Prove to me that Carb Nite isn't s***.



  • baptiste565
    baptiste565 Posts: 590 Member
    Carb binging takes your body out of "ketosis," which is the process of burning stored fat in place of consumed carbohydrates. My personal experience indicates this is true. Even eating a big piece of bread will stop weightloss for at least 2 days.

    The purpose behind a carb re-feed is to boost your metabolism and help restore your Leptin hormone levels. When you are dieting and on a low caloric diet (esp for a long period of time), not only will your metabolism will drop, but your Leptin levels will drop in an attempt to spare body fat. So, with a lower metabolism and lower Leptin levels, it becomes harder to break that fat burning plateau. This is why impelmenting a re-feed day is important.
    also carb refeeds restore glycogen levels. very little gets stored as fat. unless u spill over
  • CommandaPanda
    CommandaPanda Posts: 451 Member
    "Carb Nite" sounds a lot like the Cyclical Ketogenic Diet -- I wouldn't recommend it for the average person, it's easy to screw up and go the opposite.
  • xoemmytee
    xoemmytee Posts: 162 Member
    Low carb works (if you can stand it and if you can avoid going carb nuts after reaching goal), but the binge thing actually ruins it. It takes the body 2-3 days to get into burn mode when going low carb, so you're really killing it with binge day. I, frankly, don't believe in "cheat days" at all. Sometimes you slip up, but deliberately planning to mess up is just dumb.

    hmmmm....please inform me how does a carb binge ruin it? With that logic, I'm assuming to you carb cycling doesn't work. Am I correct?

    Carb binging takes your body out of "ketosis," which is the process of burning stored fat in place of consumed carbohydrates. My personal experience indicates this is true. Even eating a big piece of bread will stop weightloss for at least 2 days.
    This is purely anecdotal. Everyone is different. After I have more carbs than usual, I'm back in ketosis by the next morning.
  • tmpecus78
    tmpecus78 Posts: 1,206 Member
    Carb binging takes your body out of "ketosis," which is the process of burning stored fat in place of consumed carbohydrates. My personal experience indicates this is true. Even eating a big piece of bread will stop weightloss for at least 2 days.

    The purpose behind a carb re-feed is to boost your metabolism and help restore your Leptin hormone levels. When you are dieting and on a low caloric diet (esp for a long period of time), not only will your metabolism will drop, but your Leptin levels will drop in an attempt to spare body fat. So, with a lower metabolism and lower Leptin levels, it becomes harder to break that fat burning plateau. This is why impelmenting a re-feed day is important.
    also carb refeeds restore glycogen levels. very little gets stored as fat. unless u spill over

    THIS ^
  • baptiste565
    baptiste565 Posts: 590 Member
    Low carb works (if you can stand it and if you can avoid going carb nuts after reaching goal), but the binge thing actually ruins it. It takes the body 2-3 days to get into burn mode when going low carb, so you're really killing it with binge day. I, frankly, don't believe in "cheat days" at all. Sometimes you slip up, but deliberately planning to mess up is just dumb.

    hmmmm....please inform me how does a carb binge ruin it? With that logic, I'm assuming to you carb cycling doesn't work. Am I correct?

    Carb binging takes your body out of "ketosis," which is the process of burning stored fat in place of consumed carbohydrates. My personal experience indicates this is true. Even eating a big piece of bread will stop weightloss for at least 2 days.
    This is purely anecdotal. Everyone is different. After I have more carbs than usual, I'm back in ketosis by the next morning.
    if u dont mind me do u know u r in ketosis?
  • sheilahollinger1
    I started carb nite solution on may 18 2013. I eat under 30 net carbs 7 days a week, with a carb refeed on the 7th night. I eat low fat, high good carbs to spike insulin, rice, potatoes, bread, pasta, and a dessert before bed. I am about 2 pounds up from water weight the next day, as expected, but then I am back in ketosis that night. I am loosing 2 to 3 pounds a week. I am a stay at home mom with 3 little kids and I don't go to the gym. I still have 100 pounds to loose, and I tried low carb but kept falling off the plan. Carb nite is FUN and I make that one night special which keeps this plan exciting and keeps me motivated. I believe in this plan but everyone has to tweak it to find what works for them. There is a dr that visits the forums who will testify this plan works for his type 2 diabetes patients.. please, read the science behind it before knocking it. If you eat in the window your supposed to, you don't store fat. You boost hormones, help your thyroid and boost fat burning metabolism, and return right back into ketosis the next night.
  • shrenlee
    shrenlee Posts: 6 Member
    you really need to read the book. Its effective and the science behind it is solid. It works. Its not for everyone but I can say I am never hungry, I feel better now than I have in years.
  • AlexanderJLowe
    Started Sept 1, 2013 at 215 lb and 36 waist. Saturday Oct 12 the morning of my carb nite I was 199 lb and 34 lb waist. I eat a mountain of garbage on my carb nite :) Literally over 10,000 calories over 6-7 hours. I gain 2 lb overnight and it's gone by midweek and then I'm down another 1-2 lb by the morning of my next carb night.

    The hardest part is all the work preparing my meals and trying to figure out new recipes. Also I started lifting after stopping for a long time so it's a little discouraging when I don't see as big a drop off in weight each week, but my clothes keep getting looser so I know it's working.
  • mczx2
    mczx2 Posts: 2 Member
    To post calling it a "piece of s***" shows ignorance on the part of the original poster.

    If you struggle with your weight, your probably currently carb intolerant/insulin resistant.
    You can eat carbs again, at night, at a future time in your life.
    Right now it's more important you address the hormonal problems your seeing in you waist size.
    If your constantly eating sugar and processed carbs you cannot easily use fat for fuel. All your cardio is actually slowing your metabolism and only burning the sugars in your body, not that fat.

    Part of the reason it works is because your avoiding sugar and grains. Remove grains and you are not eating processed foods.
    For me it has led to cooking more and eating more whole food. I get more nutrition now than before.
    There is nothing stopping you from eating healthy greens and vegetables.
    There is no one forcing you to eat garbage on Carb Nite. It does work BETTER if you do though.

    It is a cyclical ketogenic diet. It was based on many medical studies.
    It was also inspired most likely by Mauro Di Pasquale and The Anabolic Diet.
    It is nothing new, bodybuilders have been using programs like it for steroid like results with no drugs.

    It is probably the easiest thing I have ever done and it's effective.
    Except when I went whole food vegan, lost 45 pounds and most likely 20 pounds of muscle.
    It is written mainly for overweight middle aged women who do not exercise.
    Obviously the younger you are, the better it will work, but make no mistake, it works.

    45 days = 10 pounds fat loss - will confirm additional fat loss with another Dexa scan mid March.
    I reach blood ketone levels of about 1.0mm the second morning after Carb Nite and about 1.5mm by the next Carb Nite.
    No loss of strength - lifts measured by stopwatch.
    Almost no cardio, I walk on a treadmill at 130 heart rate 30 minutes twice a week. (no fat loss from this)
    Almost zero hunger, can actually "forget" to eat...amazing.
    Better able to handle stress at work.
    Better sleep.
    Better mood overall.

    Anyone with a weight issue owes it to themselves to do low carb high fat until they reach their goals.
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    Carb refeeding is not a concept that fat people need concern themselves with.

    But if you are lean, trying to get leaner, it is downright essential that you understand it. Somewhere around the point when you can start seeing bits of your abs unflexed, it becomes a very big deal.

    Your body has hormonal defense against starvation that get brutally powerful as you get leaner and leaner. Leptin is the master controller, but interacts with a bunch of other hormones (ghrelin, serotonin, testorsterone, etc..). Leptin dropping engages your anti-starvation system. Among the side effects:
    - Drop in metabolism, can be quite a large drop (side efffects of this, skin getting nasty, hair stops growing/falls out, cold/tired 24/7).
    - Loss of sex drive, eventually leading to loss of ability (women lose periods, men lose the ability to get wood).
    - Hunger. Constant hunger that never goes away. Eating doesn't solve it, you can't get full, still hungry at the end of meals. It consumes your thoughts. You dream and daydream about feasting, Thanksgiving for example. Typical snack foods lose all appeal, since they really would do nothing about hunger. It makes you manic, almost crazy after a bit, panicked about eating.

    Carb refeeds temporarily knock you out of a deficit and restore leptin levels a little bit. Enough that a regular refeed schedule should slow the rate of leptin dropping significantly, though only a diet break can restore lepin levels. Glycogen levels are the main signal that stimulates leptin production. Leptin is produced by fat tissue, so only the double whammy of low body fat and low glycogen will cause a major drop in leptin.

    Refeeds will manage the symptoms of cutting while lean so that it isn't near as tortuous.

    If you do a refeed right, you should feel AWESOME immediately afterwards. Refeeding does not mean just eating junk though, most "junk" has a ton of tagalong fat, that is something you don't want. Fructose isn't something you want a lot of either (it is processed in the liver, and doesn't do much for restoring body-wide glucose levels quickly). My faves for refeeding are animal crackers and sweet tea.
  • extra_medium
    extra_medium Posts: 1,525 Member
    Low carb works (if you can stand it and if you can avoid going carb nuts after reaching goal), but the binge thing actually ruins it. It takes the body 2-3 days to get into burn mode when going low carb, so you're really killing it with binge day. I, frankly, don't believe in "cheat days" at all. Sometimes you slip up, but deliberately planning to mess up is just dumb.

    hmmmm....please inform me how does a carb binge ruin it? With that logic, I'm assuming to you carb cycling doesn't work. Am I correct?

    Carb binging takes your body out of "ketosis," which is the process of burning stored fat in place of consumed carbohydrates. My personal experience indicates this is true. Even eating a big piece of bread will stop weightloss for at least 2 days.

    Except for the people who eat bread every day and consistently burn stored fat.
  • adamhurst54
    I know this is an old post, but I would like to share my experience with you. I have been weight lifting for several years, quite strong, but always had extra fat on my frame. Dieting has always been my bane. I read about Carb Nite and decided to give it a try. The first few days were the hardest. I have stuck with the program for 3 months. I went from 240lbs to 208lbs. Due to the carb re feeding night, I was able to maintain my muscle mass while burning pure body fat. I eat less than 30 grams of carbs every day, on my car nite, I eat cookies, pizza, etc. (Whatever sounds good). I use ketostix urinary reagent test (available at most pharmacies) to make sure I am in a ketogenic state. It takes me only a day to raise my ketone levels up to moderate/high level after my carb nite. I highly recommend this diet to anyone looking to lower body fat while maintaining muscle mass.
  • adamhurst54
    Here is a photogrid of my progress.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    Carb binging takes your body out of "ketosis," which is the process of burning stored fat in place of consumed carbohydrates. My personal experience indicates this is true. Even eating a big piece of bread will stop weightloss for at least 2 days.

    ketosis is the break down of triacylglycerol, fat that is already in the body stream.

    it seems a minor point, but people seem to think that a low carb diet will some how burn body fat faster or better then other diets. Your body switches to using fat as a primary energy source, but most of the triacylglycerol available is going to be from the food you eat (which is mostly fat/protein on a low carb diet).

    You will only access your stored body fat at the rate in which you create a calorie defecit, same as any other diet.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    to address the OP - If you like to eat that way, go for it.

    If your not losing weight, then your binging to excessively on your 'carb nite'.

    People make it way to complicated. Eat less then you burn and your golden.

    this is purely from a weight loss perspective. not speaking to other health concerns. if your a pre-diebetic, this is probably a really bad idea.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    Carb refeeding is not a concept that fat people need concern themselves with.
