Please review my diary and tell me am I doing good??

:-D I need some tips on fiber + protein. How bad is cholestrol? Thanks


  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    For protein eat lots of meat, eggs, dairy, and to a lesser degree beans and legumes.

    For fiber vegetables, bread, beans/legumes, fruits (avocados and bananas are really good).

    Don't worry too much about cholesterol unless your doctor has told you to track it.

    ETA: just realized your title says to check your diary and I didn't. :laugh: I'd track fiber instead of sugar. Sugar is a subset of carbs, so if your carbs are in line then your sugar is fine, barring medical conditions. Do eat back at least half of your exercise calories. Eat up to your calorie goal. It's called a goal because you're supposed to reach it.
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    why are your calories each day so inconsistent? You should eat back at least some of your exercise calories each day. Also watch the sodium with eating out, its more important if you have a health problem with sodium but it can still cause you to retain water and such.
  • why are your calories each day so inconsistent? You should eat back at least some of your exercise calories each day. Also watch the sodium with eating out, its more important if you have a health problem with sodium but it can still cause you to retain water and such.

    Yeah, I realize the sodium thing, didn't know what I was eating had that much sodium ( I am being more careful). It's hard to eat that much lol, that's why I am asking for help.

    My fiance is a worse than me

    Any advice will help.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    I would aim to get totals right close to your goal including exercise calories... like +/- 50-100 calories every day. Leaving a deficit of 1000 calories from your target isn't a great idea; your deficit is already built in, so when you do that you're creating a deficit of 1500 or more calories if your goal is set to lose 1 pound per week.

    I suggest you increase your protein target to whatever % gets you between 30% of total calories and 1g per pound of body weight.

    Are you using any sauces or condiments on your foods? I'm seeing things like pork loin, corn and some other veggie but there wasn't anything listed for flavour. If you're using oils or dressings they need to be counted too.

    I also track fiber instead of sugar. Fiber comes from fruits, veggies and whole grains. Choose the highest fiber foods you can find - breads, whole wheat pastas etc.
  • The pork had not sauces (some spices, but nothing worth mentioning - a bit high in salt but otherwise nothing). Nearly everything I use is counted.

    What should I not be afraid of eating?
    I would aim to get totals right close to your goal including exercise calories... like +/- 50-100 calories every day. Leaving a deficit of 1000 calories from your target isn't a great idea; your deficit is already built in, so when you do that you're creating a deficit of 1500 or more calories if your goal is set to lose 1 pound per week.

    I suggest you increase your protein target to whatever % gets you between 30% of total calories and 1g per pound of body weight.

    Are you using any sauces or condiments on your foods? I'm seeing things like pork loin, corn and some other veggie but there wasn't anything listed for flavour. If you're using oils or dressings they need to be counted too.

    I also track fiber instead of sugar. Fiber comes from fruits, veggies and whole grains. Choose the highest fiber foods you can find - breads, whole wheat pastas etc.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member

    What should I not be afraid of eating?

    You should not be afraid of eating anything.

    You are perfectly capable of losing weight with controlled calorie intake incorporating anything you feel like eating. The problem usually lies in quantity. For instance: I enjoy pizza. Meat pizza. Cheesy, greasy-crust meat pizza. I don't tend to eat it often because I want to eat it in quantities that will require me to abstain from other foods for the rest of the day :laugh:. So instead I eat other things I enjoy. There are very few things I have cut out. I eat some fast food, pasta, pastries, candy, ice-cream, alcohol etc. You just have to fit it in to your calorie target AND aim to get your micronutrient and fiber requirements met. I would also put protein requirement right up there too.

    So if you get your protein, your vitamins and your fiber, eat a poptart if you want it :bigsmile:
  • FoxyLifter
    FoxyLifter Posts: 965 Member
    What is your carb:fat:protein ratio? I have mine set to 40:30:30. Correct me if I'm wrong but it looks like you have the default ratio that MFP sets (which is really high in carbs and not enough protein). If 40:30:30 sounds too aggressive, try 50:25:25.

    And remember to always eat at least your BMR. Having a deficit of over 1,000 calories isn't going to help you in the long run.
  • I adjusted it to 4:3:3. I have invested in more protein (lentils, rice, etc)
  • It's been almost 3 weeks now, could someone give me some feedback? Thanks
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Your total calories and protein are both still low. Try to get within 100 calories of your calorie goal and as close as possible to your protein goal.
  • QuilterInVA
    QuilterInVA Posts: 672 Member
    I see no progress at all. Just highly processed foods loaded with sodium and too few calories.
  • Your total calories and protein are both still low. Try to get within 100 calories of your calorie goal and as close as possible to your protein goal.

    It's extremely difficult for me to even touch 2000 since most stuff is high in sodium and other trash. I can only eat so much rice and what not...some suggestions would be more helpful
  • I see no progress at all. Just highly processed foods loaded with sodium and too few calories.

    Uhhh really? Like where...except for today most of it is stuff like tortillas and the like...The 23rd was my cheat day so yeah...that has some bad stuff. I don't have time to make everything from scratch, it's called a career...
  • snazzyjazzy21
    snazzyjazzy21 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Your total calories and protein are both still low. Try to get within 100 calories of your calorie goal and as close as possible to your protein goal.

    It's extremely difficult for me to even touch 2000 since most stuff is high in sodium and other trash. I can only eat so much rice and what not...some suggestions would be more helpful

    Try and cut down on processed foods, those are the ones high in sodium. Calorie dense foods like nuts, oils, butters, cheese, avocado, dried fruits, all have a lot of calories for a small serving, which will help you get closer to your goal if you're still struggling.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Your total calories and protein are both still low. Try to get within 100 calories of your calorie goal and as close as possible to your protein goal.

    It's extremely difficult for me to even touch 2000 since most stuff is high in sodium and other trash. I can only eat so much rice and what not...some suggestions would be more helpful

    I do IIFYM so I'm more concerned with macros than anything else. I don't believe in labeling foods as "trash."

    That said, eat lots of chicken breast, chicken thighs, shrimp, beef, etc. Do you cook at all? Learning some interesting recipes is really helpful I've found. I also eat a lot of greek yogurt and cottage cheese to get protein.

    For calories add more fat-- avocados, peanut butter, oil, real butter, full fat dairy, etc.
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    In looking at the last couple of weeks, I'd make the following observations:
    You should work to increase your protein
    Tracking accurately may be an issue - there looks to be a lot of entries that could be takeaway/restaurant foods in there. That is not a bad thing at all but the calories and macros in these foods can be difficult to track with any real degree of certainty.

    What has your weight been doing over this time, are you seeing progress? If so, then you can't be doing too much wrong. Learning how to track your food and eating a healthier diet is a great thing, but if the main goal is fat loss then don't get too caught up in the finer details at this stage, just formulate a plan that you can stick to. That includes (not in any particular order):

    1. Eating a mostly healthy diet (at least .8 - 1g of protein for each pound of body weight and 0.3-0.4g of fat per lb) with the rest of your calories made up from whatever you like (more protein, fat or carbs) within your caloric limit.

    2. Maintain a moderate caloric deficit (ideally no greater than a 25% deficit from your TDEE)

    3. Get regular exercise (ideally including resistance training).

    A number of other factors can have an influence on your rate of loss, your overall health etc, but there is nothing wrong with focusing on the basics to begin with.
  • Healthychick84
    Healthychick84 Posts: 17 Member
    I noticed u said ur kinda short for time. Maybe u should try meal prep. It really helps people that are really busy. Choose a day that ur off n cook a couple of different meats, carbs, n veggies. For example : bake boneless skinless chicken breast, maybe seasoned two different ways, some type of fish, or ground turkey burgers. Bake or steam sweet potatoes n red skinned or russet potatoes. Steam asparagus, broccoli n zuchini. This may take u a little time but it's well worth it. U could package your food for ready to go meals or just package everything seperately depending on if u are a picky eater. U can freeze them if u think they will go bad b4 u get to eat them. Then u put them in the fridge the night b4 u need them. This what I do. It can b frustrating having to cook everytime u eat so prep makes it super easy. U need to add more fresh fruit and veggies to your diet. That's were u get your fiber. Try to get a few servings of each in everyday. I hope that u are able to try the meal prep. I suggested things that u can bake because they take little effort. I hope this helps! Good luck!
  • I don't eat any fast food honestly. Alot of the sodium is from stuff like tortillas, organic potstickers, etc. Can you not see WHAT I eat? Thats rough if you can't because it doesn't accurately portray what I'm eating.

    Portabella burgers, greek yogurt, wheat bread are some sources of the sodium honestly.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I don't eat any fast food honestly. Alot of the sodium is from stuff like tortillas, organic potstickers, etc. Can you not see WHAT I eat? Thats rough if you can't because it doesn't accurately portray what I'm eating.

    Portabella burgers, greek yogurt, wheat bread are some sources of the sodium honestly.

    Serious question-- why so much worry about sodium? Do you have a medical condition? If not, I wouldn't worry so much about that, and worry more about hitting your calorie and macro goals. Sodium can make you retain water which can mask fat loss temporarily, but other than that if you're healthy there's no reason why you *need* to be focused on eating low-sodium.

    If you do need to eat low-sodium, cooking at home is best for that as well, because you can control how much salt you use.
  • I guess the red makes me nervious :)). If I don't have to worry bout it, then I won't. I also have started eating a lot more greek yogurt (I had never ate it before). I have lost what appears to be about 2-3 pounds. I will know more in a week.