Counting Calories for the Week Vs Each Day



  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    My daily calorie goal is 1300 which would give me a weekly goal of 9100 calories (net). I've started looking at my week as whole rather than just daily so that if I go over my calories on a day I can balance out the rest of the week and still only net 9100 calories per 7 days.

    My question is: Is this still an effective way to track or am I doing myself some sort of metabolic disservice by going over some days and under on others? I generally eat more on work days and less on weekends which would be my balance out time to make up for days I went over during the week.

    I do eat my exercise calories back.

    Thanks. Feel free to ask me questions if I'm not explaining this clearly enough.

    I've heard it is a really good way to track. For me personally, I've been confused of why my weight hasn't been going down at the rate it's "supposed to" and it "used to".

    Just yesterday I logged in on my phone using the MFP app and saw that over the past four weeks I've been overeating my weekly goal by a lot. And up until then I'd thought that I was only getting one "cheat day" a week! Turns out that if you eat within 50 calories of your goal and then blow it once or twice by a few hundred on a day or two, you're not actually eating at a deficit.

    What is your weekly weight loss set to because this doesn't sound right. At all.
  • MrsB123111
    MrsB123111 Posts: 535 Member
    Ultimately, your calories don't magically "reset" overnight. I agree with the above comments about tracking weekly/calorie zig-zag.
  • summer8it
    summer8it Posts: 433 Member
    I log daily, but I am more concerned about staying within my calorie goal for the week vs. the day. This allows me the flexibility to live life normally -- if I go out to eat, or it's a holiday, no big deal, I just make sure I stay within target for the week.

    I'm quite proud that I've never gone over my weekly goal since I started logging. This could be a big part of why I've been able to maintain successfully for over a year!
  • april1445
    I didn't read all the comments, so sorry if this is a repeat, but this method is built right into the Weight Watchers method, so it must work. they've done a LOT of research.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    TDEE does kinda the same thing you eat your total weekly cals, same number each day regardless if you workout or not. So on days you don't workout your deficit is really small, but on days you do it would be much larger but by the end of the week it would be the same or similar.

    say MFP gives you 1450 calories to lose 1 lb/week, and you plan on exercising 5x/week for an average of 400 cals per workout. well MFP will tell you to eat 1450 on the days you don't workout and 1850 on the days you do whereas a "professional" or TDEE calculator may tell you to eat 1700 everyday regardless if you workout.

    So for the week MFP will have you eat 12,150 (1450*2+1850*5) whereas doing it the other way will have you eat 11,900 (1700*7) almost the same number of cals for the week (250 dif).
  • _crafty_
    _crafty_ Posts: 1,682 Member
    My daily calorie goal is 1300 which would give me a weekly goal of 9100 calories (net). I've started looking at my week as whole rather than just daily so that if I go over my calories on a day I can balance out the rest of the week and still only net 9100 calories per 7 days.

    My question is: Is this still an effective way to track or am I doing myself some sort of metabolic disservice by going over some days and under on others? I generally eat more on work days and less on weekends which would be my balance out time to make up for days I went over during the week.

    I do eat my exercise calories back.

    Thanks. Feel free to ask me questions if I'm not explaining this clearly enough.

    I've heard it is a really good way to track. For me personally, I've been confused of why my weight hasn't been going down at the rate it's "supposed to" and it "used to".

    Just yesterday I logged in on my phone using the MFP app and saw that over the past four weeks I've been overeating my weekly goal by a lot. And up until then I'd thought that I was only getting one "cheat day" a week! Turns out that if you eat within 50 calories of your goal and then blow it once or twice by a few hundred on a day or two, you're not actually eating at a deficit.

    wait . . . wut?

    That's basic math. If you have a 50 calorie deficit 5 days a week then you have a 250 calorie deficit for those days. If you then go over by 200 calories 2 days a week you have a 400 calorie surplus for those days. Net 150 calorie SURPLUS.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    My daily calorie goal is 1300 which would give me a weekly goal of 9100 calories (net). I've started looking at my week as whole rather than just daily so that if I go over my calories on a day I can balance out the rest of the week and still only net 9100 calories per 7 days.

    My question is: Is this still an effective way to track or am I doing myself some sort of metabolic disservice by going over some days and under on others? I generally eat more on work days and less on weekends which would be my balance out time to make up for days I went over during the week.

    I do eat my exercise calories back.

    Thanks. Feel free to ask me questions if I'm not explaining this clearly enough.

    I've heard it is a really good way to track. For me personally, I've been confused of why my weight hasn't been going down at the rate it's "supposed to" and it "used to".

    Just yesterday I logged in on my phone using the MFP app and saw that over the past four weeks I've been overeating my weekly goal by a lot. And up until then I'd thought that I was only getting one "cheat day" a week! Turns out that if you eat within 50 calories of your goal and then blow it once or twice by a few hundred on a day or two, you're not actually eating at a deficit.

    that's basic math. if you only have a 50 calorie deficit 5 days a week then you have a 250 calorie deficit for those days. If you then go over by 200 calories 2 days a week you have a 400 calorie surplus for those days. Net 150 calorie SURPLUS.

    I am very confused, are we talking about being 50 calories from the MFP calorie goal to lose say a pound a weight or 50 calories under her TDEE? If you are under 50 calories from your MFP goal 5 days a week and you are set to lose 1 pound per week, then going over 200 calories twice a week, shouldn't do much to inhibit weight loss.
  • pandorakick
    pandorakick Posts: 901 Member
    I balance my calories on weekly bases. In general this means that on weekdays I eat about 100 kcal below my net goal, and make up for it on Friday and Saturday.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress

    wait . . . wut?

    That's basic math. If you have a 50 calorie deficit 5 days a week then you have a 250 calorie deficit for those days. If you then go over by 200 calories 2 days a week you have a 400 calorie surplus for those days. Net 150 calorie SURPLUS.

    :huh: It's not a "surplus" unless her daily goal is set to her TDEE and I assume it is not. If you are set to lose one pound per week, your weekly deficit should be 3,500 calories, she'd have a deficit of 3,350 per week with your numbers. Her weight loss shouldn't be dramatically impeded.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    I usually balance everything out by the end of the week. Some days I leave 300 calories or so uneaten (not on purpose, just some days I'm not that hungry) and then later in the week I have some wiggle room if I want to go out with friends, family, etc. Now, one thing to consider, is that my NET goal is 1524. When fitbit adjustments get added in though, I sometimes end up with 2000+ calories for the day. So for example:

    318 calories left
    1836 consumed
    I just wasn't hungry enough to eat the full 2154 calories that night.

    Now according to the data my fitbit has gathered. I eat on average 1886 calories per day. So essentially, I should be able to eat 1886 calories everyday and still lose weight (providing I keep my activity levels the same).
  • Daws387
    Daws387 Posts: 46 Member
    I track my calories day by day and not by week. My daily goal is about 1500, so if I go over on Monday, 1500 is still my goal on Tuesday. However, SOMETIMES i'll try to make up for overages by doing more cardio on another day while eating the same as I would on a normal day. I guess that's kinda the same as eating less lol
  • Daws387
    Daws387 Posts: 46 Member
    O ok I think I get what your saying, anh720. basically if MFP is telling me to consume 1500 cals/day (10,500 cals/week) to lose 2lbs then that means 17,500 must be my weekly TDEE: (10,500 + {3,500*2})...3500 being the necessary cal deficit to lose 1 lb. And then of course my daily TDEE is 2500. Sometimes I get a little confused so thanks for clearing that up!
  • balancedbrunette
    balancedbrunette Posts: 530 Member
    I always logged everyday on MFP while I was loosing weight just to make sure I was either meeting or somedays under my goal, some weeks I would average around the same calories every day for the week whereas others I would be low somedays and higher others (usually at the weekend) I always averaged out in the end though and kept loosing. Do whatever suits you I suppose, for me I didn't plan to eat more somedays and and eat less others but if I knew I was going to a party or something at the weekend where I would naturally break out a bit I would be more mindful of what i'm eating in advance i.e eating more whole, nutritious foods as they are usually lower in calories anyway so this would keep me within my goal. :)
  • ThinLizzie0802
    ThinLizzie0802 Posts: 863 Member
    Thanks for the feedback!
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    i don't really worry about my daily numbers. i focus on weekly and monthly numbers.

    i try to get in the ballpark with my macros on each day if i can, but my natural eating patterns are to eat lots of calories some days and not a lot of calories on others. it would be silly for me to change my eating patterns to meet a daily logging goal, so i keep running totals in a separate spreadsheet so that i always know where i stand w.r.t. the week and the month in progress.
  • ThinLizzie0802
    ThinLizzie0802 Posts: 863 Member
    i don't really worry about my daily numbers. i focus on weekly and monthly numbers.

    i try to get in the ballpark with my macros on each day if i can, but my natural eating patterns are to eat lots of calories some days and not a lot of calories on others. it would be silly for me to change my eating patterns to meet a daily logging goal, so i keep running totals in a separate spreadsheet so that i always know where i stand w.r.t. the week and the month in progress.

    This is exactly what I'm doing right now. I'm still logging every day but I've got a side spreadsheet going so I know what kind of weekend I'm going to have based on how my week is going. I'm liking the worrying about it more as weekly than daily a lot more. It also fits my natural eating habits more closely.
  • xapril77x
    xapril77x Posts: 248 Member
    Good info here! I just found out how 2 see how many net calories I'm under 4 the week & it's usually quiet a bit so instead of feelin guilty about having a cpl margaritas on the weekend I think I'm gonna have an extra!!! Woo hoo!!! This thread makes me happy!!! :laugh:
  • Skrib69
    Skrib69 Posts: 687 Member
    I also try to be under daily, but look at the weekly target for when things don't quite work out. This weekend will be a case in point - friends for dinner for my wife's birthday.

    It's worked for me!
  • ThinLizzie0802
    ThinLizzie0802 Posts: 863 Member
    Good info here! I just found out how 2 see how many net calories I'm under 4 the week & it's usually quiet a bit so instead of feelin guilty about having a cpl margaritas on the weekend I think I'm gonna have an extra!!! Woo hoo!!! This thread makes me happy!!! :laugh:

    I found a weekly report at one point in MFP but haven't been able to find the same report since. Only the past 7 days, 30, 90. But this was a straight m-sunday report. Any ideas?
  • pandorakick
    pandorakick Posts: 901 Member
    The mobile and iPad app have a standard daily and weekly overview, that's what I use.