Diet Pills.. Personal Experiences & Recommendations



  • angelacasey736
    angelacasey736 Posts: 249 Member
    I was under the care of a cardiologist who prescribed Phentermine. I lost 75 lbs in less than 9 months. I stopped taking the pills......and am now 75 lbs heavier and am on MFP. I have learned the hard way - there is NO easy way. It takes alot of hard work and time to undue the short amount of time it takes to pack on the pounds. Be patient with the correct process without any pills and you will get there!!
  • h3h8m3
    h3h8m3 Posts: 455 Member
    I was under the care of a cardiologist who prescribed Phentermine. I lost 75 lbs in less than 9 months. I stopped taking the pills......and am now 75 lbs heavier and am on MFP. I have learned the hard way - there is NO easy way. It takes alot of hard work and time to undue the short amount of time it takes to pack on the pounds. Be patient with the correct process without any pills and you will get there!!

    I've seen a few stories like this and I have a question for ya... this really is a sincere question, no agenda here.

    If you had such short-term success with Phentermine before, and dropped 75 pounds that way, why don't you take it again to get down to your target weight, and THEN start with the proper MFP weight loss plan?

    I am sure you have a good reason for it, I'm just curious what that reason it. Thanks. :)
  • angelacasey736
    angelacasey736 Posts: 249 Member
    I was under the care of a cardiologist who prescribed Phentermine. I lost 75 lbs in less than 9 months. I stopped taking the pills......and am now 75 lbs heavier and am on MFP. I have learned the hard way - there is NO easy way. It takes alot of hard work and time to undue the short amount of time it takes to pack on the pounds. Be patient with the correct process without any pills and you will get there!!

    I've seen a few stories like this and I have a question for ya... this really is a sincere question, no agenda here.

    If you had such short-term success with Phentermine before, and dropped 75 pounds that way, why don't you take it again to get down to your target weight, and THEN start with the proper MFP weight loss plan?

    I am sure you have a good reason for it, I'm just curious what that reason it. Thanks. :)
    Two reasons mainly - one was the cost. I was taking 4 pills a day by the end and they were $75/bottle for just one pill a day. The other was it couldnt have been good for my heart. I was up till the wee hours of the morning and became very OCD. I really didnt want to revert back to that method becuase i knew it couldnt have been healthy. I never excercised once on those pills and i hardly ate anything at all - hence why it all came back. I can only speak from personal experience and having two beautiful children now - i want them to learn how to live healthy without any substitutes.
  • cat0001
    cat0001 Posts: 21 Member

    I have tried Hoodia & Xenadrine Ultra & I the only thing I have lost is Ibs in money not weight so I wouldn't bother. Like the previous post says if these pills worked we would all be skinny.
  • Allegi32
    Allegi32 Posts: 302 Member
    I guess my question to the OP would be....why do you want to take them? It's an honest question and one that I think is very important.

    Here is my personal experience with them:

    In high school, I popped Dexatrim, 20 per day. To the person who said it is an enabler for anorexia and bulimia, I say heck yeah I agree! I figured if one pill per day (what you're supposed to take) makes me eat less, one more pill will make me eat even less, and soon I was up to 20 - yes 20- per day. My heart rate slowed to 40 bpm and my hair tingled. I couldn't stay awake - probably because I didn't eat for 5 days straight, except for a bite of cereal or a glass of diet coke. I'm amazed I didn't drop dead, but it was all in the name of weight loss! Mind you I was at a healthy weight but thought I was fat, of course. They eventually pulled Dexatrim off the shelf and took out the "active ingredient" and changed it because it was discovered that it was very dangerous.

    In college I took Hydroxycut and another one, the name escapes me. I took the recommended dosages. Wow, I was WIRED!! I could do 2-3 aerobics classes back to back and then hop on the elliptical for an hour. You know what that is? Legal speed!!! But my heart was a mess and as energized as I felt, it did damage.

    It's been about 10 years since I stopped those pills and I still get heart palpitations on a daily basis. I've had tons of tests done and was found to have SVT - it's when your heart randomly starts beating super fast, up to about 170 bpm, without exercise, just sitting there. It's a terrible feeling. It even happened in the middle of giving birth, and I almost passed out. I have no idea if my heart issues are from those pills, but it wouldn't surprise me.

    Obviously I didn't follow the Dexatrim dosage, but my point in telling you that was that pills can be addicting (not physically, mentally), and it's easy to fall back on them, or rely on them. I know, believe me I know, that you want this weight off. I do too, I desperately want to be the thin, healthy person I feel like inside. But you can do it without pills and in the end, you'll know how to live the rest of your life without having to rely on pills. If you eat right and you exercise, you're going to get there, maybe a little slower than without the pills, but when you get there, that's it - you've already learned how to do it for the rest of your life. Was I thin in high school? Yep, in college too. But I wasn't healthy. And clearly since I'm now obese, I didn't learn a thing about how to eat right. I wish I had when I was younger and then I wouldn't be in this position.

    I hope this helps. If you're really determined to use something, then please go see your doctor. He/She knows your medical history, what would be best for you, etc. If they feel like there's nothing out there for you, please listen to them. Most of these pills don't have to be regulated by the FDA because they're not technically medicine, so ingredients aren't regulated, there are no standards out there, etc. Just please be safe.
  • Focus on having your diet and excercise down well first.
    If you still need help on top of that, then start considering a diet pill.

    Dunno how any of them had cocaine in them, seeing as cocaine is illegal.??

    I had a little luck using controlled lab's REDuction shots. Just a little 1oz drink in the a.m., and one before bed.
    No stomach issues, slept like a baby at night. Will cost you like 20 bucks probably.

    Supplements aren't regulated by the FDA. Because supplement companies don't make drugs to cure or treat an illness the FDA has no oversight on them. There is practically no regulation and sometimes inconsistent quality. Unless there is proof of a supplement causing harm to people there is no oversight of the manufacturing process.

    If you're dead set on taking a supplement you should look at the CoA (Certificate of Analysis). Any reputable company will have their supplement tested by a third party.

    Sometimes the compounds are made in another country under poor conditions so you get side products mixed in. I've heard of this happen. A whole batch contained a toxic compound that has no literature on long term effects in humans at all.

    When I was younger (early college) I worked for a supplement company. I would have people come up to me asking me the most idiotic questions because they didn't have the education needed to formulate some of these supplements. They barely knew their metabolic pathways. Trust me, some of those proprietary blends aren't very well researched and even individual ingredients can conflict with each other. Some companies don't even have qualified people formulating them... just a bunch of guys with access to pubmed.

    Just because it's on the shelf doesn't mean it's not harmful. M1t was sold in GNC because people figured out it was a pro-hormone.

    The older Hydroxycut contained a compound that was hepatoxic and wasn't taken off the market for a while. People still continued to buy it on eBay after the ban because they wanted to lose weight quickly and thought they wouldn't need their liver in the future. Unlike the appendix the liver isn't a vestigial organ.(

    There was also another stimulant based diet pill (I forget the name) that was found to have amphetamine in it. It caused people to have PERMANENT cardiac issues.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member

    Also i don't want to try anything dangerous. I found one that looked amazing but then found out it had cocaine in it.. I don't want anything like that.

    Any diet pills that actually work are either dangerous or addictive
  • Ive never tried any pills like..... Hydroxycut... things like that. My dad did and i think his blood pressure went up or something...However for the longest time i wanted to try something of the sort but didnt know where to start. I was about to use Adios but then someone said your grow mustaches.... So I decided to start with something that SEEMED a bit more herbal and more natural. Ive just started taking there Super Green Tea Diet pills from H&B in combination with Cayenne suppliments. (By all means don't use this as some kind of recommendation, I suppose this is me experimenting with myself. I don't want to be responsible if someones ill. If i get ill, this is my problem haha. ). Something about the Green Tea plan just seemed a bit safer than these other chemically sounding brands full of ingredients I cant pronounce.

    I kickbox 3-4 times a week, and warm up with the INSANITY program on those days. I also did hotyoga everyday in summer(everyday is difficult now as my uni schedule has kicked in but I do as much as I can, so call the hot yoga 3 times a week now). I also drink detox tea 2-3 times a week

    That workout routine has been absolutely GOLDEN to me. My job requires me to stay in shape but every so often i have my lazy months thus i lose tone, and eventually lose confidence and stop getting jobs. and this routine has saved me faster than anything else ive tried in the past. .

    Im hoping that with the added suppliments, as well as workout/health routine, this will increase the rate of this process and I reach my goals.

    In the past I have thought about adding that protein (shakes) to my diet, whey etc. However, i have no idea where to eve start with that stuff. I dont want to get hench, i just know to some extent its supposed to be good for you. So if anyone has some kind of tips, feel free to speak your mind. The closest Ive ever had to anything like that is slimfast, and i know thats not the same :']

    And if anyone's wondering. I'm a latex model, incase that job mention might've come off weird sounding!
  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    I've lost 40 lbs just by tracking calories and weight lifting. .. Aside from buying groceries for my family and I, completely free...
  • Isn't the goal to be HEALTHY? What's the use of losing weight using diet pills, etc. if you're not healthy in the end? Seems a waste of time to me.
    From my short time on MFP I have learned that for many people here the goal is only to lose weight, not to be healthy. There are plenty of people touting weightloss where they are only eating fast food and drinking soda, and while they may lose weight -- I would venture to say they're not healthy (though I'm sure many will argue otherwise...but I really don't care to argue).
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    I believe the two go hand-in-hand...being healthy and losing weight (for some of us). Some of us are struggling with severe issues. Type II diabetes, bad knees, bad hearts. I don't really believe that when people are looking for "quick" weight loss, they're just looking for an easy way out based on a vanity excuse. I think you can get very frightened when health problems are before you.

    I wish us all good health.
  • The trick with Phentermine is even if you aren't hungry continue to eat a healthy diet. You wont be hungry so you wont crave all the bad junk, so train yourself to eat healthy while you are on them and when you go off of them do it slowly so that you can be sure you have healthy eating down. This is what I did about 6 years ago and I lost 50lbs and kept it off untill after I had 4 kids and got lazy and started eating bad again.
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