Anyone out there doing TRX?

I belong to the Y and they just instituted a TRX program into their class schedules. I have taken it a couple times and I love it. I think I am seeing results in my arms and shoulders. I was wondering if anyone out there has any real success stories or even any criticisms of TRX.


  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    TRX are great.
    I don't have one- but I have gotten to use them- my friend let me borrow hers- and then my trainer buddy at the gym let's me swype it and his cliend and I play who has the worst exercise for the day games.

    it's fun. I would highly recommend them and definitely keep using them- don't rush though- people tend to want to rush doing those exercises- this is definitely something to NOT rush.
  • needernt
    needernt Posts: 675 Member
    After doing research on the web I am trying to build one for myself. but the only problem is that I coudn't find proper free workout plan for it on the web. If there is any free reference I would be glad to know.
    And secondly, I think for lower body and Trx is not much effective since our body weight is normally on legs and cannot be more than than that
  • Rochester_mom
    Rochester_mom Posts: 100 Member
    I doubt you'd be able to find a free workout plan since its all trademarked and protected by patent laws etc. But am sure there are promotional videos to look at to get ideas about different ways to use it. I am convinced my shoulders and back looks better as a result of a few workouts.
  • Rochester_mom
    Rochester_mom Posts: 100 Member
    Jo - my instructor says the same thing about not rushing. Trying to keep that in mind during the workouts.
  • wendalyse
    wendalyse Posts: 58 Member
    Hi. Yes, I have just signed up for another 12 sessions at Goodlife Fitness. I did two sessions last winter and I definitely found that my strength and endurance improved, as well as my balance. I have a love/hate relationship to it. Some of the exercises are very difficult. I have found though that in time and with practice, eventually I am able to do them. These days I have committed to do some form of strenuous exercise for a minumum of 45 minutes a day, six days a week and to have one day where I am active but not trying to kill myself. Like yesterday, when I went for an hour long walk. I find that I need to mix things up between spin classes, the eliptical machine, the weight training and zumba. This TRX is just what I need.
    Not sure how many calories are burned in a workout though. Any idea?
  • CherylP67
    CherylP67 Posts: 772 Member
    I'm working with a trainer; and we worked on TRX today to help with my stability on my lunges. I loved and hated it at the same time. She wouldn't let me get sloppy and she made me go slow. I know I'm going to hurt so good in the morning.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    Been using suspension training as my primary means of exercise since 2011. Gotten great results. And yes you can do a lot of lower body work with progression.
  • needernt
    needernt Posts: 675 Member
    I am still wondering how I can increase the pressure on lower body. because body weight is all on leggs and cannot be more than that. squat do not work for me this way.
    I can manage to plan some workout by using my gym knowledge but still need some clues.
  • Kate814
    Kate814 Posts: 145
    I'm interning at a pretty small gym and all the trainers there, including myself, love the TRX. A couple of them use it as their main workout not only for clients but for themselves.
  • needernt
    needernt Posts: 675 Member
    How advanced and developed is the body of those who use it for a couple of months? any experience?
    Is it comparable to those who do weight?
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    How advanced and developed is the body of those who use it for a couple of months? any experience?
    Is it comparable to those who do weight?

    I'm not really sure where the line of questioning is going on this.

    it's going to be different to an extent because you aren't dealing with the same progressive loading on the weights. So you'll see slower gains as far as "getting bigger"- but there are absolutely ways to adjust and make it harder/easier. I do body weight curls with them and the lower you angle yourself- the more weight you are curling- easy progression.

    A lot of military/athlete people use these- you aren't going to see a lot of figure/body builders using them- more so body builder than figure, I have definitely seen figure competitor type people using these.

    And there ARE on line work outs- I found a great one on but because of the system being patented and all- you definitely have to hunt for them.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    I am still wondering how I can increase the pressure on lower body. because body weight is all on leggs and cannot be more than that. squat do not work for me this way.
    I can manage to plan some workout by using my gym knowledge but still need some clues.

    The fact that you think the squat is the only lower body exercise is the problem. Using a tool like this requires a lot of dynamic thinking. Sprinters, squats, suspended lunges, jump lunges, pistol squats, etc. Also the WAY you do squats on this tool by standing at an angle you can't without using the straps for assistance makes it harder than standard bodyweight in terms of activating the muscles.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    How advanced and developed is the body of those who use it for a couple of months? any experience?
    Is it comparable to those who do weight?

    I'm not really sure where the line of questioning is going on this.

    it's going to be different to an extent because you aren't dealing with the same progressive loading on the weights. So you'll see slower gains as far as "getting bigger"- but there are absolutely ways to adjust and make it harder/easier. I do body weight curls with them and the lower you angle yourself- the more weight you are curling- easy progression.

    A lot of military/athlete people use these- you aren't going to see a lot of figure/body builders using them- more so body builder than figure, I have definitely seen figure competitor type people using these.

    And there ARE on line work outs- I found a great one on but because of the system being patented and all- you definitely have to hunt for them.

    Remember that TRX is only one suspension trainer out there. Try using suspension trainer in your search instead of TRX.
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    I'm pretty much a barbell/dumbbell kind of gal but I do love the TRX. The concept of using your own body angles/weight to get a workout really works, which is refreshing, as most of these fitness fads that come out are complete B.S.

    When I bought my TRX I got access to My Locker, which is on TRX's website and has a bunch of workouts. I suppose like anything workouts and exercise can be found on You Tube or some other internet source.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Kind of makes me sad... what happened to good ol' fashioned "make **** up" workouts!!!

  • i2rsantos
    I am still wondering how I can increase the pressure on lower body. because body weight is all on leggs and cannot be more than that. squat do not work for me this way.
    I can manage to plan some workout by using my gym knowledge but still need some clues.

    Go to Youtube and search for TRX and Rebecca Martinez, she demos a TRX squat with a hip rotation that will (if you do it properly) leave your legs burning for sure. Also look for TRX videos from Functional Patterns/Naudi Aguilar. More thigh burners. In between these sets I usually do box jumps. Guaranteed to make you cry for your Mommy. :)
  • i2rsantos
    I agree with Jorocka. You don't necessarily get big on TRX, you get lean with a strong core. In other words, excellent strength to weight ratio. I don't see TRX as an end in itself bit for me to safely do the outdoor sports that I love.
  • needernt
    needernt Posts: 675 Member
    I think I should full my backpack with a sand bag and do the squat
  • i2rsantos
    I think I should full my backpack with a sand bag and do the squat

    You sound like a guy who considers pain your friend. :smile: I would recommend Crossfit.
  • needernt
    needernt Posts: 675 Member
    I think I should full my backpack with a sand bag and do the squat

    You sound like a guy who considers pain your friend. :smile: I would recommend Crossfit.
    I hope not . at least not intentionally!