Isagenix anyone?



  • SunnyAndrsn
    SunnyAndrsn Posts: 369 Member
    I had a co-worker who did this. She really wasn't overweight, just needed to tune up her diet and exercise. Instead, she did Isogenix. She was very vocal about it at work, talked about the cost, the meal replacements, etc. It's a shake thing, and I think they sell snacks too.

    She took off about 10-15 pounds, as I said, she didn't have a lot to lose. It's all come back, she never changed sizes in clothes, never really worked out.

    Not a good program, IMO. Two other coworkers started doing this with her, one lost about 18 pounds, the other less than 10. Huge waste of money was their verdict.
  • mom2sons02
    mom2sons02 Posts: 111 Member
    Weird that I saw this today. Got wayyyyyyyy more info that I wanted today and I didn't even ask for it. A lady today told me it would cure my son's autism. Luckily, I am not stupid enough to believe this, but is this the info they are telling people? I told her I thought it was just weight loss and got an earful. I just hope no one actually believes this. Pills and shakes are hard for most autistic kids to take, never mind there is no cure for autism

    You will actually hear this about a few other products as well not just this one - about it "curing" your sons autism. Some people will prey on what others yearn to hear. Tread lightly when asking about these products. You will get an earful

    Yep, sure did, just glad I know better, wish it were true, but it isn't
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    Geez...You wouldn't possibly be selling these products now would you???
    Stop the self-promoting on MFP. For those who don't know, Isagenix is a "pyramid scheme" company. Individuals become "distributors" and then get others to become "distributors" under them. And so on, and so on.
    Do what I do - hit the "Report" button on every one of them who are soliciting/spamming for their products. This board is full of people selling crap like Isagenix, Body by Vi, Beachbody/Shakeology, etc. Help keep MFP free of MLM scammers! :glasses:
  • ...I don't know, guys...I'm using it now and I don't have any problems. I've also started running everyday and eating right. I don't drink alcohol or anything unless it's water or milk. I don't eat overly fatty foods (there's a hardee's in my college town that I avoid like the plague) and I let myself have a treat if I have an especially great run. I'm serious about losing weight and It helped me jump start my "get fit journey" as I like to call it. I'm doing pretty well too. I plan to stop using it at the end of the month, but continue running and weight lifting. I'm using it more as a launch pad than an means to an end.

    I'm not trying to sell it or anything, just add another perspective to the conversation!
  • jez4ever
    jez4ever Posts: 190 Member
    I don't think it's a gimmick at all. I've been doing Insanity for the last 30 days and love it. My wife started using Isagenix the same time I began Insanity. She only works out 3 days a week vs. my 6 days of Insanity. I am a lot more out of shape than she is and she's lost more weight than me. I can also see a huge difference in her skin. She seems to be a lot more healthy. I am thinking about doing it too once I am done with Insanity (about 30 more days) - I'll probably do another round, but try the isagenix products with it. My wife does complain about not being able to eat enough, and there are days she feels real hungy. However, she says the benefits outway that. complexion, her migraines have gone away, and she has a ton mroe energy. Not to mention she's lost 8 pounds in 30 days. Went from 130 to 122. As far as selling it and stuff - yeah that's pretty lame. She's not in to all that, luckily its not required to sell it.
  • tlforgacs
    tlforgacs Posts: 5 Member
    I'm curious to know what you think a pyramid scheme is gddrdld?
  • tlforgacs
    tlforgacs Posts: 5 Member
    I don't think it's a gimmick at all. I've been doing Insanity for the last 30 days and love it. My wife started using Isagenix the same time I began Insanity. She only works out 3 days a week vs. my 6 days of Insanity. I am a lot more out of shape than she is and she's lost more weight than me. I can also see a huge difference in her skin. She seems to be a lot more healthy. I am thinking about doing it too once I am done with Insanity (about 30 more days) - I'll probably do another round, but try the isagenix products with it. My wife does complain about not being able to eat enough, and there are days she feels real hungy. However, she says the benefits outway that. complexion, her migraines have gone away, and she has a ton mroe energy. Not to mention she's lost 8 pounds in 30 days. Went from 130 to 122. As far as selling it and stuff - yeah that's pretty lame. She's not in to all that, luckily its not required to sell it.

    Glad to hear your wife is doing so well with the product. But I would have her talk to her sponser. She shouldn't be hungry. Either she needs to drink more water or more food.....just clean food. Good luck to you in your fitness journey!!
  • Isagenix works well. I see some people here have been telling you that you can't eat anything but that is not the case. During your pre-cleanse days you are able to have one shake for breakfast, a 400-600 calorie meal for lunch (chicken salads are the best) then a shake for dinner. In between those meals, you are able to have small snacks. One day a week is a 'cleanse' day which requires you not to eat any food, but drink cleanse for life and clean out your body - it is only one day a week and is not hard at all once you do your first one. This is the same as any system, but the only difference is the shakes actually taste good (especially combined with cinammon, fruit or a small bit of almond butter). It is easy to follow, and if you have enough discipline you WILL see results.

    The first time I did isagenix was 2 years ago. I was 207 pounds when I started and when I had finished the 30 days system, I was 172 without any exercise. Losing weight/staying healthy is 70% diet and 30% exercise so that may be why your friend lost the weight - because ZERO junk can enter your body during isagenix and when you are just 'trying' to eat healthy and exercising it does not mean you are eliminating all of the sugars and fats that you should be.

    Honestly, it was not easy at first as my body was craving things that contained sugars and salts - mainly because I had trained my body to want those things when I was unhealthy. They say it takes 21 days to break a habit and isagenix BREAKS bad habits - your body no longer craves the crap like unhealthy sugars and salts that really do nothing for you in the first place.

    It is common sense - if you cut your calories down and eat healthy and exercise you WILL lose the weight. However, some people are really not disciplined enough or need that jump start to successful weight loss and a healthy lifestyle. Isagenix is used as a tool to jump start weight loss - you don't have to stay on the 30 day system forever - you can maintain by buying shakes to have for breakfast and just maintaining by eating healthy. Obviously if you continue eating like crap after, you are going to gain the weight back - it is common sense. The goal is to maintain.

    I am guility of about 2 years later gaining 10 pounds back after some poor dieting choices on my part, but the main part is I did not gain it all back. I am now doing another 30 day system - currently on day 5. It is hard! BUT I know it is worth it because I have seen the results. I have been doing kickboxing for a few months now, but am taking some time off for my body to adjust to this new healthy avenue and then I will introduce it back in once I am feeling I have adjusted.

    Anyway - you should definitely give isagniex a try. It is expensive but trust me - it is worth it! :)
  • OMGee, my uncle was selling it and got us using it. It only works b/c u don't eat anything! U eat some sort of tablet and almonds for breakfast and lunch, then a protien shake for dinner, then there is a gross liquid to drink(taste like urine, if i were to guess what urine taste like),....... not good!!! U will lose, but u will also be grumpy, and have no energy.

    Hahaha, so true those liquids both of the Ionix supreme and cleanse for life TASTE HORRIBLE (I think urine might taste better than those 2). Cleanse for life is a bit more tolerable. Anyway, my own experience... I really can't tell if it did anything at all. It's damn expensive that's for sure.
  • went from over eating depressed sad girl to healthy eating n excersising daily n feeling greeat about myself!! thanks to isagenix! I started the 30 day isagenix program a year ago and did about 90 days of it lost 60 pounds :) isagenix cleaned out my body toxics no more headaches no more stomach pains n boosted my energy! taking this 90 day made me excersise daily n eat healthy to keep the weight off! and i also didnt totally stop eating when i was on this program, i still ate just excersised more. its been a year now and ive kept the weight off and im just healthy now! thank you isagenix! changed my life around :):)
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,839 Member
    1. Isagenix is a multi-level marketing scheme -- AKA pyramid scheme -- and makes no attempt to hide that on their web site.
    2. There's no science backing up any of their claims. See, for example,

    Flush your money down the toilet and you will get a similar result.
  • Dargealing
    Dargealing Posts: 58 Member
    I used isagenix and lost weight. But it is expensive, and I did not maintain the weight loss. I gained it back due to my own neglect and bad life style and eating and not exercising. I have been with MFP since April 2011, and have lost 22 lbs and gained some and then lost but I still fit into my skinny clothes and still have a healty active lifestyle. that is the difference. Keeping yourself active and not slouching on doing your routine workouts at least 3 days a week. I don't belong to a club or gym, or anything. Just keeping track of what I put in my mouth, and doing my walking/weight lifting, and other workouts etc. I did not have any side affects from the isagenix products, but everyone is different. I was able to obtain some of the product free, as there was a person that bought it but then gave up on using it, so I took it all and used it but I was also incorporating other things into my routine. Now I just work out, and eat basically what I want but keep up with exercise, and don't eat as much.. so that is my 2 cents worth and no I did not sell the stuff. Just used it, and when it was gone, it was gone. I drink tons of water and cut out a lot of alcohol, and coffee and not so much of the liquid creamer.. and other bad things, but I am healtier than I have ever been. And at 55 that is saying a lot.. well off to do a work out..
  • Day 15 on Isagenix 30 day system - down 13 pounds. Yep, this stuff works.
  • brittyvigil
    brittyvigil Posts: 2 Member
    I don't sell Isagenix, but I use it. I am 5'2 and am fairly active. I gained a lot of weight (50+ lbs) from medication that I had to take for my epilepsy.

    Yes, Isagenix is expensive.
    Yes, some people have diarrhea.
    Yes, you will gain all the weight back if you go from the Isa system to eating unhealthy again (who wouldn't?)


    I have had incredible success so far and I have way more energy than I have since I had my first epileptic seizure when I was 10 years old!

    You could probably put some type of system like this together yourself if you looked into the ingredients (for instance, there are a lot of natural metabolism boosters like cinnamon pills, cayenne, etc) but I feel like it costs just as much money to buy everything separately.

    I do two shakes a day and a regular (healthy) meal. I don't feel hungry when I cleanse or when I have shake days, because I drink half my body weight in oz in water everyday.

    Having epilepsy has caused a ton of chronic problems for me, but since I've started this system I have felt an overall boost in my health, less intense headaches, and wayyyyy more energy.

    Can't tell you what to do--but I am using it to drop 30-40 lbs WHILE changing my lifestyle. I don't think it's a quick fix, it's a diet and a commitment. It is not for everyone, but it works really, really well for some people.

    Good luck if you try it.

  • >>>Day 15 on Isagenix 30 day system - down 13 pounds. Yep, this stuff works

    Nope, you've lost 13 pounds of water and doesn't work. Starvation, diuretics and laxatives aren't weight loss solutions.

    Hire a CERTIFIED trainer and/or Nutritionist, not an Isagenix consultant with absolutely no qualifications before you do long term damage to your metabolism.
  • 3 months after finishing the Isagenix system and I have lost 45 pounds - still water & poo?
  • Also, if anything is a scam, it's personal training. Every time I step in to my gym they are trying to get my money by asking me to sign up for a personal trainer. Isagenix was a jump start to a healthy new life, and that is what it has provided for me. Almost at my goal.
  • My co-worker has lost 55 pounds in 4.5 months. Might not work for some but it definatley works for others.
  • So because a gym is trying to sell you a service, provided by someone with actual education in exercise science, personal training is somehow a scam? That's quite the logic, I guess cars are a scam too because they try to sell me a car when I go into a dealership. Same with the oil change my mechanic keeps trying to sell me. Was Isagenix free then?

    The scam is the Isagenix flyer I just saw advertising results "in just 4 day", given out by a person with absolutely no qualifications or education in exercise science or nutrition.

    And let me clarify "water and poo". You lost a combination of Glycogen, Poo, some fat and a bunch of muscle mass if you did Isagenix.

    Would you mind sharing your change in body fat %?