Super Size vs Super Skinny

init2fitit Posts: 168 Member
So, I'm not much of a tv watcher because I don't like commercials, but I was trawling through youtube a couple of years back and found this show called Super Size VS Super Skinny.

Essentially, they take an obese person (if not slightly morbidly obese) and someone that is underweight and they make them switch diets for a wee, then they get a specialized diet plan. Of course it's a UK show so a lot of the interludes talk about us fat Americans, but it's still pretty interesting.

Anyone else seen it?

There's was an underweight guy who lived on chocolate and coffee. Sounds like my first year of college gone bad.


  • BlubbinBlubber
    BlubbinBlubber Posts: 32 Member
    ooh i've seen a few episodes of that. i noticed they're really big into using the shock factor to scare the people into being healthy. i wish they'd take a slightly different approach in getting them to turn their lives around... like maybe sharing more success stories instead of horror stories from texas
  • init2fitit
    init2fitit Posts: 168 Member
    Yeah, McAllen Texas really does get the short end of the stick.
    I like the whole "You eat 46 lbs of sugar a month." *pours sugar on a table* type spiel.

    I think that the one good factor about this show is that they address being underweight for once.
  • saragd012
    saragd012 Posts: 693 Member
    I absolutely LOVE that show. I've watched every episode on YouTube, they touch on so many important topics. Though as an American sometimes it gets uncomfortable when they use the threat of American obesity on those in the UK. But I guess if the shoe fits...
  • katday
    katday Posts: 24 Member
    LOVE IT. although the first seasons were better... i didnt like that they got rid of the food tube and that the diet swap isnt as long as it used to be... Secret Eaters on the same channel was also quite interesting
  • rosellasweet
    rosellasweet Posts: 163 Member
    I LOVE that show! I've seen every season. I started watching it when I first started losing weight and it inspired me to keep going. I agree with Katday that the first couple of seasons were better. To me, it seems harder to go a whole week then to just do it for about two days (later seasons). However, I did like the additions of taking the SuperSize to meet someone who was immensely supersize. They didn't do this with the skinnys but the photos really drove the point home.
  • Sjenny5891
    Sjenny5891 Posts: 717 Member
    Yes, but did they make them exercise as much as the underweight person?
    I've noticed I don't burn as many calories per exercise I used to, but I do more things so I still eat the same ammount of calories I did when I started.
  • init2fitit
    init2fitit Posts: 168 Member
    Nah, they don't exercise at all usually.
    The superskinnys typically drink their calories, or eat at huge deficits.