Not eating enough calories in a day..



  • harleygroomer
    harleygroomer Posts: 373 Member
    I used to stress over it, but no more. My trainer says my body will tell me at this point when I need MORE food. I have energy and I am still losing weight so whatever floats its boat.. And I never ever come near to the amount of food they say I need to eat and always ALWAYS leave at least 200 negative exercise calories because this site over estimates the calories used. Don't worry==your body will let you know when it needs to eat so listen to it.
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    What are empty calories?
    Also, what helped me was I stopped buying low-fat foods, and just bought the full fat instead.

    stuff that offers no other nutritional value (vitamins, protein etc etc) only calories

    How is that even possible?

    If the soda has carbs, it has *some* nutritional value in terms of macros. If it has no carbs, it's likely to have no calories (I've yet to see a soda with zero carbs AND a caloric value), and is therefore disqualified from "empty calories" as well.

    Are there more nutritionally dense ways to get those carbs? Yep. That doesn't make soda devoid of all nutritional value, though.
  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    On days when I feel I haven't eaten enough, I have some toast with peanut butter before bed. Works for me.
  • I am the same way, I don't like to eat three meals a day. Everyone I know gives me a lot of grief over it, but that is just how my body is. I get busy with school work, kids, and other things and I completely forget to eat. I don't even have time workout until the end of the day when my kids are in bed. So I really don't think eating one meal a day is bad for you, I do light snack during the day. For instance if I get hungry during the day I will pull out a light and fit greek yogurt and eat that, I also take supplements from gnc for weight loss, that might also contribute to the loss of appetite, and I drink one or two cups of coffee a day. So it all depends on what you eat, it really doesn't matter when you eat it. One thing to keep in mind that has opened me up to eating and watching what I eat and how much I eat is the fact that if you are giving your body one meal a day to gain all the nutrients it needs, then its going to absorb that whole meal. If you eat three meals a day your body has three meals to gain the nutrients it needs to keep you strong and healthy and throws away the fats and the sugars that it doesn't need through your metabolism, but if you are only eating one meal a day its going to take that meal and store it all, not allowing your body to really throw away what it doesn't need. There is a whole logic into this and I have to say I think it's right. I went through a stage with my husband to help me eat more and it worked. It started with three peanut butter sandwhiches a day and that immediately made me lose weight and then also after i worked out i used epic isolate vanilla in a blender with some berries a yogurt and some skim milk and drank that once a day then a peanut butter sandwhich then dinner and seriously I dropped about two pounds or more a week. So my advise is to try to eat a couple more meals, even if they are small, it really does make a difference.
  • stacyshan
    stacyshan Posts: 16 Member
    I have a terrible time eating enough "healthy" food. It takes a butt load of fruits, veggies & lean proteins to even come near my calorie count & requires eating all the time it seems.
  • thedarkwombat
    thedarkwombat Posts: 123 Member
    You know what happens when you don't eat enough calories? You lose weight faster.
    As long as you don't feel sick, or weak, then you are fine. Listen to your body.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    What are empty calories?
    Also, what helped me was I stopped buying low-fat foods, and just bought the full fat instead.

    stuff that offers no other nutritional value (vitamins, protein etc etc) only calories

    How is that even possible?


    Sugar is a's the jet fuel that helps you kill a workout and bury that ***** and then do it again.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    You know what happens when you don't eat enough calories? You lose muscle faster.....

    Fixed it for ya....
  • thedarkwombat
    thedarkwombat Posts: 123 Member
    OP (and others)--don't listen to this post. Listen to the people telling you to eat a few nuts, use a little olive oil when you cook, hell, eat a grain every now and then

    I never said NOT to do what you recommended. I am saying people should not freak out if they are under 1200 net sometimes. They aren't gonna die. Losing muscle happens at VERY low levels. Lets not exaggerate here to prove a point.

    OP (and others)--don't listen to this post. Listen to the people telling you to use your common sense, and do what feels right for you. You are not going to go into "starvation mode" and wake up one day with all muscle gone because for a couple months you ate 1000 net calories instead of 1200.
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    OP (and others)--don't listen to this post. Listen to the people telling you to use your common sense, and do what feels right for you. You are not going to go into "starvation mode" and wake up one day with all muscle gone because for a couple months you ate 1000 net calories instead of 1200.

    Not if you have a lot to lose.. The OP does not. YOU can "starve yourself" for a while with no bad effects, SHE needs to eat.
  • thedarkwombat
    thedarkwombat Posts: 123 Member
    She mentioned the last few months. When you are closer to your goal you require less calories. Going under that is not the best idea. So yes, in her case, I would advise against going under by too far.

    In my case, weighing over 300 pounds, My daily goal is 2,000. I sometimes have days of 1600 or 1700 calories.
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