Newbie Looking for Buddies and Help

Hello all!

I just joined and just wanted to say hello. I'm not sure what all I can gain from this site, but I hope to make the best of this.


Any tips or whatever will be appreciated!


  • kregerems
    kregerems Posts: 100 Member
    We're here to support each other, so check out my profile and add me if you want.
  • FriedOkraPlease
    FriedOkraPlease Posts: 13 Member
    Hi, I just been on MFP myself for four days, so I'm a newbie also. You can add me if you'd like.

    Good luck on this journey!
  • Hi I just joined a few minutes ago. looking to make some friends and get some support so I can succeed on my get fit journey.
  • Hi everyone, I have just joined. I am hoping to make some new friends along my journey to loosing weight and getting fit. It nice to be able to support one another !
  • Thank you very much!
  • Hi, I just joined this board today. I have been doing medifast diet for a week however when I plug my food into this site it is eye opening. I though my lean and green was fine but it turns out it was high in calories and fats. Sometimes this whole thing is overwhelming. Nice to meet you all.
  • sweetbtty
    sweetbtty Posts: 8 Member
    Hi! I just joined this site too, hoping to gain support with losing some weight! I have recently graduated college and with being in class all day long have gained some weight :( . Joined about 4 days ago and it is so nice to have an online food diary that breaks down calories, fat etc. I actually have started thinking about my food choices more these past few days because I don't want to go over my calorie limit for the day! Please feel free to add me as a friend on here! Thanks! ~
  • sweetbtty
    sweetbtty Posts: 8 Member
    Nice to meet you too! I know, the calculations on the food diary are eye opening...even after only just joining this site I am thinking about how what I eat will translate into on this site.. :)
  • notreallychris
    notreallychris Posts: 501 Member
    Anyone can add me as well. I'll help motivate whenever I can. I'm on everyday.
  • tbblake
    tbblake Posts: 10 Member
    Happy to befriend anyone. I know very well that support from others goes a long way.
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    I am a newbie too ... this is about my third week. I started my journey when I bought a NutriBullet and wanted to be healthy and give up the pop and junk food that I had been consuming previously. I quit all that stuff cold turkey .. and started on a healthy road.

    But I realize it will be a long time before I reach my goals but I am prepared to do the work.

    I hope you enjoy your time here at MFP. Feel free to add me if you like.
  • MartiCat70
    MartiCat70 Posts: 59 Member
    Hi! I'm also a newbie. Just started MFP Thursday. I've got over 100lbs to lose. I'm also looking for friends to support me. This is a great site! I love the people and the ease of keeping track of my calories. Feel free to add me if you want! :flowerforyou:
  • MilliDenney
    MilliDenney Posts: 45 Member
    I'm going to add everyone here on this thread to my friends list :D

  • Hello everyone, I have been away for awhile I lost 98 pounds so I am back to loss another 20pounds if its possible, here is my before and after photo, if you want to be friends add me, please

  • TamaraKat
    TamaraKat Posts: 533 Member
    Im always happy to make new friends!! :flowerforyou: Ive been on this board for a while now and am active. Welcome to MFP and goodluck! :drinker:
  • makalinger
    makalinger Posts: 15 Member
    Hi all ;) I'm also back again. I've lost 15lbs and have another 80 to go. Previously I didn't make many friends on here so this time I'd really like to start on the right foot;) anyone need support here? I know I do ;):blushing:
  • I'm new too. Just started last week. Finding the tool great and very motivating.

    Wishing everyone a great start. I've got a long journey to go. :smile:
  • Holder79
    Holder79 Posts: 55 Member
    Feel free to add me...I'm here to help
  • Hi! I downloaded the app from this site on my blackberry a few months ago and used it for a good month before I started feeling a little too obsessed with counting calories. I didn't actually realize there was this whole site and community on the site.

    Now that I have I am back and planning on using the app and this site. I would love to make some friends here to help keep me focused and i hope I can do the same for them!

    I started taking Zumba classes twice a week this past week and have been doing a great deal of walking every day. I am hoping to use this site and the food and exercise tracker as a guide. Not sure about the 1200 calories a day, but I do plan on using this to keep me accountable of what I am putting in my mouth and how active I am actually being.

  • jones092508
    jones092508 Posts: 75 Member
    23 year old from Kentucky! I've found the more motivational support I have, the easier weight loss/exercising is becoming! I'm online daily, love to comment, post, and talk to everyone! This journey would be so much harder without all the great people I've met on MFP!