Looking for support

tinahein Posts: 9 Member
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hi! ......I'm new and have been trying to loose the same 50+ pounds for the last 12 years!......I always seem to start off good and eventually sink right back into my old ways of not exercising and eating whatever I want (Pizza is my downfall).......I'm looking for support and encouragement and willing to give it back in return!


  • mymelody_78
    mymelody_78 Posts: 657 Member
    You've come to the right place! I have only been on here since the middle of August and I have already lost almost 10 lbs! My friend that lost a good amount of weight told me that watching portions, making better decisions about food and logging it was what helped him most in his weight loss. I have seen this change in myself and believe it! Happy Losing and feel free to add me for support! =)
  • I'm here for you! I have only been on here for a week, but I can so tell a difference with the motivation and inspiration that people get here. Add friends for accountability and encouragement. And count your calories! It make's a big difference.
  • tinahein
    tinahein Posts: 9 Member
    Accountability is definately what I need! .....Thank you for friending me :)
  • Hi well first of all good luck. i know its the same thing everybody says but since i am in the same predicament of falling into old ways as well, it is a hearty good luck i send you and myself. i know i have only been on here a couple of days now but everything i have read so far and everything that my friend told me about the best ways to keep up to date i stumbled across this app for my phone and logged on straight away it is the best thing i have found so far and i am all ready impressed. you have my support to help you on your way to success. feel free to add me as well. the more support we can all give each other the more success we will all have. take care of yourself in the mean time though :)
  • myrbg
    myrbg Posts: 93
    you can do it! i'm brand new as well and wrote my own "HELP ME!!" kind of post after a few days of being on myfitnesspal. the response i got was so tremendous and encouraging that i was able to continue. i still struggle, but i'm relieved at the end of the day when i lay my head down and say "i got through another day!" the advice i have been given so far has really worked for me, maybe it will for you as well:
    take your time. there is no rush! if you ease yourself into this, you'll more than likely be successful as opposed to dramatically changing all at once your habits. start with one thing, and achieve that goal. once you've achieved it, move on to another, and so one. e.g. try exercising 2-3x a week for atleast 30 minutes of vigurous activity. one thing a time, that frame of mind will help you win your journey in the end. =]

    hope this helps! and good luck! today is the day to get going and remember, don't look back!
    feel free to add me for support.
  • revlaura
    revlaura Posts: 6 Member
    I love your "never give up attitude" You can do it! Logging helps you to prevent those "oooops didn't realize how much I've eaten today" You may find "prelogging" your food helpful, and if you don't eat it all, just delete. It really helps keep you on track. Also helps for those "planned" splurges, so you know where you stand, and in a reasonable way satisfy the occasional craving. My fav is chocolate, so I just leave enough room for the OCCASIONAL really good quality chocolate like Lindt truffles. My mantra (after 10 years of getting nowhere) is "I CAN do this!!" ( MFP made the difference for me, lost over 10 lbs so far) Good luck!:
  • Stick with it and if you feel like giving up there is so much support on here!!
  • tinahein
    tinahein Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you so much!.....Like you I also stumbled onto this through my phone.....I've been logging my calories for years now and it hasn't done me much good......mainly because if I'm the only one that sees that I just ate 2000 calories in pizza.....so hopefully having the interaction with other people will really make the difference!

    Good Luck to you also......I know it can be done!
  • tinahein
    tinahein Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you so much for your words of encouragement!
  • tinahein
    tinahein Posts: 9 Member
    What is MFP? .....I'm a little lost on all the abbreviations!
  • CherryJellybean
    CherryJellybean Posts: 204 Member
    hey there! i can sooo relate.. Ive been trying to lose this weight for what seems like forever!
    But this site has helped alot. there is a lot of good advice/support/people on here. SO WELCOME and GOOD LUCK!

    OH BTW mfp = my fitnesss pal
  • I know what you mean, I've been trying to lose weight for several years... but I think this website with all it's tools and support will go a long way in helping us acheive our weight loss goals. So if you need any support or a friend, I'm here! :-)
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