Help with Zumba Kinect

Not sure where I should have posted this but was wondering if anyone has issues with their player? I used my XBOX user id to log into the game and all seemed well then I noticed it said welcome guest. I restarted the game and again all was well and then here we go again, it almost seems to think I have another guest but I only selected one player. As you can see this is new for me I just bought the Zumba Fitness and so far its fun but I want to be able to save my progress.


  • angiemotto
    angiemotto Posts: 31 Member
    Hey there! I also use Zumba on my kinect. Usually it will automatically recognize me and say welcome Angie. But sometimes it says welcome guest, then I have to sign in by my name. If it doesn't recognize you, you have to sign in manually. Is your not letting you sign in?
  • Drea702
    Drea702 Posts: 17 Member
    Hey thanks for the reply! I finally was able to figure out I had to log in with my xbox live log in account, I had mine logged in along with my hubbys!. Thank you!!!