Junk food at the grocery store!!!



  • SaberEsPoder
    SaberEsPoder Posts: 130 Member
    I have to admit that when I crave junk food, it is Cheetos and potato chips. I just don't go down that aisle if I can help it and I don't buy them, because I would eat the whole big bag.

    I feel ya! I also try to avoid all those aisles, but when I *really* want something, i will try and buy those smaller bags with only a few servings, and mete those out over a few days if I can.

    Kudos to whoever suggested rich chocolate as well! When I crave chocolate, I get the GOOD stuff and am sated on a square or two. This weekend went to Godiva and was all set after one truffle, they are so rich and flavorful! :D
  • Nikoruo
    Nikoruo Posts: 771 Member
    I miss being able to eat what i want, whatever i want, when i want it without having to worry about counting every little thing. However i do want to be fit and healthy so that holds me back greatly. I don't, on the otherhand, miss any of my favorite junk foods because i still have them every now and then, just in smaller portions and fitting into my 1200-1500 calorie diet. They would be my cheat days on the weekend or on my cycle in which i'd allow myself to indulge. Afterall, you only live once, why deprive yourself of everything. I feel you can eat anything, if you properly portion it into your diet. Of course not just in your calories but in your fat/carbs area as well, because most junk foods have an inconcievable amount of fats/carbs in them. Hardly ideal for your everyday diet! aka, in order to eat under your calorie/fat/carb goal you must eat less in the day... less filling things that is, and then you are left being on that point of "why am i still hungry? i had all my calories/fat/carbs today, i can't eat anymore! Just not worth the hassle when you think about it. I digress, I do indulge sometimes so i don't feel like i'm soffocating myself from having things i like (which makes it harder to stick to the diet!!) but i do so in moderation :)
  • HeidiHirtle
    HeidiHirtle Posts: 126 Member
    I definitely deny myself junk food, because I'm an all or nothing girl, and if I have it, I want the WHOLE thing, not just a serving!

    That being said, I don't really miss it because I try to remember that when I have slipped up and eaten junk, I always regret it. I regret how it makes me feel physically (gross!), and I regret that I didn't care enough about my body's health to have self-control.

    When I stick to my squeaky clean diet, I feel good, the weight falls off, and I go to bed feeling proud of myself! :)

    Plus, I've replaced my guilty pleasures with healthy pleasures that are nutritious, natural and wholesome. That helps a LOT!! :D
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    See, junk food is why I love MFP.

    Counting calories/macros gives me the ability to fit in all the things I love more or less daily without guilt or worrying about it. I know that I can have 500 calories of gelato (true story. It was delicious.), still make my fat and protein, and have over 2000 calories left in my week for tomorrow. MFP makes enjoying food easy.
  • calliekitten9
    calliekitten9 Posts: 148 Member
    Went to the grocery store today with my wife and kids and as I walked down the snack aisle I thought man I sure miss all of that fun junk food I used to eat! I used to eat as much as I want, whenever I wanted, never counted calories or measured out portion sizes, it was great! Of course that's how I gained weight over the years too.

    So as I passed my old favorites I just thought to myself, well do you want to be fat or do you want to get in shape? So I didn't pick up anything, but the junk food sure is tempting.

    How about you guys/gals? Any of you ever miss the junk food? I know I do at times but I sure don't miss the fat around my waist! Haha!

    I don't deny myself..but I put it all in context of choices...if I crave something salty along the lines of chips, I'll look for ones that have less calories/ less fat and I'll either buy a single serving bag or I will count out the precise number of chips that equals 1 serving size in a bowl and put the rest away. But I also consider I will feel after eating that bag of chips as opposed to some red pepper strips with just a dash of salt on them (or some other items). I also prefer to split desserts, have a single square of dark chocolate or have fresh fruit. I think when you deny yourself...you simply make yourself crave things more. Life is about balance and choices.
  • pierremignon
    pierremignon Posts: 172 Member
    As a junk food junkie, it was hard letting go of that habit. I sometimes still eat chips, but I eat multi-grain ones or whatever's the healthiest available.

    That's why I don't go to so many aisles in supermarkets. I tend to go around the fresh produce, meat and poultry, and the special healthy sections only, because god knows what's gonna happen if I walk literally surrounded by Cheetos and Doritos.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,135 Member
    What I miss is guilt-free eating. Struggling with a sore throat atm and broth would help, but I can't have it anymore because of the sodium restriction I'm under.
  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    yes i sometimes walk past the aisles of food and think wow i used to eat all of that. as much as i wanted. then i look in my cart of vegetables that i really love that i will be making a salad or my cart of fruit that i will enjoy munching on, and it looks so refreshing compared to that. and no im not a "clean" eater,, i just like fresh fruit in the summertime. and i have loaded up my cart on this stuff many times!
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    Just look at all the obese people shopping. Look in their carts. Look at the few thin people shopping. Look in their carts.

    I do that all the time. It is sad to see all the junk overweight moms are buying for their overweight kids in tow. Just killing themsleves with fake junk food. It is like that is their happiness..they've lost perspective.

    So.. look in the carts of fellow shoppers. That will keep you from missing the old life.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Just look at all the obese people shopping. Look in their carts. Look at the few thin people shopping. Look in their carts.

    I do that all the time. It is sad to see all the junk overweight moms are buying for their overweight kids in tow. Just killing themsleves with fake junk food. It is like that is their happiness..they've lost perspective.

    So.. look in the carts of fellow shoppers. That will keep you from missing the old life.

    The judgement, it burns.

    My cart is full of ice cream, cookie dough, chocolate, soda, and baking supplies. Looking in there would probably create a lot of conflict by your standards.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Just look at all the obese people shopping. Look in their carts. Look at the few thin people shopping. Look in their carts.

    I do that all the time. It is sad to see all the junk overweight moms are buying for their overweight kids in tow. Just killing themsleves with fake junk food. It is like that is their happiness..they've lost perspective.

    So.. look in the carts of fellow shoppers. That will keep you from missing the old life.

    Don't look at my cart-- it'll throw off your whole worldview.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I stil indulge occasionally, but far less often than I used to. I've been at this about a year now and I really don't crave that junk food like I used to either...but occasionally I just need some nutritiously void food for my soul.
  • ArtsyBunny
    ArtsyBunny Posts: 41 Member
    Just look at all the obese people shopping. Look in their carts. Look at the few thin people shopping. Look in their carts.

    I do that all the time. It is sad to see all the junk overweight moms are buying for their overweight kids in tow. Just killing themsleves with fake junk food. It is like that is their happiness..they've lost perspective.

    So.. look in the carts of fellow shoppers. That will keep you from missing the old life.

    Huh, my cart is generally filled with fresh fruit and veg, almond milk, and eggs, and according to my height and weight I'm obese so...?

    I know, it's the cheese! All the delicious cheese. :D
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Just look at all the obese people shopping. Look in their carts. Look at the few thin people shopping. Look in their carts.

    I do that all the time. It is sad to see all the junk overweight moms are buying for their overweight kids in tow. Just killing themsleves with fake junk food. It is like that is their happiness..they've lost perspective.

    So.. look in the carts of fellow shoppers. That will keep you from missing the old life.

    Umm... no.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Haha yep that's how I was too, I'd just plow through the whole bag in one sitting. I used to love chips and cheese dip too. I probably should just avoid that aisle like I do the beer aisle. Back in my 20's those were the two primary aisles for shopping, the beer aisle and junk food aisle haha!

    ^ This. Though I also allow myself periods of time when I am not "on" and now is one of them. I'm not even logging right now because of the horror and pain it would probably cause to others who think that you have to have a perfect diet to achieve your goals.

    I think what you're doing is great. You have to learn to moderate your intake. There is a balance there to be achieved with moderation, the sweet spot so to speak, where you can literally have your cake and your low body fat % too. It's a difficult balance to strike
  • AprilMLowe
    AprilMLowe Posts: 447 Member
    The junk food aisle at the supermarket is way over tempting with kids. I swapped out pringles I liked at ne time for special k bars. I do still eat junk food in moderation because I would have a hard time eliminating all together. I workout more exercise that day to make-up all the calories I have eaten in junk food.
    _SABOTEUR_ Posts: 6,833 Member
    I think there are certain foods for people that are no gos, but at the same time moderation is something that has to be learned and avoidance is not always the answer.
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    I don't keep a lot of the foods that most call "junk" in the house. I still eat all of these foods, though. I get the small bags at the convenience store, so that when I eat the whole bag, it's a 2 serving size bag instead of a 12 serving size bag. The convenience store isn't always so convenient for me. If I have the 3 year old in the car, I don't even bother going in. She is like a Tasmanian Devil, and it's trauma to drag her in to a store that to her looks like she died and went to Sugar Rush.

    My weakness is Tostitos with lime. Whenever we have friends over, they bring those because they know I love them. I eat about a half a bag at a time. Of course, when I do that, I have to consume ultra lean beef or simple chicken breast to even get close to my macros. Thankfully, this doesn't happen often because I don't have a lot of friends.

    ETA: my grammar sucks today. Not sure if it is too much coffee or not enough sleep.
  • Minnie2361
    Minnie2361 Posts: 281 Member
    I have learned to say no to junk food. I haven't had a pizza in months however I may change and have one but it will be homemade with fresh veggies lean beef and melted low fat cheese on top and less salt.
    The cookies are homemade, with oatmeal, whole wheat flour, and a little bit of honey and applesauce.

    I find for me it is best to leave the chocolate on the shelves, I have made an attempt to change and eat only the 70 percent dark chocolate but alas it disappears far to quickly once I get it home. I didn't know this but milk chocolate has no food value dark chocolate does. It has to do with the processing and the milk leeching out the goodness in the coco.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member