"The pounds are coming off SO SLOW ...discouraging."



  • WDA4655
    WDA4655 Posts: 91 Member
    That's just what I needed to hear today. Thank you Sister. My hubby is home bound today and I'm getting ancy. When I read this I was going to get up and get back to walking a mile but I looked out the window to find it's raining! Uhg!!! I'll have to find something else to do. But I'm not giving up. Hopefully it will stop raining and I can get that walk in.
  • Phildog47
    Phildog47 Posts: 255 Member
    Discouraging as opposed to WHAT?

    You didn't GAIN it overnight... you won't lose it overnight. Got to remember this!

    (I struggle with the same issues).
  • jeannemarie333
    jeannemarie333 Posts: 214 Member
    awesome! and uplifting - I will read this when I am feeling discouraged - thanks!!
  • p4ulmiller
    p4ulmiller Posts: 588 Member
    Losing weight is NOT an overnight thing. There is often a fast drop in the beginning which can be misleading. All of us want to lose a bunch of weight as fast as possible; but it just doesn't happen that way.

    Yes. Think how long it took you to put the weight on. It should take that long for it to all come off again.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    Thanks for sharing, such an encouraging post
  • victoriousO
    victoriousO Posts: 63 Member
    Thanks so much for this valuable information that will boost me up when I am feeling defeated. Once I realized it is a change for the rest of my life, I think I relaxed. I used to give myself deadlines and they never worked because I could never get that deadline out of my head! And, of course, when I didn't reach my goal I was a failure. So no more of that thinking, I have as much time as it takes:)))
  • jenns1964
    jenns1964 Posts: 384 Member
    Thank you for your encouraging words, even if they weren't directed at me personally. I have been losing at a snails pace, but now I believe I am in an actual plateau, since my scale hasn't budged for at least 2 months. I cannot and will not give up on myself and your posts and blogs always give me the encouragement I need to continue my quest for a healthy body.
  • amberiam
    amberiam Posts: 55 Member
    This was much, much needed today as I restart for what feels like the millionth time. Gotta take off the 20 extra pounds that I've gained from being married 6 months, plus the 30 that I needed to lose from the get go. Definitely saving this posting! Thank you!!
  • Hanfordrose
    Hanfordrose Posts: 688 Member
    Thank you all for the great posts. Impatience is such a diet killer. I too have been so discouraged by the slow process of weight loss. I did drop 5 pounds the first week and then nothing the next two! Any advice is welcome. Frustrated but encouraged in CA.

    Hi, Sis.

    It sounds like you are just starting out like the lady for whom this post was originally written. Maybe because I am 68 years old and have done about every 'diet' (i.e OA, Weight Watchers, Adkins, Mayo Clinic and a few of my own creation) over my those years, I know the frustration of trying and feeling like a failure, when the pounds don't come off like we hoped, dreamed and fantasized. It has taken me a lifetime to finally realize that weight loss is NOT a fast race to the finish line. It is a slow stroll into a 'new way of life'.

    Just start with the commitment to keep going. You even have permission to experiment with your food plan. Some folks think that they must stick to the 'formula' that is recommended by MFP. Here is the truth. Each of us is different; and each of us can and will lose weight, when we find the right plan for us.

    I highly recommend that anyone who is having trouble losing weight for more than one month seeks the advice of their doctor and/or nutritionist to evaluate what they are doing. Lab work can show you things about yourself that may be affecting your weight loss. It isn't always about the calories. My doctor knew that I needed more protein in my daily food plan. He also added some supplemental vitamins to my plan. The lack of even one thing can make losing harder and even cause you medical problems. You don't want to lose weight only to be sick at the end.

    I am not a doctor, but I am a retired RN. Even I had not seen the need for things like vitamin D and magnesium, until my doctor showed me my labs. Okay...that my pitch for the doctors. :wink:

    Now...know this. MFP is just a group of folks with the same problem. We all feel the need to lose weight, to feel better about ourselves and can't seem to do it on our own. We are all traveling down the same long road. Some folks are trying to run down that road; others are just bearly moving; but the only ones who are failing are the folks who just gave up. Even they can get back up on their feet and join us, when they are ready.

    By the way, there really isn't a finish line at the end of this road. This isn't a race course. This is LIFEs. You and I are simply decided how we want to live it...as participants or spectors.

    Feel free to join me on the trip. I am the lady in the wheelchair who is pushing herself slowly down the road and dreaming of walking or even running in the future. :smile:
  • Angkev03
    Angkev03 Posts: 5 Member
    love it and a great encouragement we all need to hear :) thank you
  • sunnyhlw77
    sunnyhlw77 Posts: 204 Member
    :flowerforyou: you are a wise woman who has learned a lot during the last year! Thank you for sharing your wisdom!
  • sweetcurlz67
    sweetcurlz67 Posts: 1,168 Member
    You have a GREAT way with words!!!

    Too many people get discouraged too quickly and give up. If they just stay the course and work with their nutritionists and trainers they would be better off and see results the slow and steady way. The healthy way.

    I was on a plateau for a few months but didn't give up!!!

    It boils down to a mental game - a mind game. Whoever is reading this... Know that YOU CAN DO THIS!!!! You CAN become healthy and attain your goals. Just believe in yourself! :drinker:
  • Hanfordrose
    Hanfordrose Posts: 688 Member
    By the way, there really isn't a finish line at the end of this road. This isn't a race course. This is LIFEs. You and I are simply decided how we want to live it...as participants or spectors. (Oh my goodness! I did not mean spectors...ghosts.) :noway:

    Feel free to join me on the trip. I am the lady in the wheelchair who is pushing herself slowly down the road and dreaming of walking or even running in the future.

    Talk about typos. Let me try that again.

    By the way, there really isn't a finish line at the end of this road. This isn't a race course. This is LIFE. You and I are simply deciding how we want to live it...as participants or SPECTATORS.

    Feel free to join me on the trip. I am the lady in the wheelchair who is pushing herself slowly down the road and dreaming of walking or even running in the future. :smile:

    That's better. :happy:
  • Hikant2k2
    Hikant2k2 Posts: 15 Member
    I really needed to read this today. I was feeling discouraged because the scale was not moving the way I felt it should.
    changed my eating habits, started working out and the pounds seem to melt off at first but for the last month it seem that
    I was at a stand still. I know in my head that if I stay the course the pounds will come off but sometime it just seem so
    overwhelming when I think about how far I still have to go. This post give me the encouragement to take it day by day.
  • marciebrian
    marciebrian Posts: 853 Member
    I love your postings and blogs. Such an inspiration and kind spirit you are :flowerforyou: You must be a wonderful person and amazing friend. Take care and I'm so very happy for your success
  • I needed to hear exactly what you said. I have started and quit so many times, I cannot seem to stick with it. I have 30 pounds to loose and I am 63, it comes off slower at this age. I do exercise with a friend about four times a week. I need to do better.
    Thanks again.
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Fabulous post Sue. I am not on your friends list, but I do read your blog every couple of weeks and I am amazed by all that you do, and by how special Ed is in your life. I'm a little bit in love with your husband :) because he loves you so much.

    This IS a slow process and I have done it slowly as well, lost a lot of weight, but more importantly changed my body from a fat blob to a slim and svelte figure. Some times it's been hard, but I've had a couple of 4 days breaks in there as well, and I've totally changed my "relationship" with food.

    So hang in there "Sis" whoever you are. Slow and steady wins the race.
  • booksgiver
    booksgiver Posts: 149 Member
    Well said, SIs. This is probably the single most important lesson to be learned on the weight loss journey. It is a process and one which must overcome actual changes that have occurred not only to one's body, but also to one's actual brain chemistry and emotional persona. If we stop and consider just what an enormous change it is then perhaps we can accept that such a complicated change will take time by necessity. I've lost a total of 82 pounds since last November and like you I have spent most of the last 11 months on a walker or in a wheelchair. I've faced a lot of not particularly nice facts about my own sick dependency on food to give me a sense, a false sense, of saiety. Patience, effort, and even self-denial are required, but the pounds do come off and not only that one day you wake up and you realize that you may actually be free and more in charge of your own life.
  • iwantodance
    iwantodance Posts: 28 Member
    So much wisdom from so many people. Thanks to all who shared here.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,654 Member
    I came across this post on a friend's page and I definitely needed to read this.

    It can be so discouraging to read posts from the younger, more able-bodied members on here who scream about how many calories they can eat and still lose weight.
    They are so quick to jump all over someone who says they eat less, and accuse them of having EDs or triggering people with EDs, but they don't realize just how difficult it is to lose weight when you are older and disabled. They also don't realize how frustrating it is for us to constantly be seeing all the posts about how they ate whole pizzas and ice cream every day, and have pics of fast foods all over their threads. It definitely makes you want to just stay off of the forums.

    Then there are threads like this. With so much wisdom and encouragement.

    Thank you! Thank you! Thank You!!

    I would love to be one of your 'sisters'! :flowerforyou: