

  • modernfemme
    modernfemme Posts: 454 Member
    If someone wants to splurge on a giant order of 2400 calorie pancakes once or twice a year - more power to them.

    The issue I have is these type of foods are EVERYWHERE ALL THE TIME. It's the reason we're so obese as a nation. It's time we take a stand and say no to those kind of foods in abundance - maybe the food industry will get the hint.
  • grnfairy
    grnfairy Posts: 2 Member
    Breakfast is always my hardest meal of the day. Just started counting and my breakfast would hit 1000 calories EASY. That's eating at home too. Between bread products and sugary creamer for my coffee the calories come quick. I'm just thinking about when I go to the local greasy spoon diner. YIKES!!!! I'm trying to be really creative and not starve at the same time. That and EXERCISE.
  • rachel5576
    rachel5576 Posts: 429 Member
    i dont know after spending the last few months counting calories and bustin my @ss working out really makes me think restaurants should be more responsible. I really dont think there should be items for 1000 calories...a whole meal maybe as a splurge but geeze. no wonder so many struggle with weight.
  • HIzara
    HIzara Posts: 187
    Terrible! :frown:

    This is also terrible!

    20 Worst Drinks in America 2010

  • rockinright
    That's crazy.. I wonder if there should be laws or at least regulations placed on food. Seems odd.. but you have a quota on the amount of fish that can be fished per season and there are hunting regulations.. Maybe it's time to put regulations on calories served in restaurants?

    Imagine only being able to serve meals that are 500 calories or under. If not that, then they should at least state the calories in each meal. I don't know if some people realize how many calories they are eating. I want to give them the benefit of the doubt rather than assuming that they just don't care..

    I really don't like that slippery slope though. Start passing regulations on food and eventually we'll be eating Soylent Green. I'm exaggerating, yes, but it seems like when it comes to regulation, once they start they don't stop. They may say "well meat isn't that healthy so we're banning it all" - while vegetarianism has it's merits, few people I know, even those who are veg (except the few far-wacko animal rights types), would agree the government should "force" everyone into it.
  • rockinright
    I don't understand how people can eat that much and feel good afterwards! YIKES!:noway:

    They don't, that's the point! We as Americans are so concerned with how it tastes on our buds, that we feel like the after effects of bloating, constipation, and possible sugar coma are worth it because it tastes soooo good. I don't feel that way anymore -- well about a lot of things, though. Sometimes I'm okay with the bloating and constipation after pizza if it's REALLY good pizza and I ate well throughout the day, haha.

    As for mookiemoo, I don't think anything over 1000 calories should be on ANY menu unless it's a body builders restaurant, lol!

    I'm still at the stage where taste sometimes trumps it all. Eating should be a pleasure, not a chore, but the way I've come to look at it is simple: It should be a pleasure both while and after you eat it, not just one or the other.

    Many healthy options taste good and I'm getting better each day, but sometimes, I've just gotta have a burger or pizza.
  • rockinright
    That's crazy.. I wonder if there should be laws or at least regulations placed on food. Seems odd.. but you have a quota on the amount of fish that can be fished per season and there are hunting regulations.. Maybe it's time to put regulations on calories served in restaurants?

    Imagine only being able to serve meals that are 500 calories or under. If not that, then they should at least state the calories in each meal. I don't know if some people realize how many calories they are eating. I want to give them the benefit of the doubt rather than assuming that they just don't care..

    Why does it need to be regulated? What happened to people using common sense?!?! If you plop your butt down at a fast food joint, Denny's, iHop, etc. you should not expect to be eating a healthy breakfast. These places are notorious for their fat/calorie/sodium content in ALL foods served. It's not the government's job to intercede when I decide to eat an excessive amount of calories. I can see having them list the nutritional date of their food, but that's about it.

    Agreed 1000%.
  • rockinright
    That's crazy.. I wonder if there should be laws or at least regulations placed on food. Seems odd.. but you have a quota on the amount of fish that can be fished per season and there are hunting regulations.. Maybe it's time to put regulations on calories served in restaurants?

    Imagine only being able to serve meals that are 500 calories or under. If not that, then they should at least state the calories in each meal. I don't know if some people realize how many calories they are eating. I want to give them the benefit of the doubt rather than assuming that they just don't care..

    i agree with posting how many calories or nutritional facts on each meal on a menu but i dont think regulating what people eat would be the best idea, since we live in a free nation and are to make our own choices, instead maybe we should take responsibility for our own eating habits and try and change them.. i admit i used to eat like that cause it tasted good, not anymore tho!

    Actually, there are laws being passed that are requiring posting calories in menus already in some parts of the country. Here's a couple articles on that:



    Pretty soon, we'll know before we order what kind of CRAP is on the menu. That's why you've seen places like Applebee's advertising the 500 calorie meals.

    The toughest thing is the "mom and pop" restaurants. There's never any nutritional info and honestly the owners probably wouldn't even be able to honestly figure it out.
  • rockinright
    i dont know after spending the last few months counting calories and bustin my @ss working out really makes me think restaurants should be more responsible. I really dont think there should be items for 1000 calories...a whole meal maybe as a splurge but geeze. no wonder so many struggle with weight.

    We become accustomed to large portions (not to mention the unhealthiness of the food itself).

    When I first started MFP, I felt "ripped off" when I saw what a serving was. It's just what I had become used to eating was usually 3 or even 4 servings in some cases!
  • cuppycake22
  • bloblynda
    bloblynda Posts: 99 Member
    It must be an American thing; None of my friends or colleagues go out for breakfast although I belive that is changing slowly. Why? It only takes 3 mins in a microwave to prepare a bowl of porridge or even less for a cold ceral with skimmed milk. Even a boiled egg and toast soldiers.
  • Sezmo83
    Sezmo83 Posts: 331 Member
    Oh god...who eats out at restaurant for BREAKFAST?! All of that food sounds soooo unhealthy and awful! I'll stick with my porridge thank you! :laugh:
    We did while on honeymoon because the hotel food wasn't nice. I also did it on a training course in London as I had to leave the hotel at 8am to get to the training building for 9am and the hotel didn't start serving breakfast until half 8. It was either go without or go to one of those greasy spoon cafes.

    I hope the foods that can be served in restaurants is never limited to be honest. Now and then i t's nice to go out and have something that would normally be too many calories (pizza followed by chocolate fudge cake and cream is my weakness). I do think they should have to display the nutritional information though.

    If you think the foods in that article are bad check out