A Review of Bob Harper's Newest Plan: Jumpstart to Skinny



  • If you think 800 calories a day (1200 for men) isn't enough, you are very wrong. I've been doing this diet only for two days now, and I am NOT hungry. I find the meals are way more than enough food to fill me up and keep me feeling satisfied. Some of them are a little bland if you follow his recipe exactly, but he says you can use spices in his book... so make them your own. Just don't add butter or salt.

    I am REALLY enjoying my morning 45 minute walk before breakfast. That is something that is going to stick after the 3 weeks is up. I wish I would have started sooner. Most days I take my dogs with me, and they are loving it as well.

    As for all the negativity, I thought this site was supposed to be for support to help others lose weight? Yet most of you are chastising and trying to make others feel bad for "being duped" into trying a fad diet. If you actually read the book and looked at the plan, I think you would feel differently. It's not about doing this for 3 weeks and then going back to your normal eating and lack of exercise. It's a jumpstart, a kick in the *kitten* to get going. Losing the 20lbs in 3 weeks is a great motivator, and people will follow this plan and then want to transition into a healthier lifestyle because of it. So instead of being negative and discouraging, maybe you all should be saying, "Hey, good luck! Come back and let us know of your progress! If you are having trouble, just post here and we can help!"

    I will be back to post about my weekly weight loss. I am excited. :)
  • silken555
    silken555 Posts: 478 Member
    People are allowed to disagree and voice their opinions.

    The SITE ITSELF is not in any way shape or form supportive of VLCDs. So no, this site isn't about supporting a diet like this regardless of how long it is for.

    SiouxCityBoy, I highly recommend reading the forum rules seeing as you're so fond of reading and all. Might notice that name calling isn't allowed.

    800cals per day isn't enough to properly and healthfully sustain your body's basic functions in the long term. It has nothing whatsoever to do with how hungry or not you are.
  • jkkenny3
    jkkenny3 Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks for opinion! I agree! I've lost 16 lbs. in a month and am noticing that I still drop 1-2 lbs. each week with minor adjustments calorically.. This is a very healthy plan which ensures you eat all the basics you need. If anyone takes the time to read his book, they will learn that you transition and add calories in a specific manner when the 3 weeks are completed. I have NEVER felt better dropping lbs. in my life. Bob Harper should be respected for the incredible amount of weight he's help people lose and his dedication to reversing our nation's obesity epidemic..
  • angie007az
    angie007az Posts: 406 Member
    I have read all the posts to this forum, a majority of the negative posts are from rather foolish or perhaps stupid people that have not read the book.

    Firstly, I am an adult male, 66 years old and now weigh exactly 300 pounds. When I was 55 years old I was exposed to respiratory anthrax along with 3 co-workers. I survived, the others did not. No headlines, we simply became exposed to the bacteria from dust/dirt that harbored the bacteria. That resulted in me essentially having COPD because of the damaged lung tissue. Stroke (recovered from that) an also a MI, (heart attack) which essentially caused a portion of my heart to die. I could easily sit and slowly walk short distances, but any normal exercise or even walking down the block was not possible. When I became ill I weighed 155 pounds and averaged around 3000 calories, and worked and exercised. After the first 5 years of dissability I had gained a bunch of weight, and ended up with a weight of around 250 pounds. I then followed diets by my physician, and two different professional nutritionists employed by a local hospital. Following their diets EXACTLY, over the next 5 years I gained an additional 83 pounds (333 pounds total) . I recently changed Doctors, my old one retired, and the new young doctor told me to loose weight I needed to eat 40% Greens, 40% lean protein, a tablespoon of Olive oil in preparation or used as a salad dressing. I could intake NO SALT, and NO added SUGAR and No Flour. He said that if I wished to have additional guidance, I should buy or get from a library Bob Harper's book "Jumpstart To Skinney" as that was what he based my diet on, with the exception of NO SALT, SUGAR, or FLOUR of any kind.

    I modified Bob Harper's diet plan to be somewhat simpler in meal preparation, a tossed salad with varied greens, and then a broiled chicken breast or broiled tuna, or broiled salmon, or a small lean broiled steak. I try to limit the protein to between 4 and 6 ounces per meal, the breakfast has perhaps fewer calories and grams of protein, but usually includes four or five fresh or frozen strawberries, a cup of black coffee, and a tablespoon of psyllium husk fiber to provide added fiber in my diet.

    I drink at least a gallon of water per day.

    I have lost 33 pounds in three weeks, now weigh exactly 300. My Dr told me to stay on this diet for the next 3 months, and he will then re-evaluate me and the diet.

    The book is good, gives great advice, and its diet can be modified to work, as long as one does not cheat on the (essentially) 40% approved Greens, 40% lean Protein, and 20% approved fat.

    I find this very interesting. I mentioned Bob Harper on another thread earlier today and I was eaten alive by know-it-alls and my posts were deleted by the moderator. Then I go out to dinner, have a good time, come home and search for Bob Harper and find a ton of posts about his book. Unbelievable. Glad to find some sane people over here. I enjoyed the book very much and will most likely tailor it to fit my needs as I have the 5:2 plan. Nice to meet you all. :smile:
  • angie007az
    angie007az Posts: 406 Member
    If you think 800 calories a day (1200 for men) isn't enough, you are very wrong. I've been doing this diet only for two days now, and I am NOT hungry. I find the meals are way more than enough food to fill me up and keep me feeling satisfied. Some of them are a little bland if you follow his recipe exactly, but he says you can use spices in his book... so make them your own. Just don't add butter or salt.

    I am REALLY enjoying my morning 45 minute walk before breakfast. That is something that is going to stick after the 3 weeks is up. I wish I would have started sooner. Most days I take my dogs with me, and they are loving it as well.

    As for all the negativity, I thought this site was supposed to be for support to help others lose weight? Yet most of you are chastising and trying to make others feel bad for "being duped" into trying a fad diet. If you actually read the book and looked at the plan, I think you would feel differently. It's not about doing this for 3 weeks and then going back to your normal eating and lack of exercise. It's a jumpstart, a kick in the *kitten* to get going. Losing the 20lbs in 3 weeks is a great motivator, and people will follow this plan and then want to transition into a healthier lifestyle because of it. So instead of being negative and discouraging, maybe you all should be saying, "Hey, good luck! Come back and let us know of your progress! If you are having trouble, just post here and we can help!"

    I will be back to post about my weekly weight loss. I am excited. :)

    I agree totally. Thanks for the sane post.
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    I think the best thing is for the people doing this diet to check back in a year and tell us what happened in the months that followed the three weeks.
  • angie007az
    angie007az Posts: 406 Member
    I think the best thing is for the people doing this diet to check back in a year and tell us what happened in the months that followed the three weeks.

    I think read the book and then post. I actually follow the 5:2 plan but I found the book to be very informational.
  • angie007az
    angie007az Posts: 406 Member
    It seems like some people are just intent on hating pop-fitness stars selling diets, no matter how reasonable they are. Why do people have a problem with other's paying a measly $12 for three weeks of a healthy menu plan, along with other tips to maximize weight loss? You are just mad that it's that easy for them to make money off something that others could, in theory, invest their own time and effort into doing for free?

    I think spending money on a gym membership is a waste of money for most, because you could work out at home or outside, but I'm not going to tell anyone who posts about going to a gym, "oh, you know you could work out at home for free, right?" Duh, I know I could develop my own meal plan...I'd rather pay a few bucks to make it easier for myself. But hey, if it really makes you feel good to tear down others for wanting to pay for that information instead of researching and planning it all themselves, well...I guess that's your right.

    Thank you, pure of heart, for taking the time to address what others are saying-- but it seems like no matter how you or I respond, they will just talk past whatever we say and settle on " it's dumb to follow a prescribed diet". Hey, what works for me might not work for you, but don't tell me its an automatic recipe for disaster .

    But in a way, I want to thank all of those who are saying this diet is doomed to result in relapse, because now I am even more determined to follow the plan, wean myself off it after 3 weeks and keep the weight off just to show all you naysayers that you are wrong!

    My kind of logic. My kind of person. Hope you are still on MFP so we can be friends.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    eat mostly plants
    plenty of protein
    not too much food.
    the end

    from a prior poster -- love it!! thanks

    You might like the books by the author s/he is semi-quoting, Michael Pollan. 'Eat Food, Not Too Much, Mostly Plants."

  • laurenbrower
    laurenbrower Posts: 2 Member
    I am two weeks into the plan. It has been amazing! I was very skeptical at first, but I figured I would give it a go. The first few days were hard, because I believe I was going through a detox/withdrawal from sugar, salt and carbohydrates. After day 5, things seemed to pick up for me and I have absolutely loved it. I don't feel hungry (I did the first few days) and my body feels great. I actually sleep better too, which is something I wasn't expecting. I already exercise and so I haven't followed Bob's exercise.

    I have 9 more days and I have already lost 6.5 lbs. I was expecting to lose 5 total, so I am pleasantly surprised. I recommend Bob's book to anyone who is at a platue or needing a jumpstart to losing weight. I had 15lbs I wanted to lose after my 4th kid and believe this will help get me half way there. I plan on picking up with Weight Watchers to finish the remaining weight.

    Thanks BOB!
  • gretsl1
    gretsl1 Posts: 1 Member
    Couldn't I just follow the 1,200 calories a day recommended for men, even though I'm a woman?
  • LessCookiess
    LessCookiess Posts: 538 Member
    edited April 2017
    gretsl1 wrote: »
    Couldn't I just follow the 1,200 calories a day recommended for men, even though I'm a woman?
    @gretsl1 1200 is the lowest recommended for women and 1500 is the minimum a guy should be eating.
    However, 1200 may not always be a good idea it really depends on how much you actually have to lose. I have 22 pounds I want to lose, so I eat 1500 calories. I'm trying to lose at a rate of 0.5 pounds, but the calorie intake was given to me my MyFitnessPal because of my height, setting weight, and loss rate. So yours may be different.

    Op, thanks for your review but I personally wouldn't see myself eating 800 calories a day. That's a very low calorie diet (VLCD) and I think it's strongly discouraged by MyFitnessPal. Secondly, it should only be done under doctor supervision if done so. But it's been a few years if you want to provide an update feel free to do so.
  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member
    Bob Harper is not a registered dietitian or medical doctor. If you want to spend money on a diet plan book IMO, at least buy one from someone with some training.