
Trying to eat healthy is no fun. Need to get better at this.


  • carlyrenee1
    We are all here to help! : ) Welcome!

  • Tarynmorgan
    I'm new at this as well. For me it has mostly just been staying conscious about my food and drink choices. I work at an Italian restaurant so it's sometimes difficult to stay focused. I don't deprive myself but I am learning not to eat the food just because it is available to me. I don't feel good when I drink a bunch of pop or eat a bunch of pizza. I'll admit I am a bit obsessive but I'd rather be obsessive than continue to gain weight and always feel nauseous.
  • thedeepblue
    Eating healthy is fun. Start by changing just a few things. Try adding some healthier foods and removing some unhealthy foods. You do t have to jump in with both feet. You are looking to make life changes and not just diet. So you need to learn to eat unhealthy things that you love in moderation.

    You will find a lot of support on this site.
  • chrissyz22
    Eating healthy is a challenge for everyone. Even those people that are thin regardless of what they eat. This is the first step to a new you. As everyone else has said, start with little changes. Drink an extra glass of water to start and then pick out foods you like. It will be trial and error. The one thing I am learning is eat lots and I mean lots of raw veggies and fruit. There are lots of antioxidents in those that your body needs to help get rid of the bad stuff. If you are a pop drinker, cut back a little everyday. I'm guilty of it too! I has created a limit to about 3 12oz cans a week. Well, that is my begining two cents. Good luck on your new journey!!!!