Where are my 5-ft friends?!



  • lilred_gld
    lilred_gld Posts: 51 Member
    This is a great post :) I'm 5'2 and currently 137 :( I'm not super worried about the number but I am in inches. I'm working at toning the middle :) feel free to add me as a friend/workout/health nut to chat and encourage ! How are you getting to your goal? I'm currently doing zuzka light workouts. And i Wanna lose 3 inches by end of June!
  • irma0502
    irma0502 Posts: 30 Member
    5ft 2 @123 pounds, would like to hit 110! I am looking for girls like me for motivation.
  • I'm 5 foot and 110 lbs and can't get out of this stage. I am wanting to be 100 pounds.
  • TikkittyTack
    TikkittyTack Posts: 8 Member
    I could do with some shorties to motivate me along :)
  • sola24
    sola24 Posts: 334 Member
    I am 5ft and I just hit 116lbs but I am still soo fat.. I am trying to lose a little bit more and get a more toned look.. trying to do more strength exercises.
  • thinfitfabulous
    thinfitfabulous Posts: 84 Member
    Hi there,
    I know its difficult to hear stories from people of our stature so hopefully this will help you a bit.
    I am 5' 0" and have had quite some experience with weight changes, here's my story:

    I was always rather thin, always had good muscle ratio and was an athletic looking kid. Trouble ensued when I became best friends with a girl who had an unhealthy relationship with food. Everything we did had to do with food: going out to eat, bakery stops, baking classes, after school snacks. And although I know no one shoves food in your mouth, I was an impressionable kid who never thought twice about how unhealthy these habits were- so, I got fat. Well, fat for me. Pudgy or chubby to normal people, but to someone who never had to worry about eating and being active it was foreign and uncomfortable.
    Started losing weight at approx. 113
    Got to 105-ish
    Then became obsessive, got to 100.
    Then 98.
    Then 95.
    I had intended to go to 90.
    Lowest was 92.8, when I realized I had a developed an ED.

    Slowly, I upped cals from netting 0-400, to netting 1200-1400 which is the range of my bmr.

    Currently, I am 107.

    However, I don't look the same as when I had previously been 107.

    Now, compared to how I looked at 95 (which was a tad too thin, but not worry-some)
    I probably look 102-105, despite weighing 107.

    I think this has to do with glycogen and water and possibly the fact that I had lost body fat and therefore look a tad bit leaner than I really am.

    Now that I'm 107 (but look 102-105), my goal is to be 100 (and look 95-98).

    Hope this is helpful!
  • loriq41
    loriq41 Posts: 479 Member
    I am 5 ft, 122.8 lbs down from 164.4 and I would like to be 115..but then again when I started I wanted to be 130..then it was 120..now I have switched it to 115...maybe I will go to 110..but DEFINATELY not lower than that...I am more the solid type, not the frail 100 lber I don't think..I would rather look muscular than skinny. I tell everyone that I look pretty decent in clothes..right now I am looking to look good naked...feel free to add me if you dont have your cal goals at 800 calories..I just deleted someone and told her about herself..be healthy or it is not worth it! :)
  • lil_lizt
    lil_lizt Posts: 275 Member
    I need some other people to compare to/maybe motivate me more! I am exactly 5'0, I'm a little one haha! I used to weight 118-120 and was comfortable with my weight, and I got up to 138 and was EXTREMELY UNCOMFORTABLE. Yuck. So far I'm back down to 128 and I've just begin. My goal is/was 115lbs, and I plan on gaining muscle and toning up, but I'm just wondering should I aim for a lower weight? I've seen 5'1 or 5'2 people weight less than that...so maybe I should aim closer to 100?!

    I'm 5' and my goal weight is also 115lbs, I'm currently 142.8 so long weigh to go!
  • Mitzigan94
    Mitzigan94 Posts: 393 Member
    4'11 ,

    Add me,

    Needs friends and motivation too:)
  • bethcox16
    bethcox16 Posts: 229 Member
    i'm 5 ft nothing, and used to (5 years ago) weigh about 170 pounds, I was a biggie haha! however I now weigh 124 pounds and am happily in a uk size 8, would like to lose another 12 pounds at a maximum, otherwise i'll look far too skinny, verging on ill, I think my boobs don't help my weight as I am currently a 28G, so this possibly pushes my weight up. but I think its what you are comfortable with, I didn't set a weight goal I set a dress goal, (I have this lovely red dress I bought as a motivator) and that worked wonders, I just had it hanging on the front of my wardrobe, and once a month I used to (try to) try it on, not only do I now fit in it, its actually too big for me!

    any way my point is, it doesn't matter what the scales say, it matters how you feel about your weight.
  • DizzyLinds
    DizzyLinds Posts: 856 Member
    I'm 4ft 11 and around 126-127lbs. I used to be lighter when I ate virtually nothing and did loads of cardio but now I'm heavier, stronger and doing more heavy lifting combined with cardio, approx 4 times per week. Eating around 1400 calories per day, higher protein and still have days where I go higher on calories.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    I'm 5'0", but since I have 100 pounds of LBM, if I weighed 100 pounds I'd be dead! Everyone's build and frame is different so I would just figure out what's best for you :)

    ^^^ this

    5'1" and LBM around 105lb....

    go by body fat percentage rather than weight.
  • lisac195
    lisac195 Posts: 54 Member
    Hi! Just joined yesterday. I am 5'1" and 52 years old. My highest weight was 162 and lost down to 137 early this year on WW but now at 142. My Weight Watchers goal weight is 130, my doctor wants me at 133.

    I got down to 123 a few years ago and liked how I looked at that weight. My current goal is 120 but ultimate goal is 110 although I have been told that would be too small. I really have to disagree with that. My biggest problem now is the weight I have gained around my belly and upper thighs. Normal for post-menopausal women I am told but I hate it. I have high blood pressure and hoping to control it better by losing more weight although I am also taking meds. It is also an inherited problem so I need to keep on top of it.

    I think that since everyone is different you have to go with what you feel best at.
  • ren_ascent
    ren_ascent Posts: 432 Member
    I'm 4'11". If you want to gain muscle I wouldn't set your goal too low. I started getting serious about toning up and I stalled in the weight loss at around 112 pounds. Which didn't bother me at all because my body was losing inches and just getting really. . . hot. Yep, I said it, I was HOT. :drinker:
  • I'm 5ft tall and am at my heaviest (too ashamed to tell my weight here)! Great group of other shorties to get motivation going! Thanks everyone for sharing tips/success stories! I've got 50+ pounds to go and will need LOTS of motivation!
  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    Fellow shortie here! 5'.
    CTONDO Posts: 43 Member
    I am 5'2 and when I started I was 138. I am now 124. My initial goal was 125. I honestly don't know what my ideal weight will be. My goal now is to be fit and healthy. I am thinking at this point its going to be more of how I feel and look over what the scale says. I am not overweight anymore, which is good. So I think you should do what is right for you and what you think is best for your overall goal.
  • Lillyloooo
    Lillyloooo Posts: 174 Member
    4ft 11
  • velrist
    velrist Posts: 6 Member
    I'm 4 ft 10 and my heaviest was 172lbs, my goal weight is 105 but I have a long, long way to go to get there.
  • rachael52
    rachael52 Posts: 86 Member
    You've sure got tons of responses! I'm 4 feet 11 and I'm 116.8. I think my body really really wants to be no lower than 115 and I've rarely gotten below that for more than a few months. At my very small frame, the extra 1.8 pounds I have now is all in my belly and it's pretty damned obvious. I am not an exerciser but if I could get into a little exercise, I'm sure it's be very good for me. At any rate, I feel my body could not reach 100 unless I were anorexic and I'm not going there again. I say you find a weight you can sustain over time, whatever that may be, and to be frank, 112-115 sounds pretty good to this almost five foot, 61 year old woman.

    112 for vacations to Costa Rica.