help - not losing at 1200 calories



  • FitFunTina
    FitFunTina Posts: 282 Member
    . If I look at my "net calories" I am around 700 per day.

    Goodness! How do you even have the energy to exercise?! I'd drop over dead right in the gym if I only netted 700 calories!

    Oh trust me, I am hungry ALL THE TIME. But my hubby assures me that the hunger pains means your body is burning through those calories. He says I should be hungry all the time. He does not believe in the "starvation mode" theory. He just tells me that persistence is the key.

    If you are eating the right foods throughout the day, getting in enough protein and fiber, and not eating junk or drinking a lot of empty calories, and if you are eating enough calories to not be in starvation mode, you will not feel hungry.

    I started at 255 lbs (5'9") and in May I was eating about 2100 cals a day to start out. I was losing weight. (No exercise then).

    Now that I'm at 233, my daily goal is 1800 and has been for a few weeks. And I'm exercising. I'm never hungry. I eat every few hours (small meals). Most days I do not make it to 1800 (but I cut it close!). However, if I exercise that day I really try to get extra calories in. I'm now losing 1-2 lbs a week on 1700-1800 cals.
  • FitFunTina
    FitFunTina Posts: 282 Member
    Also, listen to your body, but make sure you are listening to the right cues. If you are eating (as above), then you should not be hungry. If you are, grab a healthy snack. Be aware of "emotional hunger" cues (read up on it - it's very eye opening to anyone who has ever eaten out of emotions of any kind including boredom).
  • eddiereyeshome
    eddiereyeshome Posts: 2 Member
    The most inportant thing here though is that you don't ever give up! There are tons of great advice on here and I am sure you will see changes soon!
  • Since 9/7/13, I have been faithfully tracking and consuming 1200 calories a day and have not lost a pound yet!

    For yesterday, your diary says you ate over 1700 calories.

    Yes, I had an emotional response to being frustrated and overwhelmed and then I chose to post here instead of eating my disappointment. My original post does say that occasionally I have gone over, but you will notice that my net calories for almost three weeks there have been 2 over 1200 and NONE over 1500.

    These posts have been wonderful and I appreciate those who are giving honest but gentle advice.
  • ash8184
    ash8184 Posts: 701 Member
    Make sure you aren't eating too much sodium (potato chips!), and try to stick to protein/veggies/fruit. Get your metabolism tested (I used the MedGem and see what your BMR really is. Change up your exercise too - sometimes that helps. Also, give it 4-6 weeks before you see the scale move - you could be building muscle and losing fat at the same time.
  • Kymaaa3
    Kymaaa3 Posts: 19 Member
    i love this thread! thanks!
  • judyde
    judyde Posts: 401 Member
    First, slap your husband.

    This is the most important advice. ;-)
  • I don't wanna click on these threads but I just. can't. help. myself....
  • 1PatientBear
    1PatientBear Posts: 2,089 Member
    . If I look at my "net calories" I am around 700 per day.

    Goodness! How do you even have the energy to exercise?! I'd drop over dead right in the gym if I only netted 700 calories!

    Oh trust me, I am hungry ALL THE TIME. But my hubby assures me that the hunger pains means your body is burning through those calories. He says I should be hungry all the time. He does not believe in the "starvation mode" theory. He just tells me that persistence is the key.

    Hubby needs to educate himself because he's full of poo-poo. EAT FOOD.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    ...but you will notice that my net calories for almost three weeks there have been 2 over 1200 and NONE over 1500.

    Personally I feel "net calories" is a huge red flag.

    I know MFP is set up to "eat back exercise", but IMO that just causes more problems for many people. The issue is that logging food intake is already a source of error, and adding in calories burnt just adds an even bigger source of error.

    My suggestion would be to fix your daily intake (averaged over a week is fine) to a single number - say 1300 calories. That's your target every day. Exercise as you normally do. You'll know very quickly, in less than 2 weeks, whether or not your intake is sufficient for your exercise level. Make the appropriate adjustment, although I would suggest that if you're feeling ok after two weeks, don't drop your intake, add more exercise.

    If you eat at a low calorie level, your body's metabolism *cannot* slow down so much that weight gain stops. That's physically impossible. If you are not losing weight (as measured over 8 weeks or so) then you are not in a caloric deficit, and the key to fixing things is figuring out where the bad assumption lies.

    PS Your hubby is right - "starvation mode" (as typically meant on MFP) is pure hogwash.
  • Maybe its your thyroid?
  • Maybe its your thyroid?
    *...punches himself in the face...*
  • ...but you will notice that my net calories for almost three weeks there have been 2 over 1200 and NONE over 1500.

    Personally I feel "net calories" is a huge red flag. My suggestion would be to fix your daily intake (averaged over a week is fine) to a single number - say 1300 calories.

    Checked weekly average of calories (not net calories) is 1290. And my thyroid is fine. I'm sure my body is completely messed up from 20 yrs of stupid fad dieting and yo-yoing. I am trying to do it right this time!

    Hubby probably needs to be educated but he's a military man, never been more than 30 lbs overweight and when he wants to loose he eats around 900 calories a day and runs 5-6 miles a day. So, that method seems to work for him. It, however, does not seem to be working for me.
  • amyx593
    amyx593 Posts: 211 Member
    Hello! Congratulations on taking control of your life! I'm no expert, but I read these forums every day and tons of weight loss articles as well. Here are a few things I'd suggest:

    I've never weighed my food either, but I like to think that I'm good at eyeballing and measuring when I can. For this reason, I don't eat back ALL of my exercise calories, but like others have said, you should eat back at least half. I feel like that helps me in case I miscalculate. Eating more should also help with those days where you are overwhelmed and hungry! Don't be scared to eat!

    Don't forget to count oils, butters, etc when cooking- I didn't look at your diary, but just wanted to mention that since a lot of people forget to log those.

    Your muscles aren't used to working out, so as mentioned, they're probably holding onto extra water weight.

    Personally, I wouldn't give up the chips. I still eat whatever I want- I just watch my portions, and try to eat an extra light meal if I have one that is heavier- it's all a balancing act.

    DO NOT GIVE UP!!!! Whatever you do. Log in to this website every day and read through the forums. You will learn a lot.

    Oh, and don't be afraid to NET 1200 calories. It already includes a large deficit in your calorie consumption. It's confusing, but anyone on this site who uses MFP correctly can tell you that. Anyone who is confused or confuses you about that doesn't understand how this site works- don't listen to them. You need to reach your MFP goal, or at least close to it. Again, I personally suggest eating back half of your exercise calories (since you don't currently weigh food).

  • Maybe its your thyroid?
    *...punches himself in the face...*

    LMAO. My thyroid is fine! I'm over going to the doctor because "something is wrong with me." The thing that was wrong with me was that I was sitting on my *kitten* all day, eating like it was Thanksgiving everyday and wishing I was a size 2.
  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member

    If you are on 700 calories, pretty soon you will start to feel tired, lethargic, emotional and disorientated. You'll either start to get uncontrollable cravings or you'll stop being hungry and get ill. You only need a small calorie deficit and you can continue losing weight over the long term, without ever being hungry! Weight loss is NOT a case of 'no pain no gain'. That's exercise. :wink:

    Having said that - if you've been on 700 for a few weeks then.... you absolutely should have lost weight by now - which means perhaps you need to have a little look at your logging - perhaps try weighing everything inc. veggies?

    All the very best -x-
  • mebepiglet123
    mebepiglet123 Posts: 327 Member
    I agree with everything that has been said here... Eat more net 1200 calories a day even more. I'm on 1709 and have lost consistently. You are starving yourself, not need to have hunger pains....
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Hubby probably needs to be educated but he's a military man, never been more than 30 lbs overweight and when he wants to loose he eats around 900 calories a day and runs 5-6 miles a day. So, that method seems to work for him. It, however, does not seem to be working for me.

    If you eat 900 calories a day and run 5 miles a day, you *will* lose weight. Guaranteed. If you do that, and you don't lose weight, then you are eating more than you think.

    Personally, I'd be miserable at that level of food intake, but it will actually work.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Hubby probably needs to be educated but he's a military man, never been more than 30 lbs overweight and when he wants to loose he eats around 900 calories a day and runs 5-6 miles a day. So, that method seems to work for him. It, however, does not seem to be working for me.

    If you eat 900 calories a day and run 5 miles a day, you *will* lose weight. Guaranteed. If you do that, and you don't lose weight, then you are eating more than you think.

    Personally, I'd be miserable at that level of food intake, but it will actually work.

    So would not eating, but who the hell would just say "but it works"...?

    Dude, why would... I can't.. I...

    Just stop. Why even SAY that it'd work?

    I didn't even bother quoting the other advice you gave about 1300 calories plus working out and knowing within 2 weeks whether or not it's working.. simply because that doesn't even need to be typed out again.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Dude, why would... I can't.. I...

    Just stop. Why even SAY that it'd work?

    Because she said that's what she did, and that she doesn't lose weight with it.

    Which means she didn't actually do that, because as you agreed, it *will* actually cause weight loss.