Almond Milk

I have noticed that a TON of people seem to drink almond milk... is it better for you? or does it taste better?? I'm very curious! I don't drink a whole lot of milk, actually I really don't drink it at all. I have yogurt instead in order to get some diary in, but if this almond stuff is supposed to be really good for you, i'd definitely consider drinking some! Enlighten me please :bigsmile:


  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    It is good for you bur unfortunately it is quite low on protein so not a great substitute for milk unless you also add some protein powder. It does taste delicious, I buy the vanilla.
  • kiekokay
    kiekokay Posts: 101 Member
    I love almond milk! I think it tastes far better than real milk, which I have never really liked or drank much of. I started drinking it when I became a vegetarian and needed something to go on cereal. My girlfriend also drinks it though and she is a carnivore :)
    Not sure if that helps at all, but yeah its really good!
  • MLgarcia3
    MLgarcia3 Posts: 503
    I'm not much of a milk drinker either, but i recently started drinking almond milk and I like it! It tastes great! It's usually lower in calories than regular milk, has more calcium, antioxidants, and less cholesterol! Oh, and did I mention it tastes great?!
  • MLgarcia3
    MLgarcia3 Posts: 503
    I'm not much of a milk drinker either, but i recently started drinking almond milk and I like it! It tastes great! It's usually lower in calories than regular milk, has more calcium, antioxidants, and less cholesterol! Oh, and did I mention it tastes great?!
  • MLgarcia3
    MLgarcia3 Posts: 503
    I'm not much of a milk drinker either, but i recently started drinking almond milk and I like it! It tastes great! It's usually lower in calories than regular milk, has more calcium, antioxidants, and less cholesterol! Oh, and did I mention it tastes great?!
  • MLgarcia3
    MLgarcia3 Posts: 503
    stupid computer... that was NOT supposed to post three times.. yes, i like almond milk, but dang..
  • karenpinkchick
    Can u get this in UK? Never heard of it!!
  • mzenzer
    mzenzer Posts: 503 Member
    Can u get this in UK? Never heard of it!!

    I know some Asian markets had it here in the states before it became available in the mainstream markets, try those if you can.
  • getupandgo
    It's delicious and has fewer calories than skim milk! I'm kind of weary of cow milk anyways with everything they feed them and stuff. It's cheap too - you can buy it in boxes that you do not have to refrigerate (until you open them of course)- I think it may be less expensive than milk too but I'm not 100% sure.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    It is good for you bur unfortunately it is quite low on protein so not a great substitute for milk unless you also add some protein powder. It does taste delicious, I buy the vanilla.

    I was going to mention the protein thing.

    I have tummy issues with cow's milk and was never much of a milk drinker. For cereals and hot chocolate and chai lattes now, I use soy milk. It has a lot of protein in it.
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    Love love LOVE almond milk :) I get my protein from other stuff so I don't mind it being less in protein. I also love it because it's less calories then regular milk :)
  • gecho
    gecho Posts: 426 Member
    LOVE IT!!!! I don't care for regular milk unless it has chocolate in it :wink:
    I have never bought the original but the vanilla is great and on 90 cal for 1 cup. (If you get the one made by silk anyway.)
  • sejune
    sejune Posts: 15 Member
    My wife and I get the Blue Diamond Original Almond milk. I think it tastes plenty like vanilla without having to get the vanilla kind, which adds 30 calories per cup, and more sugar. My wife can't drink milk, and she is now able to use this in her cereal in the morning!

    Our uses:
    Fruit smoothies (1 cup almond milk, 4 strawberries, 1 banana, 1 Dannon non fat yogurt flavored), blended, then we split it....soooo good.
    Diced apples, cut banana, 1/2 cup almond mild, 2 table spoons of plain non fat yogurt mixed well and poured over the fruit, with cinnamon sprinkled on top. Awesome healthy dessert!
  • mindymoe1
    i LOVE! it. it is so tasty i get the blue diamond unsweetened. tastes great
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    i LOVE! it. it is so tasty i get the blue diamond unsweetened. tastes great

    Yep, me too!! Love the Blue Diamond unsweetened! Also Silk makes one now called Pure Almond which is really good in the refrigerated section!
  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    Almond milk is so NUMMIES! I mainly use it because of how low the calories are. I always am good on protein, so that's not a problem for me.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I like it because it is lower in calories and sugar content than skim milk. I have it with Shakeology which has 17 grams of protein, so I am not missing out on protein. I only tried it because I wanted to lower my calories a little, but I found out that it tastes wonderful!
  • Juno99
    Juno99 Posts: 32 Member
    I drink Silk - Pure Almond Unsweetened. Only 35 cal per 8 oz cup. I taste awful the first time I tasted it, but 2nd & 3rd sip is not bad. Now I love it! I can't drink milk and this is a good alternative for me. I usually have a few calorie to spare so I will drink it an hour or 2 before bed so I don't get hunger pang and well.. sleep better. And why not, right? It's only 35 calories.

    Also, it has 45% calcium which is what help you loose weight faster. Yay to almond milk.

    On a side note, I used to drink soy as althernative to regular milk. Unfortunately, my encronologist doctor told me that soy milk can effect infertility :sad:
  • msciaobella
    msciaobella Posts: 40 Member
    Oh Almond Milk how I love thee :) I got a whole 1/2 gallon of unsweetened vanilla Almond Breeze at Wal-mart for $3. I am drinking a Pumpkin Spice "Latte" right now that I made from brewing a pumpkin spice tea bag in boiling water, adding a packet of stevia, cinnamon, and about 1/2 cup of almond milk. Tastes like something you would buy from a coffee shop.
  • AngelDog1
    Ohhhh that pumpkin spice latte sounds yummy! I'm going to have to try almond milk. I also have tummy issues with cow's milk, and hubby has to be careful of the sugars in milk because of diabetes. We tried unsweetened soy milk for awhile, and it wasn't bad at all. But I recently discovered that soy products may give you a higher likelihood for developing breast cancer especially if you are already in a higher percentage (family genes) of getting it. I don't want to take that chance. So almond milk here I come!