


  • marras117
    Find out the cause of your migraines first, like hormonal imbalances, get off the pill, find out if your vitamin d is low, fix your gut bacteria with kefir and probiotics if you have stomach issues.

    Have you tried to change your diet? I know that sugar, chocolate, alcohol are all triggers but for me its GLUTEN. When I cut out flour and I mean going totally gluten free, not just mostly gluten free, I feel a ton better and no longer need immitrex. An Alkaline diet works wonders too. Never ever ingest caffeine, an occasional excedrine migraine is ok but do not ever drink soda or coffee.

    if you're entirely healthy and have adjusted your diet, add in feverfew once in a while. Wear glasses that block blue light, dim your computer screen.

    If all of this fails and you still get migraines, do not work out. it makes it so much worse. Get some rest & feel better.
  • MissPatty584
    MissPatty584 Posts: 155 Member
    I called out of work today for this very reason. Had a headache so bad I was up sick all night. Caffeine does seem to help a bit. And sleep. but the caffeine thing makes the sleep not so easy :ohwell: I get headaches a lot, most of the time I just work through them, and sometimes I feel better after. That isn't always the case though. Today is probably going to be one of the days where it doesn't work :cry: I agree with some of the other posters, if you feel that you must workout, do something 'easy'.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    If you have a migraine (and take medication for it) you SHOULD NOT work out. I take Relpax for migraines and was told by my doctor that the medicine actually restricts the bloodflow to your brain and working out could cause a stroke. Yikes!

    Say what?! That's what I take, and it usually knocks my migraines out in about 20 minutes. I ran out, so I've been relying on Excedrin, and I'll work out when it feels like it's about to go away (lifting only, not cardio). It seems like that helps get rid of it once it's at that point. I have an appointment with my neurologist on Monday. I'll have to remember to ask him. That's good to know!
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    I asked my neurologist about the stroke thing, and he said he hadn't heard of it, unless you're at risk for stroke. That doesn't mean he's right, but he also gave me a paper that discusses melatonin helping with migraines, so I thought I'd share. It's titled "OTC Supplement May Aid in Migraine Prevention" on medscape. http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/781465
  • technobunny
    I used to get debilitating migraines soooo often, but I started noticing a trend. Anytime I had wine, or store bought cheesecake, or extremely sweet ice cream....sure enough 30-1hr later I would get migraines that would make me lay in bed with a pillow over my head, sometimes I would get really naseous and have to throw up. Sometimes despite OTC pain medications my only relief was throwing up. I'm not sure if yours are food related or not, but through research I've read that a lot of people get food related migraines. Anyhow, nowadays I try to avoid the foods that give me the migraines but when I can't resist (someone else has yummy ice cream) I use other remedies of the "herbal" nature. One session and my once ELEPHANT sized migraine is diminished into a teeny-tiny mouse and I can keep doing whatever it is I was doing. Seriously, marijuana is amazing for my anxiety, migraines, and cramps that feel like early labor contractions! I would definitely look into it. It's the only thing so far to help when they do strike.

    good luck!