How often should I weigh myself?



  • Jspud11357
    Jspud11357 Posts: 4 Member
    Wow!!You lost 25 pounds? How did you do it? I just joined and like this site very much. I have new hope that this will help a lot. Do you have any diet advice you want to share? I have lost and gained everything back plus some. I can not keep it off. Jill
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    i weight myself every morning after I pee. Monitoring my weight makes me smarter about my body. The scale does not lie. If I've eaten crap the day before the scale goes up. If I have followed plan- macros, calories, water, training, the scale maintains or drops. If it just fluctuates a few ounces I don't think about it, if it fluctuates up more than 2 pounds I have breached my plan- every time. There have only been two reasons the scale has gone up that were not directly affected by my choices.. #1 Menstrual cycle.. during that week my body will fluctuate 3-4 lbs and I just have to stay course and #2 Flying. When I fly, I retain a significant amount of water, and my weight fluctuates 5-6 pounds b/c of altitude.
  • Badarolyn
    Badarolyn Posts: 5
    I'll weigh myself every day or every few days. I bought a talking digital scale a few years ago because my eyesight is crap w/o my glasses. The scale was either defective or smart because it's accurate, but doesn't talk! I thought about returning it, but then I decided that I didn't want my spouse to overhear my weight anyway. It does have a large number display which is great too.

    I like to weigh myself often just out of scientific curiosity. I know weight fluctuates on a daily basis, so when it's up, I evaluate what's going on with me. Was I sticking to the plan? Not getting enough fiber? That sort of stuff.

    Find out what works for you and that will be what is best.
  • Liz_Mfp
    Liz_Mfp Posts: 172 Member
    up or down 3 lbs.
    so I know it is not accurate.

    Exactly why I weigh in daily
    and why I "watch the trend"

    I consider Every Single Weight to be "inaccurate" on my cheap scale.
    I don't trust the Low numbers
    I don't trust the High numbers
    They are all "inaccurate" on my cheap inconsistent bathroom scale

    But I know every 5 days whether I'm trending towards Higher or trending towards Lower
  • chattertess
    chattertess Posts: 45 Member
    The best thing that happened to me in this journey so far - is changing to only 1x a month weigh ins.

    Beforehand, I would keep the scale under my bed. I would wake up each a.m. roll out of bed pull the scale out and weigh in. I would ALSO use it again before crawling in bed for the night.

    Found I would use this as an 'excuse' to go off on a bender. "Oh, you gained 2lbs in 1 day? I'll show you mr scale. let's see how much we can change the #'s tomorrow!" --- sounds 'silly' i know - but it dawned on me I was using the change in #'s as an 'excuse' to say 'oh i can't do this why bother!??'

    soon as i moved the scale to the other end of the house and had my mom 'hide it' and went to only 1x a month weigh ins - things started to change. :)

    Hehe this made me giggle! Glad I'm not the only one who has challenged the evil mr scale!
  • zoielouise
    zoielouise Posts: 21
    Haha thanks everyone
  • Is not easy because you want to see your progress if any right? I would say you should try to pick a day of the week and stick to it. Once per week gives you a good and consistent measure. I think you should also consider not just weighing yourself but take your measurements, because if you are combining diet with exercise sometimes you may not be losing weight, but you are losing inches and that's very encouraging as well. Well good luck in your journey. Stick with it!!

    wow, thanks! i never thought about doing the inches thing! but that makes me a little more optimistic to try when the scale is being mean:bigsmile:
  • thatbelinda
    thatbelinda Posts: 94 Member
    I like weighing myself every day to better understand my natural fluctuations. I log it every day, too, so my chart is full of ups and downs, but as long as it's in a general downward motion overall, I'm happy!