Running for weight loss: RUNNERS PLEASE COMMENT!

enkennon Posts: 161 Member
What do you do if you have a bad knee but enjoy running?

And do you lift weights in addition to running for weight loss?

Also do you do any other cardio OTHER than running or have you found that running is all you need for cardio to ensure weight loss?

Does your heart rate go above the recommended range during your runs and is it safe? (HRM question)

Do you prefer running outside or inside on the treadmill?


  • tycamsdad
    tycamsdad Posts: 126 Member
    Let's see if I can answer these in the same order:

    I have bad feet and I was able to ease into running with the C25K. I just graduated last week and have my first "race" this Saturday. Just take it easy and listen to your body.

    I do not lift weights but I do some yoga to help me with the flexibility and specific muscle groups that I need to strengthen to help me with my running.

    I only do running for cardio but I will take an occasional bike ride and not record it. Those are more for fun.

    I have only worn my HRM a couple of times while running and have found that I stay below the maximum when I am running at my regular pace. There were a couple of times that I bumped above the max but it was only for a couple of sprints when I was trying to get over the boredom of running in circles. Since I am now running longer distances, I switch up my route on a regular basis to avoid the monotony.

    I started my diet/exercise in January and was working with a treadmill and stationary recumbent bike. Ever since I started running outside, I don't think I will return to the treadmill. In my opinion, there is only so much you can watch on TV to distract you from the task at hand whereas when you run outdoors there are a million things to distract you (look a squirrel).

    Hopefully I answered your questions.
  • southerndream24
    southerndream24 Posts: 303 Member
    I had to find the source of my knee issue. Turns out it was my flat feet, zero dorsiflexion, weak hips, and quads. PT rehabbed my knee back from the injury it all caused. I just listen to my body, use ice, and use KT tape when needed.

    I lift heavy four/five times a week.

    I do HIIT along with my strength training.

    I always prefer running outside rain/cold/shine. You couldn't pay me to run on a treadmill.
  • Escape_Artist
    Escape_Artist Posts: 1,155 Member
    I have a runner's knee, although since I changed my shoes it's been non existant.

    I lift 4 times a week. I don't do any Cardio except from running once in a while.
    I never relied on running or Cardio for weight loss, heavy lifting did the trick for me, personally.

    As for the HRM question, I don't really know what to answer. I ran a couple of times with my HRM but it was to see if my Nike + was accurate. I normally run at a 11min/mi pace and I don't feel my HR going that high.

    I prefer running outside, at night, with my dog :)
  • KelliB3
    KelliB3 Posts: 39 Member
    I enjoy running outside rather than on a treadmill. It's a bit harder on your knees though but a good pair of shoes should take care of that problem.

    I like to mix up my cardio exercise so I run 2-3 times a week and throw in a kick-boxing or aerobics work out in between. The aerobics includes body sculpting with light weights that helps tone up arms.

    This is what works for me and for my schedule. I also go for long bike rides but those aren't specifically to work out - doesn't hurt to burn some extra calories though!
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I had to find the source of my knee issue. Turns out it was my flat feet, zero dorsiflexion, weak hips, and quads. PT rehabbed my knee back from the injury it all caused. I just listen to my body, use ice, and use KT tape when needed.

    I lift heavy four/five times a week.

    I do HIIT along with my strength training.

    I always prefer running outside rain/cold/shine. You couldn't pay me to run on a treadmill.

    ^^^^ This (but if someone ever offered to pay me I might just think about it ! :laugh: )

    but I don't run for weight loss, I run (and lift weights, and row and cycle etc) for fitness and health. My weight loss happens in the kitchen.
  • Ralphone
    Ralphone Posts: 1,863 Member
    try bike ez on knees run 2 but have try riding becoiuse knee was hurtiing
  • FunnyGirl613
    FunnyGirl613 Posts: 151 Member
    What do you do if you have a bad knee but enjoy running?

    And do you lift weights in addition to running for weight loss?

    Also do you do any other cardio OTHER than running or have you found that running is all you need for cardio to ensure weight loss?

    Does your heart rate go above the recommended range during your runs and is it safe? (HRM question)

    Do you prefer running outside or inside on the treadmill?

    Let me start by saying, I started with a running class back in Jan that was essentially a C25K but with a teacher. I got serious about running towards the late spring/early summer and have done: 6/2 - 4M, 6/30 - 5M, 7/21 - 10K. I'm working towards a half marathon 10 weeks from now, and ultimately qualifying for 2014 NYC marathon (9 races in 2013).

    I am SUPER FAT and the running sucks...until the moment when it doesn't suck - usually about 1-2 miles in. Plus it's HOT in NYC...

    I have a bad knee - back in 2004 I was diagnosed with Pigmented Villio Nodular Synovitis (PVNS). PVNS is a relatively rare disorder where there are growths in the synovial fluid behind the knee cap. I had arthroscopic surgery to remove the growths and about 6 months of PT. Then in 2008? 2009? I fell on the sidewalk and had a horrible hairline fracture in the same kneecap that went the whole width of my kneecap and was unbearably painful. I was in a brace for 8 weeks, unable to move it, followed by about 3 months of PT.

    I find I have pain for that first mile or so and then the knee warms up and loosens up and the endorphins kick in - so I feel it less. Lately, I've felt it more in my lower back/*kitten* then in my knee. Of course with a bum knee you're going to feel it on longer distances...

    I'm not a weight lifter but as I've lost weight, I've developed those turkey necks on my upper arms, so I've recently put a small hand weight in my bathroom and every time I use the bathroom I do 5-10 curls with each arm.

    I've found actually that I've stagnated with my weight loss - as you run, even though it's cardio, depending on your body you will develop more muscle even as you drop fat. I've stagnated and just had to mix it up a little dietary wise in order to re-kickstart my weight loss.

    If I had the time, resources, and a pool nearby, I would definitely swim 2 times a week - less stress on a bad knee then other exercises.

    I don't track my heart rate. I don't want weight loss to be another job - I want it to be fun. I look for sweat and I know when my heart rate is up....

    I much prefer running outside to running inside. Although on days where the weather is extreme - (remember I started in January?) I would like the ability to run inside (no room for a treadmill in our house).
  • 416runner
    416runner Posts: 159
    I agree with the poster who said you have to find the cause of the knee pain. When my knee acts up it's usually my IT band - I scale back running a bit and spend lots of time on the foam roller. Strengthening can also help.

    I don't lift weights but I should - I'd probably be a better runner if I did.

    I spend a fair bit of time on my bike (both on the road and on the trainer) and I plan to take up swimming this fall, both for the cardio/cross training benefits. I've lost weight while just running, but only while I'm mindful of my diet. I've also spent periods running and not being mindful of my diet, and gained weight.

    I don't train with a HRM, so can't answer that one.

    Outside, hands down. I'll run on the treadmill when it's superhot and smoggy, but that's about it.
  • enkennon
    enkennon Posts: 161 Member
    Thanks for all the great tips! On 2009 I tore my MCL on my right knee and that's the knee tht always feels sore toward the end of a run. Sometimes it will actually slip out of place (so it feels like). I've ha PT about 3x per week for about 6-8 months after the injury. Didn't need surgery! Yay.

    But ever since the accident my knee has been sore while running. I like to bike and and stair stepper is a killer but a GREAT killer.

    I love everyone's posts. Very encouraging an its nice to know I'm not the only one who has running troubles! It seems like some runners on here (sometimes) think they're perfect and have no troubles running for a gazillion miles.

    Keep the comments coming!! And thank you!
  • Teardrop81
    Teardrop81 Posts: 132 Member
    I don't run for weight loss. I run for the endorphin high. I have to watch my food intake for weight loss. I wish I could lose weight by running alone, but it just hasn't happened that way for me. As far as other cardio, I do the elliptical 5x a week for 45min-1hr, which also didn't contribute to weight loss until I watched my food intake.

    I finally started believing what they keep saying: "Exercise for fitness, diet for weight loss."

    I won't stop my cardio regardless of the scale though. There's nothing better than a good runner's high!
  • froeschli
    froeschli Posts: 1,292 Member
    I started running for weight loss, now it's more about the running :-)
    My knee used to act up (probably because of cheap shoes & bad form) but since I've started training in 'barefoot shoes' it's gotten better. I still use 'normal' running shoes on distances over 5k, but the change in form has translated into pain free running in those as well.
    I try and remember to strength train, or at least do some yoga, but if the weather is nice, running usually wins.
    As for other cardio, I walk everywhere and cycle if I don't feel like walking, not enough to call it exercise though. Funnily I am more relaxed running 18k as opposed to cycling the same route (I've had a few too many near accidents to enjoy it)...
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    What do you do if you have a bad knee but enjoy running?

    And do you lift weights in addition to running for weight loss?

    Also do you do any other cardio OTHER than running or have you found that running is all you need for cardio to ensure weight loss?

    Does your heart rate go above the recommended range during your runs and is it safe? (HRM question)

    Do you prefer running outside or inside on the treadmill?

    My knees have gotten stronger as I've run. I also started with C25K and eased in.

    I work out with a trainer 3 times a week for strength training. I also do Pilates or Zumba every Tuesday (alternating weeks). I cross-train at the gym once a week (rowing machine, elliptical & bike). I try to get out for a 30 minute brisk walk most days of the week.

    I don't use an HRM.

    I've only run outside, but I live in Minnesota so when winter rolls around I'm going to have to pull up my big girl pants and learn how to run on the treadmill. My biggest issue is that running on a treadmill doesn't feel natural to me. I don't like the ground under me moving on its own.
  • bostongeek
    bostongeek Posts: 80 Member
    You can do specific exercises to strengthen your knee and your leg; the stronger your glutes are the less pressure running puts on your knee. Stuff like leg lifts and squats. If that doesn't help, it would definitely be good to go to a doctor and diagnose the exact problem.

    I don't lift, but I'm lazy and not a good example. I also don't bike or swim or cross-train, same reason haha. Don't use an HRM because I like to just run without information, so I don't know anything about my heartrate.

    I only run outside. I've run on a treadmill like 3 times in my life, all at my PT's office lol.
  • For the bad knee, I would suggest stretching and easing into running, don't push it too much or you'll hurt yourself even more. I have a bad ankle, and if I've been running too much, it will start to tell me- ouchhhh. I actually have tried to take this week off from running because I don't want to injure myself, and it's really hard to not run, I'm so addicted.

    I do lift weights in addition to running for weight loss, general fitness, and to help with my running. I actually haven't lost weight in a while, I've gained weight since starting running/lifting, but my measurements are still the same or smaller and my muscles are really toned. I have this app on my phone called Nike Training Club, and it's super helpful in the strength training department because it gives you workouts and tells you how to do them. Strength training isn't my forte, so it's good to have a definite workout.

    Always, always, always switch things up if you want results. I've found that running does make me slimmer and more defined, but cross training is essential to give your joints a break and let your body be challenged in a different way. For me, cycling is so much harder than running, and I'd always chose running over cycling, but to make yourself stronger and to confuse your muscles, you haveeee to vary your workouts. When you challenge yourself, you get results.

    I don't have a HRM, but I just go by how my body feels.

    I prefer running on the treadmill in the summer/spring, and outside in the winter/fall. I trained for my marathon in the fall/winter, so I guess by practice, it's my favorite running weather. I especially like running outdoors on long runs, but if I need to, I'll run them on the treadmill. I loveee my treadmill, and since I'm in school, the treadmill is always reliable, even if it's dark/late, I'm able to run.
  • hultq29
    hultq29 Posts: 2 Member
    If you have access to a pool, running in about chest deep water (or in deep water with a water belt) is a great form of cardio, and helps to build the essential muscles needed for running.

    Flexibility is also a great way to prevent injury. Try a yoga session before or after a run (or on opposite days) and see if that helps with those aches and pains.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    What do you do if you have a bad knee but enjoy running?

    And do you lift weights in addition to running for weight loss?

    Also do you do any other cardio OTHER than running or have you found that running is all you need for cardio to ensure weight loss?

    Does your heart rate go above the recommended range during your runs and is it safe? (HRM question)

    Do you prefer running outside or inside on the treadmill?
    Exercise is about fitness diet is about weight loss. You can run all you like but if your diet is incorrect you still wont lose any weight

    I also swim a lot and no I don't do weights.

    Outside as otherwise it defeats the point of running for me. I'm not a Hamster so I don't use a treadmill
  • workout_ninja
    workout_ninja Posts: 524 Member
    You should listen to your body, a knee support might help with knee pain.

    I dont lift weights but I do incorporate Insanity in there which is essentially the same thing. I dont do any just now as I am training for a race. As soon as that is over, I spend equal times running to Insanity

    I ride my bike also but thats more a necessity and I dont record it,

    I have only used an HRM a couple of times and it doesnt go to maximum, probably just over optimal fat burning zone

    I love running outside - I only run on a treadmill if i have absolutely no other choice

    Edit: I have lost 20lbs in 4 months running - so it does work! Even my stomach is naturally tighter even though i dont do core work yet
  • JenAndSome
    JenAndSome Posts: 1,893 Member
    What do you do if you have a bad knee but enjoy running?

    And do you lift weights in addition to running for weight loss?

    Also do you do any other cardio OTHER than running or have you found that running is all you need for cardio to ensure weight loss?

    Does your heart rate go above the recommended range during your runs and is it safe? (HRM question)

    Do you prefer running outside or inside on the treadmill?

    If I had a bad knee I would probably talk with my doctor and see if I were even supposed to run and if not what alternatives I could do (elliptical maybe)

    I just joined a gym and am beginning to lift weights. I can't wait to be stronger!

    I don't really do any other cardio. I will say that you don't have to do cardio for weight loss at all. You just need to eat at a calorie deficit.

    My heart rate is outside of the zone most of the time I am running. As long as I feel okay, I keep going.

    I definitely prefer running outside. I hate the treadmill and if I couldn't run outside, I wouldn't run.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I exercise for fitness, and eat correctly for weight loss. I don't put weightloss into my exercise factors. I lost weight eating correctly and watching my input of foods. After I lost weight - I worked on my body. I weigh only 10lbs less, but am now 6 sizes smaller. I cant cut calories and workout as intense as I do at the same time. I run 3x per week, specific training workouts, bike 2x per week. Strength train 3 days, yoga 1 day and something else along in there like Plyo or foam roalling. I have never ate back any of my exercise calories and don't really care what the burn was.