I consult with a sports med doctor and do some rehab and work up these ligaments and muscles better? I do plan to go to the chiro for a lower back adjustment because my hips feel a bit out of alignment---would that help?


  • nanmosta1
    I feel you. I got a reaccurence of plantar fasticis from what the doctor says is running. He says each time it will get worse and harder to rid of. Problem being I loved running in the c25k program. He and physical therapist both tell me I shoudn't run. 5 want to anyway as I love the way it made me feel. I did try running again this time more like a shuffle then a run. Another opinion is always a good idea. Good luck
  • leah33
    leah33 Posts: 16
    I too experienced an overuse injury several months back...mostly due to being fat. I was not supposed to do anything lower body either, specifically no running. I couldn't for a was quite painful. It was a groin and sartorius muscle tear. However doctors differ in their knowledge, experience, and opinion. I would definitely see a sports med doc. In addition though, seek out a Bikram Yoga studio. Not all hot yoga is Bikram. It will cost more, but it will be worth it. I have personally experienced people with fused back discs who were almost unable to walk making full recoveries with Bikram Yoga. It works miracles. It is so good for your body. In the meantime though, take it easy. You don't want to make the injury worse. I am guessing that the more weight you lose, the less likely it will be that you experience the same injury. The sports med doc can evaluate your gait, and even work with you to modify it to your advantage. In the meantime, try running in the pool! Good luck, and speedy recovery. Keep us posted!
  • Beebee78
    Beebee78 Posts: 703
    I would definitely speak to someone who has experience in the sports field. In the mean time have some hugs xxx
  • lt3ag4s
    lt3ag4s Posts: 835 Member
    I have dealt with chin splints and calf strains and sore knees for quite some time now.

    Warming up is extremely important. 5-10 mins of walking followed by light stretching. Do not over stretch!
    Pain is natures way of telling you to slow down. Pushing yourself through pain is stupid and foolish.
    I would suggest doing the elliptical for higher tempo cardio and walking for to condition your legs for impact.
    Start walking a 5K at 120bps or less and build up to doing the entire 5K at 130bps before going back to doing the C25K. Dont get caught up so much in the numbers and schedules. Pay attention to how you feel.
  • jkohan
    jkohan Posts: 184 Member
    Thank you everyone for your input and advice. I will definitely follow up at the chiro for my hips/lower back and then the sports med doc for his input....and keep trucking along.

    I hate the idea of giving up, but will do whatever it takes for me to stay active and injury free.
  • Natural
    Natural Posts: 461 Member
    yikes. i feel bad for you. i know what it's like to want to run, but can't. i go to a chiro and that has helped a lot. i just reinjured something and will be increasing my visits with him (sciatic pain).

    i hate to rest, but it's necessary for a recovery, so if that's what you need to do - in addition - to losing the weight, then do so. i prefer chiros because they are not giving me meds to cover up the problem, but dealing with it naturally. wish you a speedy recovery.
  • Chrissun
    Chrissun Posts: 148
    Take time to heal and (in my opinion and experience) you will be able to work up to running again.
    4 years ago I heard a "pop" followed by pain in my calf. I grew up with "there's a difference between pain and injury", I'd never been injured before so I assumed it was just pain. One of those "I'm out of shape and carrying a lot of extra weigh" things I told myself so I kept playing.

    Some doctors say when you are 30+ and this kind of injury happens you only recover 75%...I determined to recover 100%. That muscle still cramps easily, especially when I swim, but I am on week 9 of the C25K and have had no pain or cramping!

    Rest that muscle but don't lose heart!
  • jkohan
    jkohan Posts: 184 Member
    Thank you so much!!! I am feeling so much more encouraged....I need to take it s l o w...patience has never been a strong suit of mine.