I keep bombing out :(



  • callas444
    callas444 Posts: 261 Member
    Definitely include protein at breakfast because it keeps you full. 2 eggo whole wheat low fat waffles are 150. Instead of sugar free syrup, which adds nothing nutritious to your day, try either a tbsp of peanut butter (around 100) or part skim ricotta (you can sweeten it with sweetener or some all fruit jelly) and some berries on top. Either of those options is under 300 calories and you get food that keeps you full.

    If you need a new thing with eggs, spray a regular sized muffin tin with Pam, pour 1/4 cup egg substitute in each hole. Bake in the oven for 12 minutes at 350 or until the eggs are just set but not dried out. These eggs are just the right size to make an egg sandwich (canadian bacon or turkey bacon would be good on these too!) The eggs will keep for about 5 days in a ziploc in the fridge or they can be frozen. It takes 30 seconds in the microwave to heat them up.

    Hope that helps you. :o) Don't give up. Breakfast is definitely the 'gateway' meal. A good breakfast will lead you into a healthy day, a bad breakfast... not so much.
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    i have a dannon light And fit yogurt greek 2x protein and a string cheese pretty much four out of five weekday mornings. fills me up. once in a while ill add 7 almonds to eat with the cheese. super yummy.
  • xoxoAshleyy
    xoxoAshleyy Posts: 11 Member
    Definitely a lot more protein!

    some sausage links and egg whites with half an english muffin can be a pretty good and filling breakfast! Also some kind of bars to help with snack that have protein? or fruit like a banana. Those are easy to bring to work
  • bridgie101
    bridgie101 Posts: 817 Member
    wholegrain crackers with cheese at morning tea time.

    :) Or a yoghurt.

    give yourself morning tea and it'll help you through.

  • tootchute
    tootchute Posts: 392 Member
    Doesn't protein make you less hungry, maybe add more?
  • mahanaibu
    mahanaibu Posts: 505 Member
    I don't want to be harsh, but it would be a miracle of you weren't bombing out. Your diet is largely made up of foods that leave you low on protein and macronutrients. On top of that, the sugar and refined carbs are wreaking havoc with your blood sugar, raising it high for a short time, then sending it plummeting, which makes you feel starving.

    Your way of eating needs an overhaul, but overhauls are tough, so try changing things a little bit at a time. Move away from so many refined carbs and sweets and toward protein, vegetables and whole foods (potatoes are carb-y but they're very satisfying for most people.). Start the day with protein, doesn't have to be eggs, can be cottage cheese, yogurt, regular cheese, chicken, fish, whatever, but real food with protein. Add a veggie if possible. That should get your day off to a better start.
  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    Egg muffins are a great breakfast food. I package them in ziplock baggies (2 per Baggie) and keep them in the fridge. Toss a bag in my purse each morning, drive to work, then microwave them for 30 seconds. You can make them with basically anything but I like to use turkey sausage, bell pepper, and cheese in mine.

    I also agree to cut out the candy. Sugary snacks are tasty but they can actually make you MORE hungry. Nuts don't need refrigerating and are easy to store in a desk drawer. They've got protein and tons of good fat to help you feel satisfied. You can also look into protein bars. I can't do pure protein bars (I hate the texture), but I love Natire's valley dark chocolate and peanut protein snack bars, and the Life Choicr Wellness Bars are tasty and not too bad on the carbs with 11g of protein.

    You can also take fruit, like apples, bananas, or clementine oranges to work without needing a fridge. They won't help add fullness, but they're a sweet treat that is healthy. I often have a piece of fruit and 2oz of almonds as an afternoon snack.
  • bridgie101
    bridgie101 Posts: 817 Member
    Another thing that will fill you up is fibre. :)
  • LJGettinSexy
    LJGettinSexy Posts: 223 Member
    From looking at your diary, you need three course meals, small servings of each food group at meal time and leave the junk food out. You will feel more satisfied throuhout the day. Also, you should snack on fruits, nuts, raisins, etc. between meals.
  • amyelyseneer
    I would suggest dropping the artificial sweeteners for a few days. Try to replace your sweet tooth cravings with fruit when you can, and cane sugar products in moderation when you can't, add a glass of 100% , no added sugar, (insert your favorite yummy fruit here) juice to your breakfast. Try some chopped up berries on your pancakes.

    Just looking at the diary and what you are describing, I think you might be having a blood sugar issue, and artificial sweeteners aren't helping there. go for naturally sweet things, bananas and certain apples can be a great sweet tooth appeaser, and they travel pretty good, (as long as your work commute doesn't involve high speed car chases, explosions and elephant stampedes)

    I'd suggest that, and also the adding more protein that everyone else is suggesting. (I'm still trying to get more protein into my meals and got a lot of great suggestions from everyone on that just the other day, so definitely try some of the suggestions, they helped me, I got to only 4 under my protein number today with everyone's help!)
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    As other people have said: you need more protein. Also, fresh fruits and vegetables. You're eating a lot of processed food.
    As for the food diary, it has helped me *a lot* to assign calories to every meal. For example, for breakfast I allow myself 400 calories, and then 700 for lunch. That way, I know that if I overeat at one meal, I need to make up for it in another.
    Hope this helps. Good luck.
  • TanyaAD138
    TanyaAD138 Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks everyone.... and the eggs in the muffin pan idea is brilliant!! I hear you all on the more protein thing. I have no imagination when it comes to food so throwing dishes together result in a nervous breakdown half the time lol

    Though i did learn that DAIRY is my "super food" mainly cheese... so dairy/protein need to be upp'ed in my diet for sure. Also went food shopping for more fruit and veg. Now that my boyfriend is also using MFP along with me there's less struggle over what foods to buy.

    Quick question ... Whats the deal with everyone eating egg whites only? the yolk is there all the good cholesterol and other nutrients are. Why would you omit what makes the egg beneficial ??
  • TanyaAD138
    TanyaAD138 Posts: 12 Member
    I don't want to be harsh, but it would be a miracle of you weren't bombing out. Your diet is largely made up of foods that leave you low on protein and macronutrients. On top of that, the sugar and refined carbs are wreaking havoc with your blood sugar, raising it high for a short time, then sending it plummeting, which makes you feel starving.

    Your way of eating needs an overhaul, but overhauls are tough, so try changing things a little bit at a time. Move away from so many refined carbs and sweets and toward protein, vegetables and whole foods (potatoes are carb-y but they're very satisfying for most people.). Start the day with protein, doesn't have to be eggs, can be cottage cheese, yogurt, regular cheese, chicken, fish, whatever, but real food with protein. Add a veggie if possible. That should get your day off to a better start.

    overhaul indeed!! ... I just never know what the hell to throw together in terms of food :/ Know of a good place to find food ideas and such?
  • hep26000
    hep26000 Posts: 156 Member
    I have heard someplace that you are supposed to eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper.
    So eat a big breakfast and you will have all day to burn it off. Just eat less the rest of the day... try and see if it works for you. I wish I could do that but I need a larger dinner.
  • woodml1
    woodml1 Posts: 199 Member
    I find that my meals and snacks keep me full longer if I mix protein and fiber. They both help a little bit but together they're the most effective. Some of my favorites are:
    -small apple with almond butter
    -ezekial bread with light cream cheese
    -tuna or chicken salad (made with greek yogurt instead of mayo) with celery, grapes, and apple

    As far as your lunch hour situation - INVEST IN A LUNCH BOX AND FREEZER PACKS. Preperation and planning are the keys to success. It will change your life!
  • 1longroad
    1longroad Posts: 642 Member
    If you are truly hungry at work, bring snacks with you that you can keep handy and have available, when you are tempted by donuts or candy.

    Some ideas:

    hard boiled eggs
    part skim cheese sticks
    celery stuffed with peanut butter
    portioned out servings of nuts
    If you have Kelloggs chips, have them with dip made from fat free greek yogurt mixed with some ranch dressing mix, or with hummus
    Same with other carbs, mx them with protein

    Good luck!! Have enough choices with you that you can eat four or five times a day at work and avoid the junk food!! Leftovers from your dinner the night before, makes a great lunch! Pair meat with a salad and you don't even have to factor in the time to go and get a fast food lunch! Makes your 30 minutes longer and more enjoyable!!