Looking for friends to help keep me motivated!

Hi- I've been active on here for just over a week and I *think* I'm really gonna do it this time. Looking for friends who are active on here to help keep me motivated and accountable! I figure I'm more likely to keep going and watch my calories if I have people checking out my food diary and progress everyday! I have over 100 pounds to lose (yikes) so would love friends who are in the same boat :)


  • GettinFit_11
    GettinFit_11 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi! I'm recommitting myself to MFP as well to help with my goal of dropping lbs/inches/sizes before my brother's wedding in June. Feel free to add me and we can cheer each other on!
  • Holder79
    Holder79 Posts: 55 Member
    I dont have quite that much to lose anymore as Ive already lost 43lbs..but Im here to help keep you going if youd like. Jason
    TINAHUNTER1969 Posts: 219 Member
    Hi, break the 100lbs into 5lb or 10lb goals to start with so its not so daunting.

    Lots of encouraging people on here and I like how MFP makes you accountable for what you eat nothing is off limits its just learning to have the right food. Treats are allowed just work them into your calories.

    Exercise - anything is better than nothing so even if you are busy if you can manage a 10 minute walk every day you are helping yourself get fitter and healthier.

    I don't care how long it takes me I just want to be healthy and feel good.

    Good luck on your journey, feel free to add me, I can encourage or nag whatever is required! :wink:

    Tina x
  • costaingrida
    costaingrida Posts: 2 Member
    Hi :)
    I only started few days ago but same as you think/hope I'm going to do it this time.
    I tried many different things to lose weight in last 3 years but no luck so far :( it looks like I just can not stick to anything longer that 3 weeks.... and also believe that if I have a friends who can join me on my mission I will be more successful :)
    need to lose around 100 pounds to.
    Hoe to see you in my friends list soon :)
  • JBDaniel08
    JBDaniel08 Posts: 67 Member
    Although I don't have as much weight to lose I am just getting back on track. I too need someone to keep me motivated. If your interested friend me.

  • Janae0221
    Janae0221 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi! I only joined MFP a few days ago and am still trying to figure this whole thing out :) I am in the same boat and really think I am going to do it this time too!! :) Would love to have someone show me the ropes. Not sure what to do- send a friend request? Do you send me a friend request?!
  • fae133
    fae133 Posts: 1 Member
    I'd be glad to help you keep motivated I could use the help as well :)
  • bonnieharperhomelife
    Hey! I joined last year and have kept off my first 25 pounds...I've still got another 70 to go...LET'S DO THIS THING =D
  • loydbl
    Good luck hope you are able to accomplish this goal i have lost 125 pounds and i wish i had some friends but i had to stick through it by myself
  • Smiles4Leja
    Im in the same boat as you!! Lets do this together!!! ADD ME!! lol =)
  • mrspinky85
    mrspinky85 Posts: 79 Member
    Girl, if you look at my history it has been on again off again with me on here. This time I am serious about it too and the motivation on here helps. You can hit me up and we can do this journey together and cheer each other on. There is no reason to go at this alone. So many people struggle by themselves when they don't have to. Come on over and lets get it done!
  • rsdotson
    rsdotson Posts: 29 Member
    You can do it! I have to lose something in the range of 50 lbs. I have lost a few with myfitnesspal. Was off the wagon for a bit, but I am back on again. I've requested you as a friend. :)