Really need help - any suggestions would be wonderful!!!!

tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
For both health reasons and allergies there is a huge array of foods that I cannot eat.
Some of these I haven't eaten for many years, others only got cut off of my diet recently by Doc. None are life threatening allergies and I don't rule out foods that say "may contain traces of" but otherwise, I don't touch anything listed here.
I have only been following this completely for about 3 weeks now. It was fine at first ( well, still fine) but I am so bored with food.
I ask, ever so kindly, if there be anyone that has recipes or meal ideas that they could suggest that contain none of the following foods:
No Red Meat ( only chicken and turkey)
No nuts of any kind in anything
No Dairy (Includes anything with whey or lactose)
No Chocolate
No Caffeine
Nothing Spicy (hot)
No High Fructose Corn Syrup, Sucralose, Aspartame, Xylitol, Sorbitol (can only handle Cane Sugar, Brown Sugar and Stevia. No other sweeteners)
No Trans Fats
No Egg Yolks
No White Vinegar (Brown Rice Vinegar and Apple Cider Vinegar are fine)
No Tomatoes
No Beans (Kidney, Lentil, Black, Lima, etc...)
No Corn
No Rye
No Wheat
No Garlic

I would thoroughly appreciate any and all suggestions.
I am loving following this because, finally, for the first time in my entire life, I don't feel sick all the time.


  • nobonbon
    nobonbon Posts: 4 Member
    I just finished a nice, simple meal with Chicken & Apple Sausage (Chef Aidells), sauteed cabbage and honey-glazed carrots. Great for fall and it took about 15 minutes to make this meal.
  • roxigirl89
    roxigirl89 Posts: 39 Member
    No Coffee? Wow, you are very strong!

    I cook lots of chicken recipe and this is one of my favorites:

    Chicken and mushroom casserole with cider ( i use white wine instead but can be omitted)

    Serves 4:
    8 chicken pieces
    2-3 tablespoons of plain floor seasoned with salt & pepper
    3-4 tablespoons of repeseed or olive oil
    250-400 ml dry or medium sider
    a knob of butter
    350-400g mushrooms
    1 bay leaf
    1 large spring of thyme
    5 table spoons of double cream - i suppose you will have to leave this out
    2 teaspoons of English mustard
    some parsley
    salt & pepper

    Dust the chicken with seasoned flour and brown in hot frying pan. Transfer chicken to a large casserole dish.
    Add 250 ml sider ( chicken stock) to the frying pan to deglaze, letting it bubbly for a minute. Pour over the chicken and top up with more cider if necessary.

    Heat the butter in another pan , add mushrooms and sweat gently. Add them to the chicken. Tuck
    the bay leaf and thyme and bring to a simmer. Cook until ready.

    Remove bay leaf and thyme. Pour the juices off into a pan, leaving chicken and mushrooms in the casserole. Whisk the cream and mustard into the juice and bring to a simmer. Season and pour back over the chicken. Bring the whole lot back to a simmer and its ready to serve.

    I also use Pinterest for cooking ideas.
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    Thanks so much! Both of you.
    It is easy to not drink coffee when each time you drink it you are sick for 3 days.
    I will just have to skip the butter in Roxigirl's recipe and the cheese in DancingDarl's, but those both sound great.
    Thank you!
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    I will have to check on that English Mustard, never heard of it. But, I can't use yellow mustard because it has vinegar in it.
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    stuffed cabbage, I usually make it with hamburger but in your case easy enough to do ground chicken or turkey

    brown meat and I usually put in some garlic and seasoned salt, up to you what you want to season it with
    cook onions and bell peppers in with the meat
    boil a head of cabbage and cool

    pull the leavs off the cabbage, try to keep them all in one piece, and wrap the meat mixture up in it, its pretty good IMO

    I dont know how sensative you are to spice/hot? I love love love chicken fajitas, just sautee chicken onions and bell peppers and I use the old el paso seasoning, its not real spicy. Dont know if there are any kinds of tortillas you can use or just eat the stuffing or make a salad with it?
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    Thanks CDFlinn,
    I actually make chicken fajitas all the time. I just use season all. Then, I put it on the table, my husband adds spices and wraps it in a tortilla. My daughter drowns it in ranch and wraps in a tortilla. I place it on a bed of spinach and eat it with a fork.

    I have made stuffed bell peppers before but never stuffed cabbage. I will definitely be trying this one. Thank you.
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    I can't remember your whole list sorry, but here are some other idea that might or might not work for you

    I don't remember rice on the list so hopefully this is good?

    white rice - cook
    mix in some lemon juice, celantro, and cut up mango, chill it- yummyyyyyy

    can you eat balsamic vinegar? Thats my favorite one, it is really good for greens, I put it in loiled or steamed spinach, kale, and brussell sprouts and it adds alot of zing

    can you do fish?
    i love tilapia - what I usually do is mix butter and lime juice, coat it, and cook it in a pan for a few minutes on each side, I know you can't do the butter but maybe just the lime juice with a little oil in the pan - it will stick pretty bad without it....
    then I cut up mango and avacado and put it on top - love this recipe and it takes like 10 mins to make!
  • caitypants86
    caitypants86 Posts: 278 Member
    The most AMAZINGLY DELICIOUS soup in the world....

    -2 sweet potatoes, peeled and chopped
    -2 butternut squash, peeled, seeds removed, chopped
    -1/2 head of cauliflower
    -couple handfuls of baby carrots or regular carrot sticks

    Combine above veg in a roasting pan, toss with olive oil, a bit of salt, curry powder, pumpkin pie spice (yes, pumpkin pie spice). Roast at 375F for about 40-50 minutes.

    -1 large white onion
    -2 cloves of garlic, minced (you can omit this, it'll still be fine)
    -a bit of grated fresh ginger

    Add above to a large soup pot, cook on med heat until onions are slightly transparent

    Add roasted veg to soup pot/onion mixture, as well as:

    -6 or so cups of Vegetable broth (this can be adjusted to how thick/thin you like your soup)

    Cook for a few minutes, stirring everything around.

    Blend soup either using a hand mixer, or by blending in a blender in small batches.

    Serve hot (for those eating dairy, I like to top mine with a bit of plan greek yogurt)

    Seriously my favourite soup ever - so easy to make, and SO healthy.
  • VeroJuly
    VeroJuly Posts: 101 Member
    Can you eat fish? I bet you can find nice and easy recipes with sea food. If you are interested I can alsways share my leek and potato soup recipe. PM me and I'll write it for you :)
  • babyluu80
    babyluu80 Posts: 58 Member
    I usually do chicken stirfry over rice. It's pretty simple. Sorry there's no measurements since I just season everything to taste. Sliced chicken breast, minced garlic and sliced onions (you can omit garlic since you can't have it), any kind of veggies you like, olive oil, 1/2 cup chicken broth, cornstarch, salt & pepper to taste.

    Heat olive oil, cook onions until clear then add sliced chicken breast. Cook for 2 minutes then add veggies and broth, salt and pepper to taste. Once veggies are cooked through, you can add a bit more broth if needed, add a little bit of cornstarch just to thicken up the sauce. Serve over rice.