Cardio vs Weights



  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member

    I only ask because I was reading a thread yesterday and I saw something being said about if you do both together it just counter acts each other which I didn't think sounded too convincing but thought i'd post anyway to make sure I wasn't being counter productive.

    That is just....dumb. It's like saying that eating an apple and eating chicken in the same meal makes it bad for you. Oh wait, people do say stuff like that too!!

    Personally I like things that mix it up, like interval training, or cardio that incorporates bodyweight (e.g. Insanity). Kinda the best of both worlds if you are just going for general fitness & looking better nekkid.

    It's not dumb, it just lacks the context needed to be true.

    In very extreme situation, they do counter act each other. Someone wanting the most optimal muscle/mass gains should be doing minimal to no cardio, allowing the body to solely focus on building muscle. Someone wanting to be an elite level ultra marathoner should do minimal strength training (mostly just for injury prevention) to focus on endurance.

    But that applies to about .0001% of the population. For the rest of us, a reasonable balance of both is generally beneficial.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Just my 2 cents, I'd avoid using anyone's n=1 self experiment to help decide which direction you should go.

    werd yo! xthumb.gif
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    <~ Cardio



    The choice is yours.

    Cardio got you pregnant?

    Nm, I'm not doing cardio anymore.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    I never said you will gain weight. I said cardio only isn't the only way to lose weight.

    I didn't alter your statement, its entirely possible to lose weight only doing CV training and some CV has a complementary muscle development effect. Very few disciplines are purely one or the other.

    In MFP there are zealots on both sides of the debate, although far fewer pure CV advocates.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    If you are trying to lose weight, you should be focusing on your diet.

    If you are trying to improve health, get faster and/or stronger, or change how you look, then you should be exercising. Most people will benefit from both cardio and strength training.

    ^^^^^^ This........
  • BlaZeN13x
    I'm going to stick to what I was doing and continue balancing out the cardio and the weights. I've been eating at a deficit, MFP has put me at 1550 calories (not including any workout calories). Would eating at a lower deficit cause more substantial weight loss or should I stick to this for now?
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    I'm going to stick to what I was doing and continue balancing out the cardio and the weights. I've been eating at a deficit, MFP has put me at 1550 calories (not including any workout calories). Would eating at a lower deficit cause more substantial weight loss or should I stick to this for now?

    Stay where you're at for now.
  • kramalicious
    I vote for weights and cardio together, but food is a big part of it. You have to find the right balance between eating less to lose and eating enough to fuel your workouts. I am going to a nutritionist who is also a PT to help me find the right balance. It helps to do reading on your own too.
  • mareeee1234
    mareeee1234 Posts: 674 Member
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    I do both. I'm currently having scheduling issues, but I normally do cardio (via gym classes or outdoor activities) 4-5 days a week and weights 2-4 days a week.

    It works for me. But my goals are cardiovascular health above all.
  • belgerian
    belgerian Posts: 1,059 Member
    anyone who said to lose weight do cardio only is full of baloney.

    Because running for 5 hours per week is leading to masses of weight gain...

    Does depend on what one means by cardio in terms of activity. Running, cycling, rowing, swimming all burn a decent quantity of energy and have a muscle development effect.

    Im just curious where do you get your information from becouse I run 5-6 hours per week almost 3 years now and I am maintaining just fine????
  • gibranholmes1977
    I do both and I lost 22 lbs in less than 9 weeks.
  • Misspinklift
    Misspinklift Posts: 384 Member
    I too were on a diet and still am. I haven't learned the trick to maintain. Since the end of Dec of last year to present day. I went from 160 to 127. In sizes I went from a size 12 to a size 4. I think personally, up to you. Do cardio 3/4 times a week and do weights or strength training 2/3 times a week. Strength training includes: Resistance band, Yoga, Tubing, weights. Anything that can make you stretch in some ways. The reason girls should do it is not because we are gonna build up, that isn't the case. I haven't, in fact I look very small. Strength training will help you looking smaller. Cardio will lose fat, but will it make everything look tight? Good luck! :)
  • gibranholmes1977
    I too were on a diet and still am. I haven't learned the trick to maintain. Since the end of Dec of last year to present day. I went from 160 to 127. In sizes I went from a size 12 to a size 4. I think personally, up to you. Do cardio 3/4 times a week and do weights or strength training 2/3 times a week. Strength training includes: Resistance band, Yoga, Tubing, weights. Anything that can make you stretch in some ways. The reason girls should do it is not because we are gonna build up, that isn't the case. I haven't, in fact I look very small. Strength training will help you looking smaller. Cardio will lose fat, but will it make everything look tight? Good luck! :)

    Great job
  • dearb1
    dearb1 Posts: 17 Member
    I really don't enjoy doing weight training! I know the benefits but I find it boring! I much prefer doing cardio 4 times a week! Hopefully when I get fitter and spend more time reading on the forum I might be more motivated to do some resistance or weight training! I don't have much time to train and after 40 minutes on a treadmill I feel great! I also love spin classes!
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    cardio gal here
  • dearb1
    dearb1 Posts: 17 Member
    I do both and I lost 22 lbs in less than 9 weeks.

    Well done!
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    anyone who said to lose weight do cardio only is full of baloney.

    Because running for 5 hours per week is leading to masses of weight gain...

    Does depend on what one means by cardio in terms of activity. Running, cycling, rowing, swimming all burn a decent quantity of energy and have a muscle development effect.

    Im just curious where do you get your information from becouse I run 5-6 hours per week almost 3 years now and I am maintaining just fine????

  • klund13
    klund13 Posts: 98 Member
    My goal is to lose 70 pounds. When I met with a trainer she suggested doing 3 days/wk of weight training and 2 days/week of cardio.
  • Bamacraft
    Bamacraft Posts: 175 Member
    stroutman81 hit the main points so no need in repeating what points he made. all i would add is that you need to find what you enjoy. If its enjoyable then you will most likely stick to it and benefit from it. lots of ppl enjoy cardio and hate wts. my wife is one of those. some are the opposite. I would stick to what you are doing, just change your schedule (wt, reps, DB, machine) up every few weeks. is a good resource of schedules/routines. if you are exercising regular and have your DIET squared away you will be fine. If you are looking for the fitness model physique then you will have to incorporate wts/resistance in and could even reduce the cardio (running), if thats not your thing. You can always mix in some HIIT using wts for cardio in place of the running.