Over calorie limit. What do I eat?



  • marianb2001
    marianb2001 Posts: 43 Member
    Dill pickles
  • jenifr818
    jenifr818 Posts: 805 Member
    Thank you all for the advise. I think that looking at some other journals is a good idea. I'm defiantly going to do that. Again tonight my cravings are so bad. I don't understand how I'm good all day and then have these crazy cravings in the evening. I'm like grinding my teeth trying not to give into my rumbling tummy. Whats going to help this? Doing good with the journaling today. I'm trying to decide what to grab now. Craving chocolaye. Like Krave cerial, brownies, cookies, yummmm! I did outmeal for supper so I totally have a lot of carbs alredy. Maybe ill try some like raman noodles or rice. I'm definatly not turned on to the thought of any fruits orveggies right now. Plus I got some ectra cals in the bank. Woohoo!

    Might be your monthly friend coming to pay a visit, too. Every month I have mad cravings for carbs, regardless of my protein/fat intake. If I'm not feeling fruits or veggies, I'll eat a small bowl of Special K cereal/skim milk with a packet of Splenda thrown in to help the sweet tooth. Ramen noodles rock, just keep in mind that a brick is actually two servings, so don't be fooled by the calorie count on that :wink:
  • Someone gave me some advice around this SAME subject recently.She said during times when you are craving more sugar to try eating a fruit with EVERY SINGLE MEAL and SNACK until it subsides.I think this is great advice!...Also aside from that what helps me is to eat small amounts of food often.But I HAVE To BALANCE carbs and protein like fruit and yogurt would be a balanced snack or for dinner chicken and rice,like that.I would also suggest making sure you get your 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day and lots and lots of water.Staying devoted towards good habits really makes a difference.I hope that this helps!
  • thatbelinda
    thatbelinda Posts: 94 Member
    I would recommend starting every meal (except breakfast, I guess?) with a big salad full of baby spinach, cucumber, cherry tomatoes, celery, carrot, capsicum, etc. Drink lots of water with it too. Then wait 20 minutes or so.... and have your main meal. You shouldn't need to eat as much to feel full. Also, you're getting lots of good nutrients that you probably weren't getting before.

    I would also echo those who recommended planning your days in advance. If I know I am going out for dinner with friends, I'll make sure to have a low calorie breakfast and lunch, and get in lots of protein to keep me full. I'll also try to go for a walk or do something physical to "win back" calories.

    Feel free to add me as a friend so you can see my diary and what I eat. You'll notice that today I'm having pasta for dinner (yay carbs!) but the portion size is small, my other meals are low calorie, and I've done some exercise. I hope this helps! :)
  • Also I think it's important to understand WHY these cravings happen.It has to do with regulating blood sugar levels and when your blood sugar drops or crashes you crave SUGAR to get it back up.Now from my understanding the way to keep it balanced is by eating small meals that are carb and protein balanced.Which is why I gave you the advice above.
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    1. Meal timing doesn't matter. Stop worrying about the "late evening" food.
    2. If you're binging on sugar and carbs, is it because you're restricting them too much?

    As far as what you need to eat? Enough protein and fat to feel full. If you're not able to stay consistent, why are you trying to do something that's too un-stick-able in the first place? There's no magic food that makes you not want sweets.

    Good advice. Here is mine:

    Plan ahead. What are your goals? Plan your week ahead to make them happen.

    Cook and prepare meals in advance so you always have a healthy option on hand.

    Eat plenty of Protein and fat. For me, I need to keep my sugar intake down, it just makes me want more. If I don't have too many added sugars, I don't crave them.

    If you really want more advice, open your diary so that people can see - it's hard to comment when there is the "unknown".

    Stop overeating. Seems logical, but hey, if you are trying to lose weight, stick within your 1800 calories.

    Join the binge group here for added support.

    Drink more water.
  • bridgie101
    bridgie101 Posts: 817 Member
    What do I eat? I am over my calorie iimit by 1058. That's based on a 1840 callorie goal. I think I need help cause I keep binging on sugar and carbs. The worst cravings are at late evening which I realize is the worst time to eat. keep getting on track then off track. I can't seem to stay consistent with my eating habits. Any advice? Please look at my food diary and make some suggestions. I really need to know what to eat and at what times. And also what I can do toinimize the sweet cravings.
    Thank you

    Firstly: have you noticed that some of your choices don't give you much bang for your buck?

    Secondly: are you noticing a lack of protein? You're failing at protein. :) Protein is what keeps us from eating the entire contents of the fridge.

    thirdly: don't be too hard on yourself. Any day below maintenance is a good day! :D
  • Have you tried popcorn?
  • gigglesinthesun
    gigglesinthesun Posts: 860 Member
    As a vegetarian I eat lots of carbs and that actually doesn't cause me to binge later on ... just sayin'

    However, I binge (i.e. feel out-of-control hunger) every time I actually don't eat enough throughout the day. For example I am not a big breakfast eater, so if I have some fruit or veggies for breakfast and then a salad for lunch, you can guarantee that by the time dinner rolls around I just eat and eat and eat. Sometimes I can have 25g or 50g of cheese early afternoon and head it off, but the solution for me is to eat proper meals every day whether I feel like it or not. I mean you don't have to have a big meal, but should contain both protein and carbs unless you choose to go low carb.
  • bridgie101
    bridgie101 Posts: 817 Member
    Have you tried popcorn?

    Sod popcorn! That's no bang for buck at all.

    Meat! Eat meat! Have an omelette for lunch. Scramble some eggs. Have cheese on toast.

    Let everything you eat make you full.
  • Janae0221
    Janae0221 Posts: 12 Member
    I have late night sweets cravings as well.... just getting started but so far a few things have gotten me through 1) a Paleo pancake recipe- just blend one banana, 2eggs, a dash of cinnamon and nutmeg and splash of vanilla...blend together and cook low and slow and top with a drizzle of honey or lite maple syrup. Another thing... a tbsp of reduced or fat free cream cheese mixed with a 1/2 tsp of reduced fat/sugar peanut butter and a sprinkle of splenda brown sugar.. mix together... it doesn't make a lot but works really well at satisfying the "desserts" craving. Sometimes, I will substitute a tsp of reduced sugar or all fruit jam for the PB. Hope this helps!
  • LinFlemmer331
    LinFlemmer331 Posts: 100 Member
    Sugar lights your brain up just like a junkie. That's why you want it. Do get away from wanting it you have to stop eating it. For 3-4 minimum days eat vegetables, lots of them, learn proteins, lots of it, healthy fats like avocado and olive oil. Drink water, lots of it. When you want sweets, eat an apple with cinnamon sprinkled on it. It will take you a few weeks to break free of the junk, but you can do it. I went through that each time we went on vacation and I would eat whatever I wanted. But when I came home, all I wanted was the same junk I had been eating. Your taste buds want what they had the day before. Be tough, you can do this! Good luck!
  • snazzyjazzy21
    snazzyjazzy21 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Have you tried popcorn?

    Sod popcorn! That's no bang for buck at all.

    Meat! Eat meat! Have an omelette for lunch. Scramble some eggs. Have cheese on toast.

    Let everything you eat make you full.

    It depends on the problem. If I have the munchies, I'll go for popcorn or celery. Not very nutritious but it's enough to get me through those stages of 'i just need to eat everything in sight!'. If I'm actually hungry, I agree on the protein to fill me up.
  • bridgie101
    bridgie101 Posts: 817 Member
    Have you tried popcorn?

    Sod popcorn! That's no bang for buck at all.

    Meat! Eat meat! Have an omelette for lunch. Scramble some eggs. Have cheese on toast.

    Let everything you eat make you full.

    It depends on the problem. If I have the munchies, I'll go for popcorn or celery. Not very nutritious but it's enough to get me through those stages of 'i just need to eat everything in sight!'. If I'm actually hungry, I agree on the protein to fill me up.

    yes, I admit - fair call. If you have the nibbles then popcorn without butter is a good idea (terrible idea with butter). so are carrot sticks and so forth.

    But if you're out of calories and you're starving: protein's really cheap. Egg whites are 16 cals each. Chicken breast is almost nothing.

    On a couple of occasions I've blown my calorie count and wondered what to have: I've gone and had a chicken stir fry, but without the rice. Saying no to vegetables is ridiculous, and saying no to healthy chicken meat is equally silly given how few calories it is, and how good for you it is. I can fill myself up for 200 cals, and while I do it I'm reaffirming the fact that I'm letting go of the mistake that sent me over in the first place. Does that make sense?
  • darkrose20
    darkrose20 Posts: 1,139 Member
    You are eating no vegetables and fruit. Really, eat a balanced diet, and you'll see the calories decrease. A cup of veg/fruit has WAY fewer calories than a cup of maccaroni. Also, seriously consider cooking for yourself. Restaurant food is full of sodium, fat and calories. Their version of "One Portion" is more like four in some restaurants.
  • maryann9wood
    maryann9wood Posts: 75 Member
    Who would know what she eats? She's logged two days in the last two weeks. She needs to log every da, and THEN try to fix where she is over-eating.
  • FitFunTina
    FitFunTina Posts: 282 Member
    Are you drinking enough water? Yesterday you logged 4 cups. A cup of water before every meal /snack is a good guideline. I'm not a big water drinker, so I get my water bottle filled with ice and then water. The colder the water is, the easier it is for me to drink.

    Also, you've mentioned a lot of late-night hunger and sweet cravings. If you are eating right during the day, then you shouldn't be physically hungry at the end of the night. It could be emotional hunger. One rule of thumb is - if you are truly physically hungry then you will eat anything, even if it is healthy. In that case, grab a healthy snack like protein or carrots or a cheese stick.

    Gas stations - if you are hungry and the gas station is your best option, grab a cheese stick or a piece of fruit. Sometimes they'll even have hard-boiled eggs.
  • mtzrose2001
    mtzrose2001 Posts: 62 Member
    Thank you all for your coments! Theres so much great advice here for me to use. I really feel lots of support and verry much appriciate all of it. I'm going to take things slow. My fist goal will be to log every day. The second to stay under my calorie limit. And the third to try and incorperate some meat fruits and veggies into the days. Aside from that I am going to make some time to go through some diary entried like suggested and also look at some other reasorses suggested here.
  • Have you tried adding more protein and fiber to your diet? They keep you full for longer, which is key to eating less for me! Make sure you're full in the morning, as that will have a huge effect on your snacking for the day. Also, don't completely cut fat out of your diet; fat is good for you, and helps you feel satisfied with your meal changes despite all the additional veggies, haha.

    I've started packing a lunch with a ton of food: tuna salad eaten with romaine lettuce, hard-boiled egg, raw carrots and bell peppers, grapes or clementines, and a small bag of chips. All together, it's under 600 calories and I eat so many flavors and textures that I feel like it's a feast!

    When snacking, figure out what you're craving: salt, sweet, fat, etc. If you want potato chips, do it. Just count out your serving size (10 chips or what not), and walk away from the bag. :) You can't cut out everything you enjoy, or you won't be able to stick with a lifestyle change. Just enjoy it in smaller portions. I've recently started eating dark chocolate rather than milk chocolate (even though I LOVE milk chocolate), because I can be satisfied with 2 squares of dark chocolate; whereas I want to keep eating milk chocolate until I feel sick!

    Good luck to you!
  • arabianhorselover
    arabianhorselover Posts: 1,488 Member
    I know they say that, but I find it very hard to believe that you can burn 600 calories in an hour of Zumba, even though it is pretty intense.

    Try pre-logging your food for the day first thing in the morning - that way you can see if you're going to be over, and rearrange your plans.

    I aim for three proper meals and two or three snacks - they need to be relatively healthy, but they are generally things like cereal bars, grapes, nuts/dried fruit (weigh it out into a small container). I also have a WW chocolate-covered biscuit with my last cup of tea, or else one square of Lindt dark chocolate - that is my "good girl" treat.

    I make it a rule to only eat what I've taken into work, and then only eat all of it if I really want it - not because its there. So I do have a WW biscuit for "emergencies" which I've resisited since April!

    Finally, if you "need" more calories then try upping your exercise - a Zumba class gives you 600 calories an hour, Aerobics about 400 (depending on intensity). I try to use my allocated calories for "good" stuff - meat, veg, fruit - and exercise calories for the less vital stuff (like wine). That way if I am naughty I've earned it by honest sweat!
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