insanity calories


i'm curious as to what calories people on insanity are consuming. i'm just going into month 2 and on the first month I ignored the guide for calories and had around 1400 a day. I am 5 10 154lbs and was burning about 350 per workout in month one and not eating back my workout calories. I want to lose 15lbs, which I know now may not be possible as I have gained 3 lbs of muscle so far.

I've seen results, but if i'm honest I was hoping for better. Can people please share there experience of low or high. I want to look slim and toned and try and get out of the scales power!

Would appreciate any thoughts.

Thank you



  • shawnakrebs
    shawnakrebs Posts: 50 Member
    You are not alone, I am almost done with month 2 and there has been very little weight loss, only 2 pounds. However I did go from a size 9/10 to a 5/6. I did want small number on the scale, but I will take smaller pant sizes anyday! I stick to a 1400 calorie diet and adjust my intake according to the calories burned, so up to 1700 or 1800 depending. If you don't eat back those calories you may find yourself having a hard time getting the energy to finish the workouts (at one point I could barley do a workout)

    I was watching the Infomercial on Insanity the other day and noticed that most of the people with the drastic weight loss had finished 2 or more rounds of Insanity. Keep it up though, and consider eating back those you have a beachbody coach? If not, I would sign up for one, they are great motivators and teambeachbody is a great tool to use, since everyone up there has had the same question as you.
  • emmadrama
    emmadrama Posts: 53 Member
    wow that's an amazing inch loss!! I hope I get that good of a result!

    I might try eating more one week and less the other and see what the results are like. I hope I keep insanity up after i'm officially finished. Gonna aim to keep it up so I can combat winter and the holiday season.

    Will also get a coach. Thanks
  • haleycreations
    haleycreations Posts: 89 Member
    Hey how are you doing, I have completed Insanity, P90X, BodyBeast, and Les Mills is my current program. I lost 60 lbs and 10 inches on my waist doing insanity and P90X, I love the programs and what they have done for me. I used to have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, anxiety and major depression. This company has changed my entire outlook on life and would love to share any advice anyone needs from me on Insanity or any other programs. Hope to hear from anyone or feel free tomadd mee as a friend. Good luck on all of your journeys. Robert
  • lemonshredding
    lemonshredding Posts: 71 Member
    Hi OP/Emma

    I'm Emma too :)

    I am 5"9 and 141 so not too different from yourself, I am starting insanity on Monday and have been researching it and reading other people
    s experiences here before doing so!

    I used to linger around 120lbs (ex-ballerina, no weight training, Low Cal diet since adolescence) and when I got on here after gaining weight I thought I wanted that back, now that I am building muscle, able to run better than I ever could and have a healthy appetite I dont think thats what I care about so much!

    A bit off topic I know, but what I have heard from everyone is that scale weight loss is minimal/non existant at first with insanity but they look, feel, and perform better and lose inches!

    I think thats an amazing thing! To be smaller and harder but still get the same mass to keep up your daily caloric expenditure! I know it can feel great to see the number go down on the scale and I do still get disappointed when that doesnt happen as rapidly as it used to, but at around 150 you are not overweight by any means, so I hope you don't get discouraged by a semmingly slow progress. Your muscles, pant size and confidence gains will be much more rewarding that being a little lighter!

    Good luck and great job so far
