Starting over and need support

This is mostly cross-posted from the exercise fitness board, since I asked for exercise suggestions there.

My story is this: I started putting on some serious weight in my mid-late 20s. Previous to this, I was always ever-so-slightly overweight. I'm 5'10 and spent most of my young adult years bouncing around 160-180. For whatever reason, I started to put on weight very quickly, and at age 30, I had reached 300+ pounds. There were (and are) lots of factors; depression, food cravings, finally having the money to spend on food I actually wanted, lack of exercise (I walked *everywhere* in college!). I developed sleep apnea around age 28 and struggled with it for a few years.

I had my wake up moment when, the summer before I turned 30, I contracted cellulitis and landed in the hospital for 2 weeks as the damage spread to my kidneys. I vividly remember my weight being announced as 340 pounds, and I was diagnosed as being diabetic--though that was a mistake, I didn't know that for a few years, so I watched my diet pretty closely.

Over the next 3 years I slowly managed to lose 100 pounds, getting down to 240 in 2006 but unable to get any lower. There I was stuck. I hovered around 240-250 for a few years, but in 2008 I developed severe plantar fasciitis--causing excruciating pain whenever I walk or put pressure on my feet. No treatments worked. I began to wear custom orthotics which make it bearable, but all of my old exercise routines were shot. The weight slowly crept back until I was in the 280s in 2010. I then got pregnant with my son, and later contracted gestational diabetes, so I watched my weight closely. Post-pregnancy in spring 2011 I was back down to 248 pounds. (Yes--I LOST weight during pregnancy!) I remember thinking, 'don't waste this!" Well, I did. Of course.

Last winter was particularly brutal and I ate terribly, and the weight has quickly come back. Weighed myself a few weeks ago and I was shocked to see I was back up to 294 pounds. The sleep apnea came back several months ago, my feet are killing me, and I am exhausted.

So here I am again: Only this time, instead of being 30, I'm turning 40 in a few weeks. And I have a toddler son. And I have untreated sleep apnea, which I can no longer afford to treat because of my current health insurance. And I have plantar fasciitis. And I don't know what to do.

Plan #1 is to address my eating, which has been as horrible as you can imagine. But I also want to find SOME kind of exercise to help my sluggish metabolism, which has never been good. I can't afford to see any doctors this time around. My company has me on a terrible HRA plan with a very limited amount of account dollars, which I have to save for my toddler son who gets every illness under the sun. I also can't afford a gym membership to do any pool activities. I live in a major metropolitan area but there isn't a Y nearby and I would have no one to watch my son anyway. (My husband works a crappy retail job, mostly evenings and weekends, as he lost his 'real' job during the recession. So I'm basically a single mom on the weekends).

I'm feeling rather stuck. I tried talking to my doctor during my annual checkup, but he's like most doctors--he hears my roadblocks as excuses, that "I'd find a way" if I really wanted to. Well, there is a little truth to that, but what I really need is someone to help me think past the toddler, the lack of money, the plantar fasciitis, the sleep apnea I can't afford to treat and leaves me so exhausted I am falling asleep at work. I need ideas, not someone telling me I'm making excuses.

ANY thoughts / ideas would be very appreciated!


  • Hello, your story is so complex. I don't feel qualified to offer advice. But if you know you want to and need to lose weight, then maybe this time focus on small goals? Would that work for you? That is my plan. In reality, I need to lose 65+ pounds. But instead of tackling the big picture, this time I plan to take incremental steps. As I complete each step, I will set a new goal for the next step.

    If you think this approach might work for you, then Iet me know. my first step is to get through Sept 30th. I've set an eating goal and a cardio goal and I'm only committing thru "September 30th! If you'd like to do the same, we can share goals.

    Either way, I sincerely wish you the very best!
  • Eastern_Echo23
    Eastern_Echo23 Posts: 198 Member
    set weekly goals

    week 1: drink 8+ glasses of water per day
    week 2: week 1 + eat 6 servings of fruit and veggies
    week 3: weeks 1 and 2 + limit the amount of soda and sugary fluids you drink

    and each week add a new goal...

    the next step would be to reward yourself for little gains, but don't do it with food... for example if you want to go to the movies, buy that new book, a pair of shoes, or even new bathroom towels, make sure your reinforcing good behavior with good things... and when in doubt, talk to your friends! we are here for you...

    feel free to add me, and put up a profile pic so we can see you ;)

    if you want, you can open up your diary to the public and we can see if there are anyways we can help
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,208 Member
    Make a plan, and stick to it:

    - keep calories and carbohydrates low

    - stop buying foods you don't want to eat

    - wear a Strassburg sock for the plantar fasciitis

    - as the pounds melt off, pat yourself on the back. :-)

    Nasal strips sometimes help with sleep apnea.