Back again only now I'm a new mom!

_whatsherface Posts: 1,235 Member
edited November 2023 in Getting Started
I have been on and off this site for years I feel like. Last December I was back on track and more determined than ever! Only 2 weeks in I found out I was pregnant. I did manage to only gain 20 pounds and on 9/5 my 10 lb 9 oz 22.5 inch baby boy arrived!! I'm BF and pumping which has been good. I've lost 24 pounds and am 4 pounds down from pre pregnancy weight. Just waiting to get the doctors okay to start working out again but it's only been 2 weeks so who knows? Plus I suffered a 4th degree tear so it might be longer for me. It starts with eating right, right?! Any other new moms out there? Would love to be friends and we could motivate each other (:


  • socioseguro
    socioseguro Posts: 1,679 Member
    Hi welcome back

    My suggestion is to join one of the MFP groups with similar interest.

    You can find them at "Groups" link in the dark blue banner above

    here is one link for "Moms"✓&phrase=Mom
  • _EdnaRose_
    _EdnaRose_ Posts: 7 Member
    Hi! Congrats on the new bundle of joy! I gave birth to my second child two months ago and recently re-started my journey. The weight seems harder to come off this time around but I am determined to get it off! Sending you a FR.
  • _whatsherface
    _whatsherface Posts: 1,235 Member
    I just can't wait to work out again!! (:
  • blondieellie
    blondieellie Posts: 46 Member
    Hi! Congrats! :) Yes - new mum here too - please feel free to add me.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Congratulations! Join us over at Post Partum Pack. We are all nice and non-judgey :)
  • brynnsmom
    brynnsmom Posts: 945 Member
    Congratulations! Sounds like you have set yourself up for success. Don't stress - diet alone can work wonders. Don't put pressure on yourself to exercise until you're physically ready. Best of luck!
  • Jwls23
    Jwls23 Posts: 37 Member
    Hi! New mom here too! I had my. 8lb 3 oz baby boy Henry I'm August 25. I too only gained 20 and am back to my prepregnancy weight. I have about 15-20 pounds to reach my goal. More importantly I want to tone and get back on track with healthy eating. Btw I am also breastfeeding. I hope you don't mind if I add you. :)
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