how do you satisfy your sweet tooth?!



  • spob
    spob Posts: 206
    Isn't it funny that we all have our chocolate survival tips! One of the ways that I try to get through the need for something decadent is I :drinker: melt pb in the micro and dip apples into it. It's warm and gooey and more of a treat than straight up pb. In the end it is also a good kick to the protein and fruit requirements in my diet!
  • Jenks
    Jenks Posts: 349
    lol...when I want ice cream, I eat ice cream :blushing:
    I like the little blue bell ice cream cups, just enough to satisfy the craving and it's portioned controlled for me. If you give me a carton of ice cream and and ice cream scoop...well you can imagine portion control wouldn't be the first thing on my mind :laugh:
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    I love the skinny cow ice cream sandwiches and also the klondike slim bars ( only 100 cals and YUM)
    for the chocolate craving a couple herserys kisses or chocolate rice cakes are good
  • Dispathio
    Dispathio Posts: 22 Member
    Kill two birds with one stone: Hersheys cocoa powder, low fat milk, truvia, lots of ice and vanilla flavor. Mix in blender. a great milk shake.:smile:
  • ksnurse25
    ksnurse25 Posts: 62 Member
    I eat a lot of yogurt. I get the thick and creamy (love the texture) in a variety of flavors. Plus, they are only 100 calories per serving! Key lime pie is to die for. You should try it!
  • gnrshelton
    gnrshelton Posts: 358 Member
    For chocolate cravings I eat one no sugar added fudgecicle. (40 calorie) That hits the chocolate and the ice cream craving. For just sugar craving I try chewing gum,100 calorie packs(cookies) or one piece of hard candy. Hope this helps.
  • you can make mini chocolate pudding pies and they're only 145 calories. Buy a package of mini graham cracker crusts from Keebler and a package of sugar free fat free instant chocolate pudding. Make the pudding, fill the mini graham cracker crusts, and you've got yourself a nice little pudding pie! They're one of my favorite desserts ;-)
  • I am new to this site. And the whole weight loss thing as well. I am on a major diet of 1200 cal and less a day. NO SUGARS, Low to no fat, NO bread, NO potatoes, NO red meat, NO pasta. I had recently had a Trigliceride level of 449 so it was way high. I have to really watch what I eat. It is going to be way hard to watch my sweet tooth. And the No support will be so hard. So I came to this site in hopes for some support, and I can track my food on my phone. If anyone has some help I could really use it. Cora.
  • Healthy Choice Fudge Bars - 100 calories, 1.5g Fat, 16g Carbs, 4g Protein. Yummy.
  • HIzara
    HIzara Posts: 187
    I say sorbets, yogurts and 85% of higher DARK Chocolate (only!). :flowerforyou:
  • special k cereal bars have some chocolate flabored ones and they are amazing!
  • HIzara
    HIzara Posts: 187
    I eat a lot of yogurt. I get the thick and creamy (love the texture) in a variety of flavors. Plus, they are only 100 calories per serving! Key lime pie is to die for. You should try it!

    Yogurt doesn't fill me up (diary doesn't fill me up) and somehow makes me want to eat more food! :sad:
  • HIzara
    HIzara Posts: 187
    I am new to this site. And the whole weight loss thing as well. I am on a major diet of 1200 cal and less a day. NO SUGARS, Low to no fat, NO bread, NO potatoes, NO red meat, NO pasta. I had recently had a Trigliceride level of 449 so it was way high. I have to really watch what I eat. It is going to be way hard to watch my sweet tooth. And the No support will be so hard. So I came to this site in hopes for some support, and I can track my food on my phone. If anyone has some help I could really use it. Cora.

    You are starting off with all these "no"s? If so, that is really hard!!!

    I would say no to some, or low to some, and then gradually decrease to less within a few weeks. Maybe after 3 or 4 weeks, then you can try go with "no"s....

    It took me a while to be able to say NO... and I still don't say NO to everything. Just "LESS" and maybe only cheat days, which are 1x every two weeks for me.
  • NutritionDivaRD
    NutritionDivaRD Posts: 467 Member
    When I just really need a taste of chocolate and I want something sweet, I eat the mini York peppermint patties. I keep a bag tucked away in my cabinet just for such cravings. They are 50 calories each! So on days when I know I will want them I work out a little extra so that I can have two peppermint patties! 100 calories!

    I also love the skinny cow ice cream sandwiches but its been awhile since I've had one. My favorite ice cream treats are Klondike bars. Klondike makes a lower fat/lower calorie version called "Slim-A-Bear Bars" which take care of that craving for me. I think they are 100 calories but I'm not positive about that. Its been awhile since I've had one of those as well. :)
  • Tuplatano
    Tuplatano Posts: 123 Member
    Great Post! I love to see what everyone have to say on this subject, especially around this time. I luv Pumpkin Pie, Apple Pie, and Cider. If is not in the house I don’t go out of my way to buy that stuff, but it's very hard to fight the temptation of a chocolate chips cookie when you are at a social event and not everyone is perusing the same goal as you. I guess I just try to play a mental game with those tempting food like I tell myself "Good looking pie, I know you are delicious and can't help yourself to climb into my mouth but I’m stronger than you". lol. Is like a mental challenge game and most of the time its work for me. Not always because I’m not perfect. I guess as long as you keep it to a limit like a small piece once a month or every other month is ok. You can use it as a reward for yourself after you accomplish a certain goal. Example I will try to eat something I enjoy guilt free, or go to a certain restaurant every time I lose 20 LBS.

    Also to fight the sweet tooth I have one or 2 spoon of lite whip cream or eat a pudding or yogurt.
  • brityn
    brityn Posts: 443 Member
    i slice up 1/2 cup of strawberries and sprinkle them with a packet of slenda. I make six of these at the beginning of the week and keep two in the fridge and the rest in the freezer. I replenish the ones in the fridge with the ones in the freezer as I eat them....I mix the strawberries with 1/2 c. fat free cottage cheese. It's delicious and creamy and healthy and full of protein!
  • Fat free, light yogurt or the new Kashi protein bars, chocolate, carmel, peanut. Really good.
  • nbbaron
    nbbaron Posts: 7 Member
    Brityn: what an excellent idea! I have written this down and will use it in the future. Sounds YUMMY!
  • i've heard eating a sweet potato at night before bed can help with cravings for sweets..

    it's terrible, but my best solution for getting rid of a craving for sweets (usually ice cream, my HUGE weakness) is to just eat ice cream.. Problem is, that usually leads to more ice cream cravings.. ugh
  • I too have a downfall with ice cream. My favorite thing to do is when I buy yogurts I will put some in the freezer. This is great because you can get so many different flavors I think some brands even offer chocolate ones and most are under 100 calories :)
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