first blip!

the scales today are not my friend.

first gain since i started this 6 weeks ago... and i know there are swings and round abouts, and i know that there are times the body fights back and i know that its only 200g but i still feel devastated this morning.... uurggg ... thanks just needed to whine a little.


  • Samantharose8akaDebbie
    That's why we are here:) Don't worry, as long as you stick to your plan you will be just fine. There are always good and bad days......just the way it has to be......................Good luck and chin up:)
  • leelu
    leelu Posts: 136 Member
    thanks Samrose - i just needed to vent
  • Katielou23
    oh no I ate 814 kcals more than I should have yesterday :-( massive BLIP