Getting Started... Again.

AprilP24 Posts: 18 Member
edited November 2023 in Getting Started
This is my 2nd go-round with using this website. I was very dedicated when I first started in 2011 because in 2012 I was going to be a bride! I had a goal and with a lot of hard work, I ended up losing about 40 lbs before my wedding. A few months before the wedding, I was desperate and went to drastic measures by taking HCG shots. Those things worked like a charm, but they wouldn't renew my supply due to other medical concerns. while on the shots, I slacked on my monitoring and logging and just ended up falling off the myfitnesspal wagon. The wedding was beautiful and we are about to celebrate our 1 year anniversary next month on Oct 20... Well, if there is a 'freshman 15' in your 1st year of marriage, I doubled it.... I have gained 30 lbs back this year. :( I am soooooooo disappointed in myself and I know how I did it.... fast food is my weakness. I'm not a big dessert or soda person (once in a while, I'm guilty, but seriously not often) and I drink 60 oz of water each day at least (I know I should drink more... how much was the goal again?).... but my problem is the convenience of being able to just 'pick up' dinner and eat when I walk through the door at home.
I seriously hate cooking. I hate waiting to eat. I am not only fighting lack of will power, but laziness as well.... I do not know how mom's and wives get home from their full time job, get everyone situated, and cook dinner before 8pm.... It is literally impossible sometimes. Then, MORE times than not, I get home and realize I didn't take any meat out to thaw and have nothing to start working on.... I suck at meal planning. I suck at healthy grocery shopping.
So today, I am vowing to stick with logging on this site and to cook/eat leftovers each weeknight and stop spending money along with countless calories at fast food places.
Then, I need to throw in some exercise too..... which could be a whole other topic by itself. Time is on our side...pssshhh! humpf! as if! whatever! Time can not stand my guts! Time is my enemy at this point.... I compete with time..... time usually crosses the finish line way before I do.....
wisdom? encouragement?


  • NJFabFour
    Hi! I'm in the same boat with a second shot at it, after losing about 20 - 25 lbs last year and gaining about 30 this year, ugghhh! But I agree, it's the bad habit of the convenience foods that did me in too! I am also as anti-cooking, anti-exercise as they come, which certainly doesn't make weight loss easy! My husband and I are really trying to make the effort to focus on more lean proteins and vegetables. Sometimes, that means throwing some salad mix in a bowl w/ some Perdue short cuts (precooked chicken) or turkey cold cuts. We try to keep leftover chicken breasts in the fridge too when we do cook some up. Also try to have the packages of premade hamburger patties in the fridge and will sometimes throw those on the grill. I will say that it means a lot more frequent grocery shopping to keep fresh produce on hand, which can be a pain, but we just try to work in a stop here and there after work. I've not yet found the motivation to work in some exercise, keep saying that I will find it any day now! I've also really tried to avoid the fast food - have become quite the fan of double chicken chopped salads from Subway! We haven't avoided the eating out altogether, but when I have been to a restaurant, I've been sticking with the low-carb options - steak, fish, that kind of thing. Having a very similar lifestyle and similar preferences, I'd say to just find some "do-able" alternatives that work for you and work those into your routine more. I think you have to find what fits your own lifestyle because, as we know, it can be really hard to stick with something that just doesn't work for you on a consistent basis. Good luck!
  • Four_Leaf_Clover
    Four_Leaf_Clover Posts: 332 Member
    Planning will be your key to avoid take out/fast food. I started a monthly meal plan in September to avoid the constant struggle of what to make and to curb the desire to just grab take out - I am starting week 4 and it's great!

    I made a list of our favorite meals (simple things - I have a job and 4 kids!) and filled in each day with a meal. It has made shopping so much easier, weeknights much more relaxed - I know just what to make and have everything on hand. And I think we've had fast food maybe 2x the entire month because we were out all day.

    To start for you - what about making a big batch of something on the weekend and freezing it - like your favorite soup or chili? Then you will always have a meal on hand in the freezer. Then maybe make a crock pot meal that will give you lots of leftovers?

    Welcome back - you did this once you can do it again!
  • AprilP24
    AprilP24 Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks for the inspiration guys! I have heard 'crock pot' a few times in the past few days and I think I might need to look in to that. Thanks!
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