Ideal Protein diet Phase 1

Hi everyone,

I am new to myfitnesspal and I am so excited. I want to lose weight so bad. I am currently at 232 lb and my goal is to be 150. I joined ideal protein diet yesterday and I started to eat their food today. I am already craving for my morning toast. Can who is on IP diet help me stop the craving? I don't want to cheat


  • ifisca
    Ok. So it has been a week since I posted that I was going on IP diet. Yesterday I went for a weight in and I lost 8lbs!!. I mean, this IP diet works great. And I don't feel hungry at all. My knees don't hurt anymore when I take stairs. It is amazing. Let see how much I will loose this week!!:happy: :happy: :happy:
  • Blondie3304
    Blondie3304 Posts: 3 Member
    Ifisca... good for you. 8 lbs is a great start! I just started Ideal Protein - I'm in week 3 and finally past all the cravings. I am about 35 lbs from my goal. Have you found any veggie recipes that you like? I have been mainly eating raw veggies but am interested in trying something cooked or at least with different seasonings than vinegar or salt. Any ideas?
  • jo3ster7
    hi, for weigh loss you can eat with the following macros 40% protein of your totally calorie intake, 40% carbs of your totally calorie intake, and 20% fats same, you can modify this from MyFitnessPal, and it let you know exactly how many grams of each eat along the day, try to split the meals at least in 6, try to avoid high glycemic index foods, eat organic and most important, do exercise, to loose safely about 1lb of pound per week you need to have a 500 calorie deficit, also give a try of men's fitness webpages, that helps a lot and give you the basics of your needs.
  • annakow
    annakow Posts: 385 Member
    You can eat whatever you like just eat less, all the protein, carb knowlegde will come later :)
  • jo3ster7
    this is not an advice at all, eat whatever you want like, french fries, pies, cakes, donuts, its not going to help, you need to eat healthy to have a healthy lifestyle.
  • Clarington45
    Go to " 3 fat chicks" and under forums you will see the Ideal Protein threads.. excellent support!! and tons of information :)
  • basiplin
    Hello! I am moving towards Phase 3 of Ideal Protein. I did Phase 1 for 5 weeks, Phase 2 for almost 3 weeks, and I just cheated this weekend with bad foods and alcohol. I'm back focused now, but I think Phase 3 is where I should be now. After day 4, you should be okay. I suggest becoming friends with dill pickles and making coffee a snack/meal every day for the first 3 weeks. After this you will become more creative. Many women don't lose weight on week 3. Make sure you workout atleast 30 minutes 3-5 days a week after week 3 to see results.
  • basiplin
    this is not an advice at all, eat whatever you want like, french fries, pies, cakes, donuts, its not going to help, you need to eat healthy to have a healthy lifestyle.

    I agree! There are many things your body is undergoing when you eat unhealthy foods that you are unaware of because you've been eating it so long. Then you don't find out about it until you have high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, etc.
  • ifisca
    I am so exited. So I went for my weight in yesterday and now I am down 4.6 lbs. So in total I am down 12.6 lbs in just 2 weeks. I was size 18 and now I am down to size 16. I am so happy. And for the recipes, I found this website and it is so good for all phases There are all kinds of recipes. You just need to choose ones that are appropriate to the kind of vegetables you have to eat for your phase.
  • ifisca
    Hi basiplin, I like the idea of exercising after 3 weeks of IP. Next week will be my third week. Any exercise in mind that you can suggested to me? I have a treadmill at home. Will that be good enough? Thanks
  • ifisca
    For all those who are on IP programs, I encourage you to not give up. It is an amazing program. And for those who think that the IP program is not a good one, trust me, it is. I used to be size 10 before I had my 2 boys 10 years ago and since, I have been struggling with the weight. I tried the weight watchers for about 4 months and I did not lose not even an inch, let alone a pound. And I was following up their way. But now am down 12 lbs. I am motivated to continue with the program. It is so hard to wake up in the morning and have to look myself in the mirror and not be depress. I mean, I have to wear, not what I want but what I have to. But now I already feel better and I know that most people who struggle with the weight like I am, need to really be on IP program. Ask this question to yourself: If you are a mother or a father, do you want your children taking care of you when you can't even move anymore, or do you want to put yourself first in order to take care of your loved children? and for the single people, don't try to lose weight to please a man or a woman, lose it so you can please yourself. So you can feel good about yourself and be healthy. I mean what a better gift can you give yourself if is not a healthy you!
  • ems70508
    Hi yall i'm in phase 1 as well. This is my second time on IP. The first time I had a summer job away from home for 3 months. I never phased off the program properly for that time (didn't stay OP bc I was at a summer camp and you ate what was given to you in the chow hall!). Over the following year I gained all of it back. I knew I had to come back to IP and lose the weight again and to properly do all phases. I have seen people get the weight off and keep it off!

    I use my fitness pal on my phone to keep track of my food and just to see what i'm eating everyday. You definitely don't need to count calories on P1 but it is cool to see the nutrition that you're giving your body! has a large amount of information/recipes/cheerleaders if you need as well! I like to vary the sites I visit and find out what everyone is doing to stay creative and not get bored with IP.
  • ifisca
    Today it will be my third weight in. I can't wait
  • ifisca
    ifisca Posts: 7
    So here is my update so far on Ideal Protein:
    After one month I have lost 20 lbs, 14.75" and I am down to size 15 from 18. Pretty good. And I don't feel hungry anymore.
  • sugarsugar16
    sugarsugar16 Posts: 29 Member
    Please keep us updated! And great progress by the way! Keep it up! :)
  • stacimusmax
    stacimusmax Posts: 172 Member
    After 1 week on IP, I have lost 11 pounds and almost 6 inches. I have not been perfect but keep myself accountable.