Insanity starting 9/23/13

leanne0605 Posts: 183 Member
edited November 2023 in Getting Started
Is anyone planning to start Insanity next Monday? If so please add me. I could use some buddies on this journey


  • sooty106
    I'm starting the week after as I am working away next week :(
    I'm doing to fit test tonight though just out of curiosity. I'm a mix of nerves and excitement about it!
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    Good luck. It's a tough program, but the results are worth it. I finished my first round a few months ago and saw fantastic results. I will probably be going through it again at some point in the future. Just make sure to take it slow at first and make sure you get the form right. Don't try to keep up with Shawn T. You won't. Even the professionals in the video have to stop and take a breather at times. If you need to stop, do so, take a few deep breaths, then jump back in. Take pictures and body measurements. You are probably not going to lose weight for the first few weeks. Insanity is intense, so your muscles retain water and glycogen as part of the repair process. The water weight can balance or even offset any fat loss on the scale, but it will still show up on the tape measure.
  • Antrius
    I ordered a copy this week, and it was shipped this morning.

    So, probably starting later next week.
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