Running for weight loss: RUNNERS PLEASE COMMENT!



  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    i do cardio for the love of cardio, and for my race training. weight loss is just a result of that, not a goal.

    i have knee and foot problems, and i find that if i alternate my running with cycling and swimming, that it minimizes injury. if i try and just run then i know i'm about a week away from being hurt.

    i don't really follow the whole heart rate zones thing at all. and i prefer to be outside for running. i've got lots of cold weather gear for winter running.

    and weight lifting can only help your running.
  • bspurrie
    bspurrie Posts: 5 Member
    "You can run all you like but if your diet is incorrect you still wont lose any weight"

    This is so true. It's easy to fool yourself into thinking if you run you can eat anything you want. I did. It wasn't until I started using this program this year and actually started tracking food in that I lost weight. Best year running ever now. Down 24 lbs and setting a PR every time I race!
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    What do you do if you have a bad knee but enjoy running?

    And do you lift weights in addition to running for weight loss?

    Also do you do any other cardio OTHER than running or have you found that running is all you need for cardio to ensure weight loss?

    Does your heart rate go above the recommended range during your runs and is it safe? (HRM question)

    Do you prefer running outside or inside on the treadmill?

    I take ibuprofen and run through the pain unless it's unbearable, then I take a couple days off.

    I do some biking and kickboxing just to mix it up, I count on calorie deficit for weight loss. Exercise for fitness.

    My HR use to go up at first but not so much now as I've become more conditioned.

    I prefer outside. I can't make it more than a couple miles on a treadmill, totally mental for me.

    ETA: Yes, I lift weights. heavy 3x's per week. This has changed my physique more than running has.
  • lsmsrbls
    lsmsrbls Posts: 232 Member
    What do you do if you have a bad knee but enjoy running?

    Depends on how bad the knee is. I have a knee that is swollen for no apparent reason and my doctor has said I can continue running on it for the time being. If there is any pain, I take time off from running until it heals.

    And do you lift weights in addition to running for weight loss?

    I lift weights 3 times per week, but it's necessary for weight loss. It is important if you want to minimize muscle loss, though.

    Also do you do any other cardio OTHER than running or have you found that running is all you need for cardio to ensure weight loss?

    I run 3 days per week and swim 3 days per week. I've lost weight even when I couldn't do any exercise, though.

    Does your heart rate go above the recommended range during your runs and is it safe? (HRM question)

    I don't use a HRM.

    Do you prefer running outside or inside on the treadmill?

    Outside. If I can't run outside, I skip the run. Treadmills are miserable.
  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    What do you do if you have a bad knee but enjoy running?

    And do you lift weights in addition to running for weight loss?

    Also do you do any other cardio OTHER than running or have you found that running is all you need for cardio to ensure weight loss?

    Does your heart rate go above the recommended range during your runs and is it safe? (HRM question)

    Do you prefer running outside or inside on the treadmill?

    I just started running about a month ago with C25K, so I'm hardly a seasoned runner yet, but I'll answer anyway as a newbie.

    I have a horrible knee issue. When I started C25k, I wore a compression sleeve, and it helped a lot. After the first week, i didn't need the sleeve anymore. I did however notice that in week 3, my GOOD knee started to hurt. I bought a foam roller at the advice of some of the people here and after using it to roll my IT band, the pain went away and so far hasn't come back.

    I lift weights 3x a week.

    I do not do any other cardio since I've started running.

    Each time I progress to a new stage in c25k, my heartrate definitely goes above the recommended range, but as long as it doesn't go past 80% of my max heart rate, I seem to be fine. However, if it it is still spiking up to around 80% of my max by the end of the week, I will repeat it until I get to the point where I can run it without that happening. Basically, my philosophy (which is NOT medical advice) is that if I still feel okay, I don't worry too much about what the monitor says. I have found that I get really winded at 80% and the once or twice my heart rate has gotten close to 90%, I did not need a HRM to let me know. I could FEEL it.

    I prefer to run outside, definitely, but I don't mind the treadmill as much as others seem to. I assume that's because I'm still running short distances/times. Once I get to where I'm running 8 miles or more, I imagine I will also avoid the treadmill as much as possible.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Bumping for reference.
  • jensenta3
    I started running to find myself and lose some weight. I now love the journey of every run!

    I don't have a bad knee, but do have a bad ankle with a plate and 9 screws. I push through the pain each and every day.

    I do lots of other cardio to mix it up and keep my body guessing.

    I do weight training/lifting 3 days a week - I believe EVERY woman should lift weights.

    Outside running is so much more enjoyable than treadmill running.
  • Pangea250
    Pangea250 Posts: 965 Member
    What do you do if you have a bad knee but enjoy running?
    You should consult an orthopedist about running with a bad knee. When I first started running, I injured my knee. I was very overweight, and that didn't help. But it took a good month of rest with NO running before I could attempt it again. If your bad knee is a more permanent thing, you'll need to heed the advice of a physician.
    And do you lift weights in addition to running for weight loss?
    I do not. I would if I could, but I cannot afford a gym or weights at this time. So running is it for me.
    Also do you do any other cardio OTHER than running or have you found that running is all you need for cardio to ensure weight loss?
    Running is all I needed. And change in diet habits, of course.
    Does your heart rate go above the recommended range during your runs and is it safe? (HRM question)
    It depends on what you mean by recommended range. I am 47 years old, so my max heart rate is 220 minus 47, or 173. It is "recommended" that I exercise at 85% of my max (in the 140's) for a cardio workout, but only because exercising at 100% of the max is considered a difficult thing to do. I routinely hit the low 170's while I'm running. But if I go much above 176 or so, I know it by my extremely labored breathing. I pull back a bit, because I don't want to be unsafe.
    Do you prefer running outside or inside on the treadmill?
    Without a doubt, I prefer outside. I have a dreadmill at home, I haven't used it in well over a year, probably more. I can't stand running on it. Outside all the way, baby!
  • paxbfl
    paxbfl Posts: 391 Member
    I have Runner's Knee (AKA Jumper's Knee). I got good running shoes and worked up gradually. Losing weight helped a LOT (probably the cause of it in the first place). I listen to my body... if my knee hurts I'll do the elliptical instead. I ice my knee 2X daily, once after exercise and again in the evening before bed. It helps a lot.

    I do lift. Running will burn a lot of calories. You want to lose fat, not muscle, so definitely do some lifting and eat plenty of protein.

    I sometimes do the elliptical on non-running days, or just go for a walk. Again, I listen to my body. Rest days are important too - especially with a knee issue.

    I wear a Polar HRM... my heart-rate in in my "cardio" range for most of my workout but does not typically exceed the recommended range (sometimes when doing HIIT). What I find interesting is that NOTHING gets my heart-rate up like running - in fact it seems like nothing else is even close. So the calorie burns from running are much higher than any other cardio I do.

    I much prefer being outside but a run on the treadmill is better than nothing, so I just crank up my iPod running playlist and get it done - on a treadmill if necessary. I do find the treadmill is kinder on my knee than asphalt, so that's one benefit of the treadmill. I also like HIIT on a treadmill - i just turn it up to my interval levels and follow it, forces me to do it rather than slack off which I might do on the street.
  • brittknight828
    1) Not too sure, I'm not a doctor. However, I feel like my knee is kinda weak sometimes and go on the elliptical or bike instead. It's not as intense on your joints.

    2) Yes to weights for sure! It can increase your weight loss if done properly. Actually, I should say it can decrease your fat %.

    3) I do other things because I get bored easily. When it comes to me, all I care about is calories. Running is one of the best things you can do to burn calories, but how long are you going to do it? For example, if you can only run 30 mins at a time, but can bike for an hour or more, I would compare the two and see which gives you the best burn.

    4) No clue about HR. I don't monitor mine.

    5) Running outside is 100x better than inside on a treadmill. Best running weather for me is between 30 - 65 degrees F. I find it is more motivating when you're outside, and you actually have to run/walk to get back home, instead of a treadmill where you can give up, turn it off and go into the next room.
  • pscott822
    pscott822 Posts: 16 Member
    Yeah I ran for a year but was in constant pain. no major injuries, but pain always. A friend of mine suggested I switch to triathlon. I switched to running, biking and swimming alternating workouts. All my running pain went away! I did not start to lose weight until I started tracking my food. I found that you can never out run your fork.

    I fell in love with swimming. I still run. But when I feel really sore from a long run, a good swim seems to loosen up all the tight muscles.
  • Amberlynnek
    Amberlynnek Posts: 405 Member
    What do you do if you have a bad knee but enjoy running?

    - First, have you gone to the doctor to have your knee diagnosed? It may just be runner's knee, tendonities or a weakened IT band, all things which are fixable. I am on anti-inflammatories and in a knee brace and have an icing regimen and still run. Unless your doctor explicitly says no running - I would look into recover/therapy methods. Also, go to a local running store and get properly fitted for shoes if you haven't done so already. They address any injuries or issues you are habing and may determine that your knee problem could be stemming from poorly fitted footwear.

    Also do you do any other cardio OTHER than running or have you found that running is all you need for cardio to ensure weight loss?
    -If you plan on running, You MUST do other cardio (known as cross-training) to avoid running injuries. YOu can't and should not run everyday. I keep my runs to about 4-5 a week. Try Eliptical, swimming, cycling on off days and also add in strength training to protect your joints and muscles from longer runs. To ensure weight loss, I wear a Heart Rate Monitor to get an accurate count of my calories burned and follow the TDEE from there.

    Does your heart rate go above the recommended range during your runs and is it safe? (HRM question)
    -There are 3 zones which you should be within on a Heart Rate Monitor. Zone 1 - which is a warm-up/cool down. Zone 2- which is fat burning and Zone 3 - which is endurance/performance. I find I usually stay within these three zones (these zones are set when you enter your stats into the watch) with most of my time being spent in zone 3. I go over when I do speed work and sprints but not by much. The better shape you are in, the less this will occur.

    Do you prefer running outside or inside on the treadmill?
    OUTSIDE. Especially if you plan on racing. The treadmill is boring and its helping you push your weight. Whereas, outside you have to propel yourself entirely. Its a better workout outside. Additionally, if you plan on racing - you never know what your weather conditions will look like and you should know how to run and how your body will respond in every type of condition.

    You seem fairly new to running and I suggest you get a training plan put together (C25k or whatever distance you are trying to accomplish). These plans are designed to get you to a distance injury free and tell you when to do cross-training/strength training/etc. When I first started running, I did a lot of reading on the sport too. One of my favorite magazines was runner's world and gavea lot of tips for first timers.

    Good luck.
  • missdibs1
    missdibs1 Posts: 1,092 Member
    You can do specific exercises to strengthen your knee and your leg; the stronger your glutes are the less pressure running puts on your knee. Stuff like leg lifts and squats. If that doesn't help, it would definitely be good to go to a doctor and diagnose the exact problem.

    I don't lift, but I'm lazy and not a good example. I also don't bike or swim or cross-train, same reason haha. Don't use an HRM because I like to just run without information, so I don't know anything about my heartrate.

    I only run outside. I've run on a treadmill like 3 times in my life, all at my PT's office lol.

    this is so true When I check my form and run from my glutes (so to speak) it really helps with knees
  • JenRunTriHappyGirl
    What do you do if you have a bad knee but enjoy running?

    I am still recovering from a bad knee injury. You have to strengthen the muscles around your knee to better support it. Squats, lunges, weight lifting with you legs, stuff like that will not only improve your running but help with you knee issues.

    And do you lift weights in addition to running for weight loss?

    Yes, not heavy, but light weight lifting and other body weight exercises.

    Also do you do any other cardio OTHER than running or have you found that running is all you need for cardio to ensure weight loss?

    I also bike and swim. If all you want to accomplish from running is weight loss, then it should be enough.

    Does your heart rate go above the recommended range during your runs and is it safe? (HRM question)

    I do not use an HRM, but I can tell by my breathing that when I first started running it probably went above the recommended range. Also, now at the end of a run, if I have it in me, I will sprint a few 10ths of a mile and that brings it up, too.

    Do you prefer running outside or inside on the treadmill?

    The treadmill is definitely an easier run, no hills, steady pace, air conditioning. But, I prefer outside.... gets me distracted from what I am doing and gets me completely alone with my thoughts. Running is my therapy!
  • jeffrodgers1
    jeffrodgers1 Posts: 991 Member
    What do you do if you have a bad knee but enjoy running?

    And do you lift weights in addition to running for weight loss?

    Also do you do any other cardio OTHER than running or have you found that running is all you need for cardio to ensure weight loss?

    Does your heart rate go above the recommended range during your runs and is it safe? (HRM question)

    Do you prefer running outside or inside on the treadmill?

    1. Had a bad ankle... worked on strengthening it. Made sure I had the right footwear and that it wasn't worn. Expect running shoes to last 500 Miles or less. Getting professionally fitted by someone who is trained in gait analysis is important.

    2. I do not lift weights often but settled in on body weight type exercies, boxing and yoga. Yoga builds flexibility and strength and is particularly good for runners.

    3. if I do any other cardio it would be boxing workouts and cycling but this accounts for maybe 5-10% of my cardio.

    4. My heart rate seldom goes above my "recommended rate" and only during intense workouts (i.e. Hill sprints, speed work). Where did you find your recommended rate? There are dozens of different formula's you can use and each are appropriate for different degrees of athleticism. i.e. an average joe might use the standard of 220 - Age to calculate max heart rate. For a professional athlete they would use a different calculation like the Karvonen method which can be more exact ( Karvonen takes into account resting heart rate). Or something as simple as the Zoladz method which subtracts a number from your MHR depeding on your zone (i.e. Zone 5 = MHR -10, Zone 1 = MHR -50.)

    5. I am an outside runner and log close to 1500 miles per year regardless of weather conditions. I have run between 100 degrees Farhenheit and 40 below.
  • enkennon
    enkennon Posts: 161 Member
    Thanks for all of the replies!! Some really great tips in here :-)
  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    -If you plan on running, You MUST do other cardio (known as cross-training) to avoid running injuries. YOu can't and should not run everyday. I keep my runs to about 4-5 a week.

    No, you do not have to do any other type of cardio, especially if you're running 4-5 days a week. The only reason one would actually NEED other cardio is if they insist on doing some sort of cardio every single day, but it isn't mandatory to have a secondary form of cardio if you run, and honestly, your body may benefit more from actual rest days than it will from doing the elliptical the other 3 days of the week.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    What do you do if you have a bad knee but enjoy running?

    Start slow, build slow. Patience.
    And do you lift weights in addition to running for weight loss?

    Yep. SS/SL, 2x a week.
    Also do you do any other cardio OTHER than running or have you found that running is all you need for cardio to ensure weight loss?

    Cycling and swimming, each at least 2x/week.
    Does your heart rate go above the recommended range during your runs and is it safe?

    The higher it goes, the less distance you put in. Figure out what your goals are, pace accordingly.
    Do you prefer running outside or inside on the treadmill?

    Outside. Hate treadmills.
  • RunningForeverMama
    RunningForeverMama Posts: 261 Member
    What do you do if you have a bad knee but enjoy running?
    Non-issue for me.
    And do you lift weights in addition to running for weight loss?
    I don't have a gym or weights but I do a body-weight strength training program, Body by You.
    Also do you do any other cardio OTHER than running or have you found that running is all you need for cardio to ensure weight loss?
    No other cardio. I run 6-7 days a week, 3-6 miles depending on the day with an occasional longer run every couple of week or so.
    Does your heart rate go above the recommended range during your runs and is it safe? (HRM question)
    I don't track my heart rate.
    Do you prefer running outside or inside on the treadmill?
    Outside, I hate the dreadmill. (Remind me in January that I said that. :tongue: )