What have I got myself into?

I've been at this for 1 year and 2 months now, and shortly after starting counting calories I took up running. In May I did the Manchester 10k race and finished in 1hr 2 minutes, which was just short of my target of 1 hour, but I was proud of myself nonetheless.

Over the summer, however, I've been busy (read: lazy) and hardly been out running. I'm now 10lbs away from my goal and needed a kick up the ----...so I signed up for the Survival Of The Fittest event! It's a 10k obstacle course with things like 8ft walls, dips in the canal, carrying sandbags and monkey bars.

Has anyone ever done a race like this? I'm really excited, but slightly terrified as well! I think I'd just like to know what to expect really.

The race is in 7 weeks, and I'm starting boot camp and body pump classes 3 x a week, as well as a long distance run at the weekend. Is this enough to prepare?

Thanks :)


  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    If it were me, I'd add in swimming and some upper body bodyweight work like pull ups, rope climbing, etc.
  • millyvanilli321
    millyvanilli321 Posts: 236 Member
    I think body pump and the weights circuits in the boot camp class will help with my upper body, although I've never been to the boot camp class at my gym so not sure what to expect.

    God knows I need to improve my upper body strength, I can barely do push ups haha
  • Miffylou
    Miffylou Posts: 307 Member
    Never done it but just wanted to say Good Luck. You'll do amazing !!
  • walterm852
    walterm852 Posts: 409 Member
    I just signed myself up for a marathon and asking myself the same question, LOL.

    I did a 11.5 mile tough mudder Aug 24th.

    There is a group http://www.myfitnesspal.com/forums/show/6432-spartans-mudders-warriors-oh-my-

    To really enjoy the day, be in decent shape for your events hardship:
    1) Make sure the run isnt a problem, the only struggles people really had were the ones that werent ready for the 11.5 miles of trail running.
    2) Pull ups, push ups, burpees, sit ups.
    3) Mix them with your runs, if you have 15 obstacles in 10k, stop every half mile and do push ups, run a half mile burpees, run a half mile
    4) Find monkey bars somewhere and try them, just to get the feeling and stress in your hands, arms and shoulders. IMHO, people over train for monkey bars

    Love the team work of these events, it is great community

    Good Luck .... enjoy it
  • millyvanilli321
    millyvanilli321 Posts: 236 Member
    great advice guys, thanks, definitely going to join that group!

    Had my first boot camp class this morning, I'm totally going to be ready if I do that 3 x a week!!!!