Running Kicks & HRM's

Hi everyone!!!!

OK two things:

I am looking for a new pair of running shoes. I usually go with Nike, and currently have a good aerobics pair, but I am doing C25K and need something really light without the "shock" things that make me roll my ankle while running. Since I live in Mexico Nike's are WAY expensive here and usually not even the newest models, so I was thinking of ordering them online and having them sent here to me. I know its a risk without trying them on but please let me know if you have any good suggestions.


I am looking for a good HRM that reads calories burned. I found a sweet one here in Mexico, but it costs the USD equivilent of 500 bucks!!! Seems steep to me and again its Nike so WAY expensive here.

Let me know if you have any tips on either front!! Thanks :)


  • kimandal99
    I love my Asics running shoes. Not sure how much they would cost for you but I bought them in IL for only $35. Great running shoes that didn't even need to be broken in.